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Posts posted by Shinobu_Scorpion

  1. 13 minutes ago, MakeLuvNotWerFrame said:

    the discount is for when logging onto warframes website and making platinum purchases, not in game purchases


    click the link and log in with whatever account that got the discount, and the price for each platinum pack will be 75% discounted

    the discount is for a one time purchase and for a limited time.


    --- End of Line


    PS4 plat discounts work differently because of the platform. On PS4, it counts towards a purchase in the marketplace as a discount on an item, not plat purchase. And even then I think it's limited on which items it applies to (not entirely sure).


    This is of course assuming this hasn't changed.

  2. 3 minutes ago, SpiritTeA said:

    Probably Adaptation-Rage mission. Problem with Oberon on Hijacks - his useless shields. When he doesn’t have them he can’t move objective. And his shield capacity is very poor. I know that problem because Oberon is my main aswell.

    Same here. Just sounded like their problem was more energy based than objective. Wouldn't take Oberon for a solo-hijack because of his shields as you said, you can live just won't get too far too fast. 

    So I'm curious what their build was where survival seems to be their main issue.

  3. Not so much a scam, but the risks of a free market. Prices aren't truly ever set but have an average range that they are normally sold in. Honestly the best thing you could probably do is educate yourself on prices for products of interest before heading into trading again.

  4. https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010426932-Negative-Platinum-Balance-Help


    If you have purchased Platinum through an unofficial 3rd party site or from another player there’s a good chance the Platinum was not legitimately obtained (for example, it might have been stolen from another player’s account, or it might have been purchased using fraudulent credit card information). Should an investigation find that you received Platinum from one of these fraudulent sources, it can and will be removed from your account. Please contact Warframe Support and we will be happy to work with you to resolve the issue and get you back into the game as soon as possible.

  5. 15 minutes ago, Worsin said:

    Do I waste these vastly overpriced items on a item risking that its a total piece of crap or do I dump it only to find out later that its an amazing item I should have kept. 

    Now, I'm going to say this is a bit exaggerated. 20p is hardly "vastly overpriced." Not to mention nightwave credits.

    I get how it could seem daunting, I think its fair that a lot of players have probably felt that way as well. However, meta is hardly necessary. Definitely stick with something you enjoy using to start and eventually you'll have plenty of these.

    • Like 1
  6. 13 minutes ago, PsychicWarlock said:

    7.     Freedom

    It may not be an appropriate thing to say but warframe is not kindergarten, and you should not interfere with freedom of speech. Many times In warframe chat or on forums, I feel my freedom of speech has been violated. I just don’t understand why can’t people act like adults in a 18+ game as it says in EULA.

    Not going to bother commenting on the rest of this at the moment but for the love of everything, don't even go there.

    You are on the internet playing a game made by a Canadian company. You digitally agreed to the ToS and EULA (you know, those things you probably didn't read) when you made an account on here. Your constitutional rights are not being infringed upon. They have every right to moderate their chats as they see fit whether you like it or not.

    • Like 3
  7. 49 minutes ago, (PS4)BattleCry1791 said:

    There are 20 loadout slots at max rank.  There are 39 frames if you count the prime the same as the base model. Ex - Ember is the same as Ember Prime from a loadout perspective.  So they equal "1".

    So there are twice as many frames as there are loadout slots.

    You can purchase 20 alone, on top of getting one every other mastery rank. Right now at MR21 I'm sitting with 31 loadout slots.

    Now is this enough for every frame? No, but honestly you don't really need those outside of preference. Loadout slots are more for equipment sets put together for certain tasks that you can easily switch between. Even though I have 31 slots, I only use 13. One of them being for random loadouts when I feel like playing something different.

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