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Everything posted by Yamadronis

  1. I don't usually post on the forum but the Dante Tragedy change feels so abysmally awful I had to speak up. The major problem with it is that Dark verse will handily hit things that tragedy won't on a majority of maps. You prime with Dark Verses, press tragedy, only to see none of the numbers that just popped up, pop up for it. This results in a negative feedback that feels absolutely terrible to play with. I would much rather Tragedy be a 45 degree cone with no LoS restrictions than what it is now, because then at least the enemies you saw primed by dark verse are guaranteed to get hit by Tragedy, and tragedy no longer feels like a complete waste of time. LoS restrictions were much more tolerable when they were first implemented, gameplay was slower, and maps had less verticality, but as gameplay has sped up and maps have become more complex, LoS has felt worse and worse as a mechanic, not to mention how absolutely janky it feels like it is in the first place.
  2. You keep all your rewards up to the last decree you received when you quit. You didn't lose your goodies.
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