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Everything posted by Zarkator

  1. I understand that adding a proper auction house system in-game is a bigger undertaking organization and economy wise than most players realize. My problem is that it is very often more difficult to buy or sell something in-game than it is to actually go farm it. When I look in trade-chat, and I see some prime part whizz by, I have to sprint to my inventory screen to see if I have it (especially when someone links a full set and the chat link just says "yeah you own nekros" but nothing about the parts I have) And then immediately after, someone wants to buy an arcane and I have to jump across my ship to the arcane screen, and the mod screen, and the relic screen, etc. As far as i've researched, using companion pc apps like alecaframe isn't necessarily denounced outright by DE, but it really seems like the kind of thing you could randomly get banned for one day, so I won't use it. Using .market is much easier to find buyers and sellers, and isn't feasibly bannable to use, but I still have the same problem of having to juggle 10 menus to sift through my inventory, all the while that guy already bought his 5 pieces of energize he needed. What i'm asking for is one singular unified menu that shows everything I have that is sellable, an "Assets" screen or something of the sort. The normal inventory menu is full of stuff that isn't tradeable, the mods menu has 30 tabs or whatever, and I can't see which mods are equipped in my arsenal or not, etc. The aya menu is an entire loading screen and jog to get to, and chat linked arcanes don't include ranked groups. Point is, it's a whole mess, and I need to equip mobilize just to sell stuff in-game. So please, help me in spreading the idea of adding an "Assets" menu where everything I can possibly trade to another player is listed and marked with arcane ranks, equip status, and set completion. TL;DR: Add a single menu that makes sorting through all of your sellable/tradeable inventory easier so I don't have to play as if i'm in a level cap cascade run just to find things.
  2. Tap/Hold or Snapshot on cast like iron skin. There is no other option.
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