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Everything posted by MasterControl

  1. I am happy to see that Pageflight is getting the status damage back, I didn't expect that. It fundamentally elevates Dante's kit in a critical way. I'm disappointed that Tragedy isn't going to be changed further, and I hope that the LOS changes are sufficient in making him feel good to play again. I will reiterate that Tragedy requires status to be effective, and most methods of status application that we have are *already* line of sight, and it feels weird to add another layer of line of sight checks, especially on an ability that already requires 3 casts to access. I remain indifferent to the overguard changes, although I hope that this leads to review of Chroma and any other frames that rely on damage to make their kits work. I think they are the fundamental issue here, not Dante or overguard as a whole. I also hope that we can take another look at Nezha and Divine Retribution. A 50% multiplicative penalty is quite harsh, and while I understand the fears of quadratic scaling especially with Dark Verse subsumed, I believe the majority of the time that you won't be hitting enough enemies simultaneously for it to be a large problem outside of focused builds that sacrifice their ability to deal with eximus for add clear.
  2. Pablo, I really appreciate that you guys are trying your best to communicate your intentions, and I think a look at LOS as a whole is warranted. However, Tragedy getting an LOS check feels bad for a few reasons. The primary one right now is that LOS has a history of being incredibly inconsistent, yes, but also because most methods of applying status for tragedy are *already* line of sight, and you are fundamentally applying multiple layers of los checks that are functionally unnecessary. It also is locked behind 3 casts, which is quite a bit of time for a situation to change in a way that line of sight becomes a problem.
  3. Revert the LoS change, please. Most status application is already LoS, it is entirely unnecessary. The change to Pageflight also hurts a lot, it is an indirect nerf to everything Dante wants to be doing.
  4. I'd say make it a toggle - environmental factors influencing warframe abilities has historically been bad, if anybody remember's Volt's overload being reliant on light fixtures being the impetus for his rework years ago. Helminth may need a change, but I really doubt it. People who are using it currently already snapshot the damage buff with invisibility gimmicks and such anyway, and it only works on weapon damage. These days, most exalted frames who would benefit the most from this run nourish over other damaging abilities for the better energy economy and the ability to run corrosive/viral. Ivara is likely the only exception, and she has access to in-built invisibility to snapshot the damage buff anyway.
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