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Posts posted by 0RL0X

  1. 9 hours ago, XHADgaming said:

    Or just, some way of resetting ourselves from soft lock using a keyboard command. /unstuck is good for those situations where I get stuck which is often but it isn't enough to deal with the bug where you can't do anything which will always inevitably occur no matter what methods gets patched out. And yes this bug has been around for YEARS.

    You must be confusing it with a different one, because this bug got introduced with duviri, also if you eneter melee mode (by holding the switch weapon key) it stops happening. But i dunno if yours get fixed with that. 🤔

  2. 15 hours ago, Aelinne said:

    Lost Curcuit progress when completed stage and exit after update. Thank you for another waste of time!

    You dont need to abort circuit to update, the game no longer kicks you after 15 minutes, you just have to convince your buddies to stay and you all can update later.

    This happened to me once, and we stayer for like 30~40 mins in the circuit after the update.

    • Like 1
  3. 15 hours ago, Kido524 said:

    I don't mind if you want to use colours and other formatting features to spice up your messages, but yellow text on a white background can be rather difficult to read, so I'd suggest you try to avoid using it.

    My backgroung is black/dark gray and yours should be as well. The dark theme has been available for years 🧐

  4. Going into operator/drifter used to make all the ammo boxes fall to the ground and stop the madness, but i don't know if that still works (haven't had this bug in a while, and if i had it was very minor for me to notice).

    Oh and you need to go to far away corner to bring the ammo boxes to a far away corner then go into operator/drifter an get far away from the ammo boxes and then back to your frame in order for this to work. Again, i dont know if it still works, but it's worth a try.

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  5. There are no "khora prime spkes" as DE never made them, those are sthe spikes of regular khora.

    So there are two fixes needed here: get the spikes to change color with the warframe and add the prime spikes to the game.


    DE please, it has being so long.

    it's time to add the prime spikes.

    (also the spikes doesnt change color).

  6. This still happens to this day (I was replaying the quest).

    On 2021-09-14 at 1:36 AM, Aephlet_Mint said:

    to anyone that comes here for a fix, just search the whole map.

    This is terrible advice.

    On 2021-05-06 at 2:43 AM, SerthonY said:

    If anyone is struggling with the sound circling around the same spot, you just have to kill everything that is around you (atleast thats what I did and it fixed it)

    This may or may not help, but I think it doesnt.


    On 2019-02-10 at 5:17 AM, Sagittarix said:

    I tried to proceed into the direction I assumed the light would've led me.
    Then after 30 or 50 meters it just glitched towards me and proceeded to guide me to the next part.

    This is the solution.

  7. I just found out that this is a problem (my ps4 controller broke, so i had to use the only other controller that i had at hand, a steam controller), i experienced it first hand. Althought the major issue that i have is that i can't turn the ship at a decent speed, and what i mean by this is that i have to swipe my finger repeateadly to turn the ship a couple degrees... and this is not optimal at all.


    I'm bumping this thread, because this is still a problem and there's no way that i'm making a more detailed one that this guy.

  8. This happened to me twice in a row, doing scarlet spear space runs. Me and my full squad did 2 full space runs (5 murex each) and then we couldn't get any reward from that.

    "Could not update account information" message showed up after both runs.

    I'm equally pissed and sad ☹️

  9. En 25/11/2019 a las 14:47, KosmicKerman dijo:

    It worked for me after rebinding Archwing move up to a different button. I moved it to the interact key (X on Xbox controller). 

    This works, but DE should come up with a better solution or at least make it this to be the default bindings.

  10. I use the block on left trigger too, and it's not that it doesn't work at all. For me it works if i set the controls to default and then change 'em back to what i had before (block LT, attack RT). But every time i open the game again, left trigger on melee does nothing. It's almost like it unbinds itself, but on the controls is still binded, it just doesn't do anything.

    By this point i'm just playing without blocking, the only problem is that the bullet jump uses the same button as block on melee.

  11. it's not that they are not working. The problem is that DE changed how the controller works on menus (thus the buttons not behaving like they should), and nobody likes it. I hope they bring the previous controller UI back, because right now is a pain to navigate anything (in game it works just as fine as before, except for the results screen that now use the new UI).

  12. En 20/4/2018 a las 11:48, morningstar999 dijo:

    games should be fun not work. 

    statistically, you could be doing 100's of hours in the sanctuary and still not get it, the game also takes an age to ramp up and be a bit more fun. so you have too snooze for a while. (someone said the harder mode has lower drop chances of getting her but I dunno if thats true.) 

    theres low odds then theres basicly no odds. 

    Elite DOES have less chance for khora parts, read the wiki.

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