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  1. Agreed. Sniper rifles just don't have a place to shine in warframe. This excludes sporothrix and komorex which are both amazing weapons. Snipers really need infinite body punch through. If some shotguns and bows can have it why not snipers?
  2. You could argue pressure point and damage mods affecting bladestorm was the bug itself. It was not like this for years and was removed because it was not intentional. Better communication from DE would have been good though.
  3. It's pretty annoying. It's 2 a week and zaw/kitgun rivens should not be a reward. Can't pinpoint when it happened but the chance of these crappy rivens went up a lot at least that is my experience.
  4. If only the in game version looked like this. His bare, shaved chest we all have to look at bothers me. Button your shirt up man.
  5. While I do think the new war is the best quest in the game(this game has terrible quests though) you can't deny people being upset that there was no war for the player to interact or shape. Quite a few people share that sentiment whether you or I disagree. There was no large scale war to be had in the quest.
  6. While it's great to see more and more posts about this, I still don't think DE will ever update or improve player trading. It's awful but functional and that's good enough for them.
  7. Many frames have 1-2 useless abilities so it's not just a nyx issue. As for the reliability of psychic bolts, I agree but I mostly play solo so it doesn't effect me much. Again, she isn't some hidden gem but is "fine". I just really like her but know being biased doesn't make her better. People just rag on her too much while Inaros and hildryn only having one good ability exist. Can't disagree here.
  8. Am I the only one who thinks nyx is fine as is? Don't get me wrong, her 1st ability is terrible and her 4th is useless without the augment. However, her psychic bolts is one of the most reliable armor strips in the game and chaos is a great cc which doesnt root or slow enemies which is great for survivals and other game modes. I don't think she's incredible or some hidden gem but she is still good. She is my main frame and some tweaks to her would be great.
  9. Slapping blood rush on a melee build is not min maxing and this game throws crit chance buffs at you everywhere. Min maxing is not the issue. The arcane is just way to niche.
  10. Warframe's story has so many great aspects but nothing cohesive keeping it together. Certain aspects are fully fledged while others are barely explained or poorly told. Eternalism was the worst thing that ever happened. The newest quest was wacky and wild but barely explained anything. Just more questions. Though the terminal log in the hub was great.
  11. Power creep and complete lack of balance make steel path "the normal" difficulty. I personally do not mind that sp allows for a faster farm.
  12. I'm pretty sure you are a paid pr rep for DE at this point.
  13. Absolutely agreed. Each update turns farming into a slog more and more. It's pretty unfun.
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