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Everything posted by (PSN)Joylesstuna

  1. Loki switch teleport still works it's just finicky like it always has been.
  2. It takes practice but some people are really good with getting the drone in nova's wormholes. I am not one of them so I just use Loki as well.
  3. Would love this but DE will not put the effort in to facilitate this.
  4. No it is not only you. He is hands down the worst boss in warframe and one of the worst designed bosses I have ever seen. He can use multiple invulnerability moves back to back and even simultaneously. Boreal is the only archon I dread doing. This is not how you design a boss with interesting mechanics.
  5. Warframe can run on toaster hardware. Next gen consoles can handle PC spawn rates just fine.
  6. This is the same excuse every limbo main makes. Limbo is just not set up to be in a coop game and will always hamper and negatively effect a squad. He needs to be either completely reworked or preferably removed from the game. There is never a benefit to having a limbo in your squad.
  7. Has anyone been able to confirm this? I would really like to know.
  8. The 1st or second devstream after duviri they said it was shelved for now as they decided they didn't want to go ahead with it. I personally wouldn't expect a major change anytime soon.
  9. You can also do a 45 min run and get 0 procs, which unfortunately have happened to me multiple times.
  10. Very strange omission and I don't buy what DE said about them wanting the mission to be like the old void keys.
  11. Can we add machete skins too? They are like two of them.
  12. Inaros is the most braindead frame to play. Noone is confused on how to play him. You are grasping at straws simply because you like him.
  13. I have been experiencing this for years it is definitely not a newer issue.
  14. Most of your ideas are great but psychic bolts is a great ability and doesn't need the drastic changes you suggest. It strips armor and shields, hits enemies in cover, and is extremely reliable and fast to recast. It's one of the best armor strips in the game period.
  15. Unfortunately you arnt wrong. This is a really bad view and the game needs new players not a bunch of elitist vets.
  16. I missed the stars aligned part. I've gotten a 3x buff exactly 3 times in 10 years. A 2x however, plenty. That is most likely the issue. Smeeta probably should not be able to stack multiple affinity blessings. I'm just worried DE will make it very hard to get even a single proc which is all that I want and expect from smeeta.
  17. I don't think those two things are mutually exclusive.
  18. I'm not sure how vacuum is relevant to this conversation personally as NOT having vacuum on smeeta is best so you can wait for 5 minutes in case you get a blessing. Forcing vacuum would be an additional nerf to smeeta. To be fair this is extremely rare.
  19. This is going to suck as it's the only way to make sp survival fissures tolerable. Maybe reduce it's ability to quadruple (or even multiply drops by 6) drops but please let us keep at least the x2. It's been in the game for so long and is working as intended, there is no need to fix it other then to make things more miserable.
  20. Appreciated. We all have the same goal, we want warframe to be the best f2p game that most of us seem to enjoy here.
  21. The problem is that this is how the gaming industry is right now and people turning an eye to its problems are why we get heirloom packs and "remasters" which cost $70 that has absolutely no work done to it. Yes it's pessimistic, but unfortunately it's true
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