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Everything posted by (PSN)Joylesstuna

  1. Do you find energize is still needed along with her passive? Genuinely curious as she's still cooking.
  2. Correct me if I'm wrong, there is attack damage modifiers on top of some hits in combos hitting multiple times. This is where the extra combo building is coming from. Example is sovereign outcast's forward block combo where the 1st attack hits 6 times. The multiplier just effects the damage of said hit.
  3. Switching from neutral combo to block neutral combo requires me to completely stop attacking first.
  4. So with only a small amount of testing, when I heavy throw glaive and detonate it my pet is only receiving healing from one enemy. The healing is abysmal. Have not tried gun blades or heavy attacks with follow through. Edit. What kind of healing are people getting with regular melee if the attack hits multiple enemies?
  5. All I'm trying to say is every you have mentioned can already be done instead of forcing or shoehorning people into doing it.
  6. On a melee build, it reliability keeps your pet alive as long as you are killing. This is true for at least 1-2 hr on a sp survival fissure. The new version is a straight up nerf. The mod is currently very effective but yes primed was useless because of that. Pets currently cannot keep themselves alive and this was one of the few ways to do that. This may not be the case soon.
  7. Iron wake really shouldnt give them too. There was a time I never got zaw and kitgun rivens from there.
  8. It doesn't sound like a good change but will wait to see how well we will be able to heal later today. It makes sense they wanted primed pack leader to be more worth but thats really all the good I could say.
  9. This thread was about diversity by altering the modding system. OP didn't suggest balancing mods only which ones we can equip simultaneously. Restricting mod choice doesn't create diversity, it removes it. Not sure what you are trying to correct me on.
  10. The simple act of there being freedom isnt really something you can argue against. Any type of restriction would just reduce the amount of freedom we have.
  11. I fully agree the modding system doesn't push fot diversity and most people will choose the "best" option. That doesn't change the fact other options are fully available and can be taken. Just because people choose not to does not mean that option isn't there.
  12. It's a pretty slow ability so a complete overhaul of scarab armor would have to happen. I'm 100% for Inaros getting overguard and will be surprised if this doesn't happen in the near future. The only thing stopping DE doing this is accepting he needs a rework.
  13. While I kinda see what you mean, I also think it would stifle diversity. While we currently can mod whatever we like, therefore we can equip all the best in class mods, it also allows for more freedom and flexibility. Whether or not people choose to do this for whatever reason might be a different conversation but this freedom is one of the few reasons I still play Warframe.
  14. You guys are sure quick to judge. OP said theft not that they sold their account. While we don't know the full story, we shouldn't be quick to assume they sold their account. DE doesn't have the best track record with support. I was recently warned that if I engage in black market trading again I could lose my account because an alliance member did a giveaway. Apparently they used illegal plat. How was I supposed to know? Sometimes the wrong person gets reprimanded.
  15. I have and it definitely is. It's a final damage multiplier from what I've seen.
  16. Nyx is an extremely good choice for solo interception. Her chaos stops enemies from capping points.
  17. I think their point was since is was used for that purpose before ceramic dagger incarnon, it will still show high usage. Then again that would mean just about every incarnon riven would lowered.
  18. Amen. Parallel universes (eternalism in disguise) is a lazy cope out to tie everything together and allow anything to connect.
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