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Posts posted by (PSN)LA_10599

  1. They never wait on Xbox I think. Even if they do ... Good things come to those who wait, I don't mind waiting a little longer for our fellow Xbawx Tenno to catch up. ^^

    Are you new to the game ? We have waited for Xbone before, 3 or 4 times.

  2. Please guys do ur jops and live ur real life and leave the Update to de whenever it comes out am ready for it. if u really love th game u can wait till forever for it  unless u have deadly illness make u life short and i hope nobody have it please wait a little longer why are u mad about something will eventually come to u (am sorry if there grammar mistakes in my writing English is not my native language)

    Well that was totally not needed

  3. Because spamming this thread with a pointless question is gonna make them work faster and make the u17 happen faster, it's annoying seeing so many people asking the SAME THING while it didn't even happen, its their goal to send it to cert this week, will it happen? Maybe, asking them all the time if it happened or not helps in any way? I highly doubt.

    I keep repeating myself but whatever...DE Steve said the plan is to submit it this week. I dont understand why you are so angry

  4. Is it me or are Bombards slightly op ? Today i was doing Egeria on Ceres which is a survival, a lvl 38 bombard insta killed me....wth ?

  5. I log in after taking time off from warframe to find Excal is basically a totally different warframe. Terrible idea to "rework"

    Excalibur outside of stat adjustments and this

    reminded me why I stopped playing this.

    Are you serious ? Excal needed this rework. Dont like don't play him
  6. You need to stop making threads about Umbra Excalibur. Yes, everyone awaits the thread, but Rebecca is currently on vacation post Gamescom. Regardless of this, it would still take long due to the answers' requirements. They need to be in all languages, agreed upon, and 100% reliable from both DE and ChangYou.


    Most everyone wants the answers, but we have waited 2 weeks, we can wait longer.





    Read the last reply from Rebecca in that thread, you are not up to date with the information we have.

    Ohhh sorry :/ thanks for telling me
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