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Posts posted by (PSN)LA_10599

  1. It does seem that you're only here to anger us. That you're on all 3 platforms doesn't make it better. You're basically saying "idc I'm getting everything because I'm on console and pc."

    I for one don't mind being behind pc. Looking at upcoming content from youtubers that play pc is pretty cool. I even see it as an advantage.

    .....what I absolutely hate, despise, is not getting the same things pc gets. Let's say pc gets something awesome on the 30th Baro visit to pc but consoles get the same item on the 50th Baro visit to console. That's a giant middle finger to console players. We're already waiting for stuff pc gets now changing it so we have to wait even longer for the same stuff. Do you see the rage now?

    Thank you^
  2. While owning Baro's latest and greatest is cool and all, I'm pretty happy DE has decided to do this.  This way console players get things we don't have yet, and vice versa.  Knowing about what Baro will/could have is always nice.  The 2 week wait is excruciating, while the one new thing we get is often very ho hum.


    Excited to see what the other side gets.

    Come on you know you are saying that to make console players angry. Its easy to talk if you already have the good weapons....just stop posting here
  3. Plenty of augments affect only the frame using it. Why should it be any different? It's still useful to the user it's just not useful for borderline exploitative farming anymore i don't see the problem. If something has an unintended consequence that negatively impacts the game and community it should be fixed/changed.

    Agreed, it makes people lazy

  4. Keep in mind, they can't just patch in new stuff on Friday, an hour before baro shows up. It has to go through cert, which means they need 6-8 weeks worth of stuff in advance. Which means they either take time away from new PC content to build stuff specifically for us, or they just do what they have been, but more random. We get the same stuff this update that the pc got between our last update and this one, but not in the same order.

    If that makes sense? I'm not feeling very eloquent or intelligible right now...

    Ya lol it does. I think it's a good idea but the timing couldn't be worse

  5. You guys need to chill jeez. Im impressed our update went to cert so quickly after pc got update 17. At least DE is giving us everything bar the final build before u17. Also glad to hear that consoles are now going to run a separate line with void trader. Will help make consoles somewhat unique to pc. As for now if your bored i suggest you start farming credits, enhancements or maybe actually level your archwings as they are going to become an absolutely necessity with the new trial when it comes later on

    Yeah its so great -__- now we wont complete 2 sets and wont get prisma skana....yup its great

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