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  1. I mean, technically you can still double-tap her fourth for an aoe knockdown. Otherwise, yeah, she could use at least a revisit. Buff Balefire chargers in some direction of either crit or status and tweak the charged blast to do something that makes it worth charging up, and then maybe add on an additional effect or two onto Aegis Storm like a damage vulnerability on enemies in range or something else valuable that would warrant the extra shield drain. Being able to use Pillage during Aegis Storm would be nice, but I think that was actually an intentional measure by DE to make sure players couldn't keep Aegis Storm active perpetually. If I were for some ungodly reason allowed to change her Aegis Storm, I'd just make it a simpler personal damage buff increasing her speed slightly along with damage and fire rate from Balefire chargers by some considerable amount while removing the shield cost on using them. The shield drain might need to be increased a bit to offset that last part, but I'd be okay with it.
  2. -checks Prime usage- Um, I think Nyx and Banshee still got him beat. Then again, this Excalibur Prime frame must suck if his usage is that bad.
  3. Volt player: *-pops Speed-* Titania player: "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" Yes, this is why Volt is good. He's still not fastest, but that's okay.
  4. I wonder if it's also because we've never had frames get released so quickly in succession before. That could cause a slip-up somewhere I'd think.
  5. I mean, Dante's Awakening definitely isn't the first update where we've had a new frame AND a tune-up for an older frame. Definitely won't be the last either.
  6. Atlas, Hildryn, maybe Qorvex, probably some others I can't think of off the top of my head. -points to Grendel- Overall, I definitely wouldn't be opposed to more bulky frames.
  7. There hasn't been anything from DE specifically mentioning him. I think the last time there was any word on the buff/nerf front aside from the Dante debacle, it was to overhaul Valkyr's kit, but that was a while ago and before Pablo went "okay fine, we'll work on Inaros".
  8. Usually anything I have a riven for; in this case, that'd be Bo Prime since I have built for both crit and status, and Furis since the incarnon makes it a microwave gun and the riven I'm using makes it a surprising fun primer. As for frames, I've been running Qorvex a lot lately just because of how much damage I can put out on him without needing to build for ability strength. Oberon is another; for how much complaining there is about him on the forums, he makes for a pretty fun nuke frame since Reckoning still ignores LoS and the augment lets me make the battlefield any color I want (I personally go for dark green because I'm merciful). Banshee is another fun one between Sonar and having the cheapest armor strip in the game. The last one I'll mention is probably Sevagoth, especially with that new augment of his (kinda wish the cap on shades was raised, but I'm guessing there's a more technical reason for it).
  9. -Clears entire Star Chart with Rhino- "Hmm, guess all those guys didn't get the memo...." Yeah, Rhino doesn't need a rework. Maybe a little something extra to his passive, but he does exactly what it says on the tin and it's more than well enough for nearly all content. Besides, as others here have said, there are some frames that need help far more than the tanky boi.
  10. By that logic, he's been on the chopping block for years. You'd think they would've done something already, but if anything, they instead buffed the main reason why he's so ludicrously strong through the augment made for Mesmer Skin. I do partially agree though that usage stats are an easy way of applying nerfs, but I'd expect DE is far more thoughtful about nerfing things since of course they ask why certain things are so popular and use the answer from that to render whatever verdict they may have. Yes, Revenant is a powerful frame because of one ability, but does that ability interfere with gameplay in the same way that a frame like Dante did being able to thoughtless snuff out entire maps every couple of seconds or be able to have the game play itself to the degree of a frame like Wukong? No, and that's why Revenant has never been drastically nerfed while frames like Dante and Wukong have. Something tells me this sounds more like your fault for playing the game on Xbox. Seriously, I've tried it, and I haven't the foggiest how any sane human being can play this game on controller...
  11. Johanna in Persona 5 is a reference to Pope Joan (unrelated to Joan of Arc). Now if you're going for Joan of Arc, that would actually work a lot better since not only would you have that "warrior of faith" vibe, but she was also recognized as an expert when it came to artillery on the battlefield, making that exalted archgun ability fit her fairly well. From that, I could see something more like a soldier putting her virtue, faith and conviction into every shot. Better names at this point would be either Jehanne (how Joan of Arc's name was signed) or Pucelle ("maiden", a title Joan of Arc was known for). As for the "paladin" thing, I wouldn't worry too much about it. I did something similar with my first concept in accidently using the word "incubus" to explain that it was a male love-themed frame only for people to assume it had a demonic theme when I had to keep clarifying that it was it had nothing to do with demons. I've actually been playing Oberon a lot lately, although mainly as a nuke frame since his fourth ability still armor strips, still ignores line of sight, gives a bit of CC via radiation procs and does some pretty decent damage, especially if you run the augment for it.
  12. Problem is that those two abilities have completely different purposes. Inaros' Sandstorm is meant to gather enemies up, which is one of two reasons why he got a speed buff for it (the other because it's no longer a channeled ability). Hildryn's Aegis Storm is meant for area denial, which is one reason why it's as slow as it is. To increase the speed of the ability, they'd need to completely change up how the ability functions, which I'm sure a lot of people (myself included) honestly wouldn't be opposed to.
  13. Ramp-up time. Once you get into higher levels, Saryn's nukes require ramp-up time, while Dante had (and still has) no problem deleting rooms of enemies at those levels every two seconds.
  14. Oberon: "Am I a joke to you?" She could definitely use a better name though; I'd go with something like Johanna (Persona 5's reference to Pope Joan) or even D'artanian (Three Musketeers). Also for a "paladin" frame, a couple of aspects don't really fit the theme of a paladin like evasion or even the speargun (looks like it's just a copy of Styanax's stuff for it). Overall, it's an interesting base idea, and it does make me wonder why no frame has ever had an exalted archgun.
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