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  1. Beyond the endless sea of stars she sings. Hymns of glory and madness. From her countless lips flows the erie chorus of the angels as insanity gains hold on man and machine alike. Lore: Laerani is named after the Laer race from Warhammer 40K and uses songs from the void to torment her enemies. She came to be as a result of Orokin hubris as her mistress Adanti was a woman who enjoyed singing over everything and wanted a protector who was able to meet her artistic demands. As cruel things go she outdid herself when she subjected her own daughter into becoming just that. Little was known of the daughter except she was a talented singer, whos songs captivates the audience. After she was subjected to the helminth strain, she went into an incontrollable frenzy - unleashing maddening screams of pain and fury. After a Tenno took control, Adanti got what she wished for: A protector who singing was unparalleled. Time passed until the moment the Tenno turned on their cruel masters and Adanti wouldnt be spared. As it was long planned Laerani gave a concert at her mistress estate to a private audience when she struck. As the unknowing audience waited eagerly, she began to sing. Her mouths opened as lips formed words carried forth by an angelic voice. Captivated until the very end, the audience listened to this beautiful song as the mouths formed an entire choir. Than the song took a far darker turn as it told of injustice, betrayal and vengeance. The voices became more and more unnatural as the song encroached the minds of the audience. The audience screamed in agony and in a violent frenzy they tore each other apart like animals. As she continue to sing, the people became mad and the mad became animals. Adanti watched in horror as she was untouched by the song while everyone around her were tearing pieces out of each other. Then Laerani came down from her stage as she gracefully approached her mother. She was unable to speak as the monster her daughter has become approached her in an elegant manner contrasting the acts of brutality around her. Laerani grabbed Adanti by her throat and began to sing anew - a song cold as the darkness between the stars and frantic as the ravings of countless madmen. Then reality breaks as both were torn into the void. The Quest - The unwilling Audience The quest begins with a message from the Lotus who detected the song of the void angels on earth where the Grineer used a void key to gain access to an Orokin tower. This time something came through: Laerani possessed by a void angel, who now runs amok on the material plane. As her song drives the forces of the enemy into an uncontrollable frenzy, the Tenno must stop the interloper before she does more damage. A she is destroyed the Tenno gain her blueprint. The other 3 can be dropped from void angels on the Zariman. Stats Energy: 200 Health: 150 Armor: 200 Speed: 1 Abilities Passive: As long Laerani has an Incarnon weapon equipped, her energy regeneration is boosted by +100% Vocal Interlude: Laerani starts singing. She and every ally in range deals additional void damage. (Activation/Deactivation) With Abyssal Choir: Increased status chance of the attacks. Hymn: Laerani starts to sing (long press) a hymn depending on the three options available (changeble by short press) (Activation/Deactivation) Mercy: Increases the health of every ally in range. With Abyssal Choir: Health regeneration invreased. Pain: Enemies in range are primed with radiation. With Abyssal Choir: Additional random status proc. Glory: Reload, knockdown and cooldown duration are reduced. With Abyssal Choir: Incarnon weapons can transform at will Etherial Scream: Laerani unleashes a loud shattering scream, which staggers enemies and deals void damage proportional to the status procs they have. With Abyssal Choir: Reduces armor. Abyssal Choir: Laerani sings with many voices. Void energies emanating from her and its magnifies her abilities while random enemies go into frenzy (attack everything). (Activation/Deactivation) Appearance: Since I lack the skill to design her, I shall do my best to describe her. Her skin is like thos of the void angels since her long time in the void changed her. Imagine a coat of liquid metal with many glowing mouths. She has one vertical slit on her face with void energy emanating from it. This should add to the void angel reference. Her statue is slender and comparable to Nekros. Her Singing Since she no longer sings in human language, she using artistic versions of the void runes such es Lohk etc. My Thoughts on my concept Since we got a musician in form of Octavia, I thought a singing Warframe would be cool. And since the Angels of Zariman came out, this idea kinda floated around. Her abilities focus on the support of the team without making her useless without other players. What do you think?
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