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Posts posted by (PSN)IkariWarrior83

  1. I would kill for a shade prime, instead of that odanata.

    I dont buy the access tho, but it effects the drop tables so :D

    Good point.  Since the release of new prime equipment affects the Void drop tables, we will likely not see a 4-weapon Prime Access.  It would be great to see a Prime Access that contains a frame and 3 weapons though.  A primed frame, plus a primed primary, primed secondary, and primed melee.  That would feel like a "complete" package deal to me.


    Also: I don't think we'd get four weapons because Every prime access (so far) has included a primed Warframe.  I think it's expected that we'll get at least one prime frame every time a new Prime Access comes out.

  2. It's a skin for Excalibur.  It would be under the "appearance" options for the frame.  If you don't have it yet, you may have to submit a support ticket :)


    Edit: if you don't have the frame, you can't use the skin.

  3. No one bothered making any distinction until I brought the point up.

    Because the general consensus is that if they're going to AFK without warning, then they're mooching.  Obviously if someone says "oh hey, I'm gonna hide in this vault while I take a dump" people will be understanding.  But to just stay stationary and let yourself die, that's deplorable, and happens far too often in these kinds of games.

  4. my fav frame is ash ofc <3. BUT I AM used to paly with squishy frames so i dont mind:) Thank you for the advice

    That's cool, there's some similarity between playing as Ash and Nyx.  It will take some getting used to using absorb instead of bladestorm, and you'll have to get used to chaos instead of smoke bomb.  Other than that, I think you can basically use them the same.

  5. I concur.  I hate to nitpick, and I love the swords, but the way they're carried/sheathed looks bad.  I know they're like every other dual melee weapon (aside from the daggers), but if they could be moved to an "X" formation or one on the back and one on the hip, that'd be great.

  6. As far as play style is concerned, that varies from person to person. Considering you primarily use Nekros, you know that pre-buff Nekros armor wasn't great.  With Nekros, in a pinch, you can use Terrify to take some of the heat off.  With Nyx, you can use Chaos to similar effect, but beware that you can still be considered a target.  They shoot mainly each other, but will still turn their guns on you if you're nearby or shooting them.  Absorb is really great for Defense/Mobile Defense because the bubble is big enough to protect you and your objective.  She's a great anti-Infestation weapon.


    If you like to get in the enemies' faces with Nekros, you may find yourself going down with Nyx a lot.  Chaos and Mind Control are key to survival with her, and use absorb when you're taking too much damage.  Absorb is also great in a pinch to protect one tenno who is reviving another.


    Nyx has a lot of utility, and you may have to change how you play in order to use her effectively.  Overall though, definitely worth getting.

  7. Nyx is the second warframe I ever got.  When paired with a good bow or sniper weapon, she's pretty badass with just one other Tenno in your squad.  Mind control is great and among the most powerful "first" abilities in the game.


    She is really squishy though, so handle the lil' lady with care, and she'll take you far.

  8. Here's the problem with DPS in this particular instance: the only thing that isn't being factored in is reload time.  The pre-nerf and post-nerf base DPS might be the same, but the post-nerf weapon has to stop every-so-many-seconds to reload, and has a lot less ammo reserves (relative to pre-nerf).  While I hate to pour gasoline on this DPS fire, I feel that is something that needs to be taken into consideration.


    Edit: but really what this nerf did was transform the Synoid from a pocket Phage to a pocket Amprex (without the arcing off)

  9. I was amazed by how great the Akbronco Prime are.  I'm also kinda blown that it has a 6-round mag.  Every other akimbo weapon has double the mag of its single counterpart.  While that makes little difference (from 6 to 8) in this case, it would make magazine-increasing mods much more viable, especially with the AkBronco P reload time.

  10. When considering these syndicate secondaries, look into their syndicate effects and decide which bonus you find most helpful to you as well.

    Consider also that the syndicates have mods for a lot of the primaries and melee weapons in the game (maxed out, they're endowed with the same syndicate effect) So you have a lot of flexibility, depending on what you choose to use.


    Regarding secondaries, I have quite a few that I enjoy using.  Off the top of my head, Lex Prime is a great pocket sniper, the Marelock has a good balance of damage (as opposed to the Vaykor which has heavy emphasis on impact), and Despair is good if you can smite Stalker under the smile of RNGsus.  The bronco prime is terrible, but the AKBronco prime is a bloody status machine (just make sure you put clip size and reload speed mods on it.)


    I have heard (don't have personal experience, sorry) that the Hikou Prime are also a great secondary since you can get decent DPS and never have to reload.

  11. The code is meant to commemorate U16. Consoles don't have U16 yet, so the code doesn't work for those accounts.


    Megan said that consoles will get their own code when U16 drops for them.

    Ah, okay.  I got the e-mail because I have a PC acct that I don't use (my PC sucks too much for WF, lol)


    The ones before that didn't work either....

    De has to go through Microsoft/Sony to give Xbox Live/PSN codes.  PC gets the best and the worst because De has more (direct?) control on PC as opposed to PS4/XB1, and so can issue codes whenever they want.  The drawback is that PC users have to compete with more bugs and matchmaking problems (or so I hear), and those have to be patched out before that update can come to consoles.  So we generally get a more stable experience, but PC gets the latest & greatest sooner.


    It's all good, I'm a patient man...lol


    • Leveling up Weapons, Sentinels Weapons and Archwing Weapons earn 100 mastery points for each level gained for a total of 3,000.
    • The first completion of a Mission node will earn ~58 mastery points (varying).


    For the short-term: leveling up sentinels and kubrows in addition to your other gear will help you out a ton.  6 sentinels, 4 breeds of Kubrow and completing the archwing quest (1 archwing) is 11 (companions/archwings) * 6000 points each for 66000 mastery, plus another 8 weapons (6 distinct companion guns plus the two archwing weapons) for another 24000 mastery.  That's 90000 mastery, not including Wyrm Prime which would be another sentinel and weapon for an additional 9000 mastery.  Just leveling companions will net you 100000 mastery, the toughest parts being the kubrow breeding and wyrm prime farming.  This is assuming that you're not looking to spend any plat to do this.


    You will level up your new equipment quickly while farming for resources to get new equipment/build sentinels.  If you can level up a new frame, primary, secondary, and melee all at once, you'll be amazed by how much the bar grows by the time they all hit 30.  The 4 available sentinels in the market and the two available in the clan research will net you a ton of affinity points as you're leveling up another piece of equipment AND that thing's weapon.  Because companions are so few (11 altogether, with 7 distinct weapons), this is by no means a permanent "trick," but companions just have to hang around (and in the case of Kubrows not-die) to get bonus EXP, and they'll level themselves up.


    The drawback is that the earned affinity is split evenly between everything you have equipped, so having a ton of low-level gear equipped all at once can be a bad idea until you learn some of the more advanced strategies.  If, for example, you have a maxed out primary and a bunch of unranked stuff, that maxed primary will still get 1/4 or 1/6 of the affinity (in some way or another) even though it's maxed.  It's one of those things that discourages people from bringing a ton of high-level stuff with them to power level just-one-thing.

  13. The short answer, for the short-term: leveling up sentinels and kubrows in addition to your other gear will help you out a ton; don't ignore Archwings, either.


    The long answer:


    To echo what Kakusei said: you will level up your new equipment quickly while farming for resources to get new equipment.  If you can level up a new frame, primary, secondary, and melee all at once, you'll be amazed by how much the bar grows by the time they all hit 40.  Another (short-lived) trick is to build and max out all the sentinels.  The 4 available in the market and the two available in the clan research will net you a ton of affinity points as you're leveling up another piece of equipment AND that thing's weapon.  Applies to the 4 different breeds of Kubrow, too, as well as Wyrm Prime.  Because companions are so few (11 altogether, with 7 distinct weapons), this is by no means a permanent "trick," but companions just have to hang around (and in the case of Kubrows not-die) to get bonus EXP, and they'll level themselves up.


    The drawback is that the earned affinity is split evenly between everything you have equipped, so having a ton of low-level gear equipped all at once can be a bad idea until you learn some of the more advanced strategies.  If, for example, you have a maxed out primary and a bunch of unranked stuff, that maxed primary will still get 1/4 or 1/6 of the affinity (in some way or another) even though it's maxed.  It's one of those things that discourages people from bringing a ton of high-level stuff with them to power level just-one-thing.

  14. I'm of the opinion that the Corrupted Bombards do too much damage in general.  It's something crazy like 500 or something.  I understand we're talking T4 here, but considering the relatively high rate of fire and the seeking and the high damage and the number of enemies in general, and the number of bombards the RNG decides to go spawn-happy with, I feel like the corrupted bombards (and really bombards in general) need a nerf.

  15. Speaking Of Melee, Whats the best melee in game now? Dragon Nikana?or other primed weapons? I was planning to make one. Just need a Forma and 2 Argon Crystal and im done. Not sure if its worth the time looking for a forma and 2 argon in Towers.


    * I just took the highest rank-needed melee so dont judge me for that. I dont really use Melees*


    As Killazang said, which melee is the best is highly subjective.  


    Ever since the Heavy Weapons buff on update 13 (I think), Galatine has been my mainstay.  Cleaving Whirlwind makes that weapon from great to just-plain-fun.  Put fury and/or berserker on it, and prepare to have a ball!


    The Nikanas are good one-hitter-quitters (specifically the Dragon Nikana if you're MR8 or higher), but their stance mods require a little more finesse than what my playstyle is adapted to.


    The Tonbo just came out, and I'm enjoying the hell out of it.  It comes out of the Tenno lab (like the Nikana) and doesn't need any argon crystals or forma to build (as opposed to the Nikanas and 90% of other clan weapons).  It has a high status % and is mainly slash damage, so you could have a field day with it.

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