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Posts posted by JuanDeages

  1. Looks decent on paper. The change to molt regarding spores only hurts in certain situations (hitting enemies with spores behind corners), but given that spores have ramping damage, I'll take that trade. The only thing on here that really alarms me is this:

    • When recasting on the same enemy it will refresh the tick duration and maintain the Viral Status Effect, but will not stun enemies a second time.

    It is already pretty hard to not get insta-gibbed as is, I don't like this change at all. If molt pulls aggro better maybe it won't matter, but I will have to play it when it goes live to really get a feel for it.

  2. On Friday, December 09, 2016 at 6:36 PM, HalfDarkShadow said:

    Nah, there are plenty of players I run into a daily basis that use Snipers.

    And personally, with my 6 forma, [red] crit Rubico build (dat 15x Critical Damage multiplier though~), I never once had any real issue with it, but I suppose that's because I try to aim and not a fan of spray-and-pray automatic rifles. But that's just me.

    Also a handful of them have a much faster fire-rate than any bow, and you actually have a magazine (since not every sniper is a Vectis/Vectis Prime), but in all it seems more that you and some others are just trying to fit it into how you play and not understanding, just like bows, have a different purpose.
    So instead of blaming the class that it's somehow inherently broken (because again, there are plenty of players who are very successful in using them), first really sit and think if it's yourself is the issue.

    • Are you aiming correctly?
    • Are you going for headshots or body shots?
    • Are you taking advantage of Punch Through mods (they are there for a reason) and any other utility to help you perform better?

    Many people seem to dismiss them all together before even considering some of these factors. Of course there is always room for improvements for the class, but they are far, and I mean far from being unusable. It takes practice and using one for barely hour wont cut it. Not assuming that's the OP but making a general statement for those kind of mindsets.

    I don't think they are unuseable either, but in terms of damage, vs shotguns and bows, they don't hit as hard. The Lanka is the only weapon that seems to defy this rule, before rivens at least, but for the most part the Vaykor Hek/Sancti Tigris/Dread do far more damage. Granted the effective range of snipers is better, but this typically doesn't mean much. It matters more in defense I suppose. The random spread from their strangely low accuracy rating, and "disappearing bullets" are huge issues for the class though. Again, I haven't revisited the class since rivens, but the whole maps argument doesn't make it deal more damage end game. I can quick scope just fine. Maps being typically small is really a very minor issue for the class at large. Nullifiers are a huge issue for snipers however. Machine pistols help with this, but their limited ammo pools really hurt, so this hurts late game void and corpus runs. Just a few thoughts. I typically like to use the Vectis Prime/Vulkar Wraith when I do snipe. They aren't THAT bad.

  3. On Tuesday, November 29, 2016 at 8:36 PM, Azamagon said:

    Got a Riven mod for the Latrons (using the Wraith currently, love the sound it has) that has more or less these stats

    +150% damage (can't remember if it's a bit more)
    +55% reloadspeed
    -85% recoil
    -45% zoom

    The damage is obviously making it feel like quite the powerhouse

    The recoil makes it so incredibly easy and fun to use.

    Considering how much I hate long reloads (at least on weapons with magazines as small as the Latrons have), the quicker reload (now around 1,6 seconds) makes it feel so much more practical to use for all kinds of combat scenarios (to the point of making me think: Why couldn't this be the NORMAL reloadspeed on it?)

    The zoom is both good and bad on that mod, as it works wonders in smaller maps (as it now has almost the same zoom as most other weapons have, just SLIGHTLY less), but I've had the bad luck of using it maps that has very large areas, which makes me miss its innate enhanced zoom effect.


    Is it possible to roll damage and punchthrough on a latron mod? I LOVE the wraith, and don't like having to run heavy cal on it, but shred feels bad on it. I haven't played since the advent of these riven mods.

  4. 1 hour ago, EineSohn said:

    Ok, 10 plat for serration, fire, toxin, cold, shock, now for secondary, now for melee, now vitali-

    A small fortune, and starter plat isn't tradeable, AND you need to grind traces to make dragon keys(how I'd recommend to get early plat).
    But this is all not looking at another point: trade chat is 'unnatural'. No explanation, and is a waste of time for anyone.

    Just, no, it's all too bad for a newcomer.
    What should be in place must not be this confusing, remember, the early game kills interest too easily.

    Realistically, those mods, combined, are hardly worth 10 plat. If I were inclined to sell them to a new player I would trade them away for some endo. They simply are not that valuable. I've given these mods to people how seemed legitamately new, and were looking to buy them for prices like this. Also, what is "unatural" about trading? If trading were not possible I would have had to wait a year before my old akvasto build was complete to obtain jolt, back when this game was new to steam. I don't think it hurts anything. Nobody is forcing you to trade, and if you should need something you can buy it.


    On topic, part of the reason I quit in beta was because I couldn't find any of the basic damage mods. The major deciding factor was lack of weapon choice to upgrade my braton from. This game can no longer be accused of such things. At any rate, I think giving away some unranked, basic damage and defense mods would be nice. It was kind of a pain getting them as a new player, unaware of where I'm even supposed to be looking. 

  5. How many hours are in your profile? 1591 hours

    Have you taken any long periods of breaks, and if so, how long and why? Yes. I quit shortly after joining back in beta, as I didn't feel like there were any weapons I liked at the time to upgrade from my Braton. I started playing again after the steam release, then quit again maybe a few months ago. My friend, whom I normally played Warframe with quit, so I quit also. I have hundreds of solo hours, and I have nearly everything I want anyway. I don't play to grind mastery fodder.

    When did you start playing Warframe? During beta sometime. I didn't stick around long enough at the time to get the Vandal weapons or any event items.

    How many clans in warframe have you been apart of? Just one, Super Secret Ninjas in Space lol. Its a clan that had the majority of its members quit and we never bothered to make a new one or recruit. My buddy and I built the dojo from scratch more or less. We mostly just use it for trading during vaulting season these days when we do play.

    Were you apart of leadership in any of those clans? I'm a Sage. I mostly just used my rank to design/decorate the dojo. Considering we never really did anything with the clan, I don't consider myself in a leadership role. I just designed the place.

    If so, aside from direct clan problems, how has the development of the game affected the members? None of the members that quit ever came back, and we being the last two haven't played since Vauban Prime. It doesn't really feel like anything with the game HAS changed other than adding more guns and melee weapons.

    Have your views changed over the years? From the point of view of progression, I'd say they went from feeling overwhelmed to feeling like there is nothing left to obtain that would actually make me stronger. Maybe Vauban Prime would be nice, but I don't feel like I NEED anything. From a stand point of game health and balance, it seems like DE has been relying on too many band-aid mods (Primed Point Blank, Primed Pressure Point, Blood Rush/Body Count) as opposed to fixing core issues with modding/weapon classes. The game used to revolve around the Boltor Prime and 4 spammers, but now it feels like shotguns the Vaykor Hek and a high RoF secondary for bubbles is generally the easiest and most effective set up. It seems to me that the game moves from one unbalanced state to the next. I suppose my views have changed, but only because I know how to game the system now, where as before I understood just enough to make one loadout.

    If so was it due to the community, or in game experiences? The community, honestly, is a non-factor in terms of my opinion of this game. This game is just very polarizing in terms of what is viable for the hardest content. You can use any low-mid tier weapon you want on most of the star chart for a little bit, if you have the mods and forma to support it, but the air at the top of the mountain is always thin. What I can take into the hardest missions feels so lacking.

    Were you an avid viver/draco player? Draco, but I didn't run in insta-level 4 mans.

    What is your favorite game mode, and what is your favorite part of the game? Survival. I loved testing newly forma'd weapons and using my favorite loadouts in long runs. It took me a long time to break an hour at first. I enjoy pushing myself past what I previously thought couldn't be done. Also mindlessly shooting enemies in the face.

    What is your least favorite? Spy, or Archwing. Probably Spy if I had to pick one. I just want to shoot things dammit.

    Do you prefer to play with clan members or public games? I have my settings locked to friends only. I either solo or play with a couple of buddies that have gear on par with mine.

    What level missions are you most comfortable with without needing a team of super specific loadouts? I can solo just about anything except some of the really cheap sorties. Bonus physical damage easily one shots most all frames when you are trying to move the hijack target, and it's pretty obnoxious.

    Do you still have many things to complete/collect in the game? I am only MR 13 despite my hours, so yes. I hate collecting mastery fodder though. I only try to get things that look interesting.

    What is your opinion on pvp/dark sectors? I never really play pvp in Warframe.

    Have Youtubers been a large influence or source of your knowledge about the game? I used the wiki, builder, and theory crafting for the most part. Most Youtubers for this game are honestly not good. That isn't to say all of them are bad, as I did learn some things from DunkingMachine, but I learned most of this game from research and my own theory and testing.

    Do you consider yourself a casual, heavy, or hardcore gamer? I consider myself a hardcore gamer, as if I find something I really like you can normally count the hours by the hundreds, but work consumes a lot more of my time now than before.

    What is your background in gaming in general? (ie: fps, mmorpg, strategy, etc etc) FPS and JRPGs made up most of my gaming for the longest time. From Goldeneye to CSS, to the last major title I played, Mag. I also really enjoyed my time playing COD 4. For RPGs I think Star Ocean Til the End of Time and Tales of Symphonia are probably my all time favorites. I got started on the genre with FF5, which I remember renting at Hollywood Video back in the day. Parasite Eve, FF7 and Pokemon Yellow were a few others from early on that I really enjoyed a lot. I like hack and slash games as well, but drop tables normally hate me. I guess that is why I played this as much as I have. The drops are normally more forgiving (except for certain absurd mods, such as Vermillion Storm before Baro sold it), and their stats are always the same, you just mod it. Basically if I can cast spells or shoot people in the face I'm pretty happy.

    Compared to other communities in other games, how does warframe compare? I see three factions of community member for the most part: Die hard DE can do no wrong fans, DE is the worst I'm going to quit, and I deserve stuff because reasons. The only other community forums I took part in for an extended period of time was for the original Borderlands on PS3, and Mag for PS3. The CSS community was normally good to me, but I never experienced it from a forum perspective. I also played LoL for a while, which has an awful community. This game can never hope to reach LoL's level of toxicity, which I am thankful for. Overall, I'd say this game is fairly middle of the pack in this sense. It isn't over the top awful like LoL or COD on Xbox, but it isn't the best either.

    What keeps you playing the game? When something comes out that I find interesting I come back. Saryn Waifu Prime was one that I grinded for shortly after release. The Vaykor Hek and Sancti Tigris were also items of interest that I really wanted. I made a toxic Chroma build just to use the Sancti Tigris/Wraith Twin Vipers. Worth every forma.

    What do you hope for long term in future updates? More balance along weapon class lines, high RoF weapons being better in general, more stuff to do end game that isn't super puzzle warriors (raids) or Sorties.

    What things would you like to see given attention in the near future? Machine pistols, and spammy pistols like the AkVasto/AkMagnus. The AkVasto is still my most used weapon in the game despite being power creeped, and machine pistols are just fun.

    Without going into too many details, what are you opinions on any experiences with Warframe Support? For me they have been on point. They try to get to you as soon as possible, and they will work with you until the problem is properly resolved. I like it.

    Overall, what is your view of Warframe and its business model? Warframe is pretty fun, or else I wouldn't have played it for so long, but it is flawed in terms of content for the most powerful players and weapon balance (and enemy/power balance). I like their business model by and at large. Prime Access bundles way too much stuff I don't care about, and market prices are mostly terrible for plat purchases. They should offer to sell you Prime Access items at a specific item level imo. I have purchased some plat when I have gotten the 75% off login bonus, but I think I have only done this twice. I have spent most of my time trading for plat. I enjoy the option of working in game or real life for stuff, as that is what it really boils down to. I really wish cores stacked though, as that would give free players a currency to bargin with. If they do now I haven't heard about it lol.

  6. 3 minutes ago, TheScytale said:

    Yes, depending on the item, it will either go down to dirt cheap, or skyrocket due to unavailability.

    It is true that cheap items will be bought, but how many can be bought? Will it be enough to deplete all the items available from players and creating a higher demand? With weapons like burston prime for example: I know from experience that next to no one buys that weapon. I also know that a lot of players who play void constantly have lots of sets of common primes. Do you think the scarce people that would favour buying burston prime, over a free weapon, will be enough to buy all the sets that the previous void players put on trade? Do you think that the situation then would be better than now?

    Same for the vaulted or otherwise unavailable items. You'll have rich people, bigger alliances and clans, and similar groups monopolizing that side of the market, buying almost all "cheap" copies and selling them for a higher price. It'll turn into a virtual Wall Street, with all the vultures scuttling the auction house without playing the game.

    Sure, all of this happens now, but to a much lesser extent than when you have all the possible items to be traded in front of you. People will realize just how common an item is, or how rare. And, for most of the game's content, they can only realize how common that item is. It will cause an inconsistent underpricing and overpricing and DE will be losing ton of money in this deal, due to less money transactions needed. 

    Also bear in mind that the current trade chat doesn't count all players online. I rarely visit trading chat anymore because I have everything in the game, and since I'm a F2P kind of player, the only time I get there is when I need plat for the cosmetics that came out recently. That's not because I have nothing to sell, I assure you I could make a few thousands of platinum by selling all my valuable stock. The reason I don't get there is because I prefer playing. I have other clanmates who feel the same, as well as others who do not visit trading chat for the opposite reason; those who don't need to trade and don't want to waste their time because they buy their platinum, which means they have amassed a huge stash of items by now. Now let's say an AH was implemented, the way people want it (trading while playing in other parts of the game). What would stop me from putting my items on sale while playing? What would stop them from putting their items for sale as well?
    And just like that, 10 of us have dwarfed the meagre stash of items that a med-level player wants to sell. Imagine this in a much larger scale. I can already see the forums exploding with "DE remove auction house pls I can't sell anything", or people just quitting because of the frustration.

    I've held my share of fire sales, as I am a long time player and trader. I first got into trading when I was saving up for Jolt back when it was legacy. These days I really only deal in vaulted primes, but I do still keep track of the extra common stuff I used to sell when I was an upstart. A lot of these common items, frankly, should be nearly worthless. I see people selling multishot mods for 20+ plat and other common essential mods, and its robbery. New players would have access to all the essentials and common mods for cheap, thus reducing early game grinding and trips to the wiki page for drop locations of said essential mods.


    In terms of flooding the market with cheap goods, I think that there will always be an avenue to make plat. This game has seen a lot of burn and turn in the sense of what is and is not worth plat. Burston Prime should be nearly worthless, because it is not only easy to obtain, but it is mid tier in terms of power anyways. There should not be a major demand for something like that, and from my time in trade chat and on the forums, there really isn't. This does not surprise me, nor is it a cause for alarm. On the other hand something like Loki Prime should be valuable, as it is no longer possible to obtain outside of trading.


    As you conceded, what you fear will happen, is already happening. There are, of course, going to be players like you that don't like to take the time to account for, price, and unload their stock. I understand that, and even I hardly ever sell things anymore, because I also have almost everything in the game. What's the point in grinding for plat when there is nothing meaningful to buy with it? Eventually, this would factor into the players looking to flip items for plat. The need and desire to have a steady stream of plat would diminish with time, as there is only so much stuff you can acquire.


    Lastly, keep in mind there are third party services and forum sites that allow for a similar system to an "auction house" to exist. I'm not entirely sure it is the best idea, but as a former Diablo 3 player, I have seen how it works. Other than the real money auction house, which had no real place in the game to begin with, I kind of liked it. My luck was pretty horrible in that game though, so take that with a grain of salt. On the other hand, I don't think it is entirely needed in Warframe, as it would not really have an affect on how I play the game.

  7. 21 minutes ago, TheScytale said:

    The problem is, you'll have thousands of other people putting their items in that list while they're doing their thing. If you can't sell that item already (you're maybe, 1 out of 20 sellers as of now), you'll have an even greater challenge then, since you'll be one out of a thousand. Especially if they propose a better price, thus forcing you to reduce yours, and the vicious cycle would crush the entire economy.

    Depends on the item, and for how long people sell items in bulk for next to nothing. Eventually, the scarcity of the item will go back up, thus causing the price to go back up with it, unless the demand for it disappears for whatever reason. We have systems like this in real life via a myriad of apps for buying and selling goods. There is no reason the laws of supply and demand do not apply here.

  8. 2 hours ago, Valar.Morghulis said:

    Many other have already said it but any advantage that is gained by spending real life money that is not available in game would be clearly Pay-to-Win.


    How ever in his defense there are already pay-to-win elements in Warframe. See Example 1: Excalibur Prime being better than the Excalibur available to the play base.  Any advantage that can only be obtained by spending real life money is pay-to-win even if it is no longer available for purchase.

    That was not always the case, and Umbra will be released to even the playing field since the excal prime buff.

  9. On Monday, March 14, 2016 at 4:01 PM, Acos said:

    Their tracking makes them very annoying since there's little you can do to get behind their shields without using crowd control powers on them. I don't appreciate how they break the rules in regards to knockdown either; why am I equipping mods to make myself better at knockdown recovery if the enemy is just going to cheat and ignore that? 

    The Corpus as a whole right now have too many enemies who layer on multiple area of denial abilities to the point where you can't really play around it. Or, you know, see anything. 

    They don't ignore it as far as I know, their knockdowns just last far longer than normal.

  10. Sets:

    Ankyros Prime Set- 40p

    Boltor Prime Set x3- 80p each

    Bo Prime Set- 12p

    Braton Prime Set- 12p

    Dakra Prime Set- 80p

    False Profit Set- 120p

    Karak Wraith Set- 12p

    Lex Prime Set x2- 20p each

    Loki Prime Set- 55p

    Mag Prime Set- 105p

    Nezha Set x2- 40p

    Paris Prime Set- 12p

    Rhino Prime Set x2- 250p each

    Cicero set x20- 8p each or 2p for a single mod.

    Prime Parts:

    Boar Prime Stock x2- 6p each

    Boltor Prime Barrel x11- 10p each

    Boltor Prime Receiver x5- 10p each

    Boltor Prime Stock- 10p

    Frost Prime Helmet x2- 25p each

    Hikou Prime Blueprint x4- 2p each

    Hikou Prime Pouch- 8p

    Hikou Prime Stars- 4p

    Latron Prime Barrel x6- 6p each

    Latron Prime Stock- 8p

    Reaper Handle x4- 8p each

    Reaper Prime Blueprint x4- 8p each

    Rhino Prime Chassis x7- 10p each

    Rhino Prime Helm- 50p

    Sicarus Prime Barrel x11- 4p each

    Sicarus Prime Blueprint x4- 4p each

    Vectis Prime Blueprint- 8p

    Vectis Receiver- 30p


    Enemy Radar x3- 2p each

    Energy Siphon x7- 10p each

    Loot Detector x3- 2p each

    Physique x4- 2p each

    Rejuvenation x6- 8p each

    Rifle Amp x7- 6p each

    Rifle Scavenger x3- 2p each

    Shield Disruption x2- 4p each

    Shotgun Scavenger x2- 2p each

    Sniper Scavenger- 2p

    Steel Charge x2- 8p each


    Blind Justice x7- 4p each

    Cleaving Whirlwind x4- 4p each

    Four Riders- 20p

    Gleaming Talon x2- 12p each

    Gnashing Payara x6- 6p each

    Grim Fury x31- 2p each

    Homing Fang x3- 8p each

    Malicious Raptor x6- 6p each

    Pointed Wind x5- 8p each

    Seismic Palm x3- 6p each

    Shimmering Blight- 8p

    Sinking Talon x5- 2p each

    Stalking Fan x4- 6p each

    Swirling Tiger x14- 2p each

    Tempo Royale- 15p

    Tranquil Cleave x4- 6p each

    Vermillion Storm- 40p


    MAX Blood Rush- 275p

    MAX Magnum Force- 175p

    Accelerated Blast x4- 2p each

    Animal Instinct x2- 8p each

    Armored Agility- 10p

    Barrel Diffusion x10- 4p each

    Berserker x10- 4p each

    Blaze x2- 10p each

    Coolant Leak x5- 4p each

    Dual Rounds- 4p

    Flow x4- 4p each

    Focus Energy x4- 4p each

    Hammer Shot x2- 10p

    Hell's Chamber x15- 2p each

    Ice Storm x5- 4p each

    Intensify x5- 2p each

    Jagged Edge x4- 2p each

    Lethal Torrent- 4p

    Link Armor- 2p

    Link Health x3- 2p each

    Link Shields x3- 2p each

    Pistol Ammo Mutation x3- 2p each

    Quick Thinking x6- 10p each

    Rifle Ammo Mutation x3- 2p each

    Sanctuary- 10p

    Seeker x2- 8p each

    Seeking Fury x2- 6p each

    Shotgun Ammo Mutation x3- 2p each

    Shred x3- 4p each

    Split Chamber x9- 6p each

    Streamline x22- 2p each

    System Reroute x3- 4p each

    Tainted Shell- 4p

    Vicious Spread- 10p

    Vigor x5- 5p each

    Voltaic Strike x2- 10p each

    Whirlwind x6- 6p each

    Wildfire x3- 2p each

    If anything seems too high, make me an offer! IGN: JuanDeages


    If you need items from the Steel Meridian/Arbiters/Suda block, let me know which one(s) you need.

    This list is not representative of everything I own. If there is a junk mod or part you need, ask, I may have one.

    The "v" indicates version number. Only the newest version will be updated as items are sold and acquired.

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