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  1. Tried with many survival fissures, and after you start getting higher amount of SE, you will still get the basic amount if you collect it in operator form. Tried with my friend and they confirmed, it wasn't just me. I don't know how long this has been ongoing, noticed few weeks ago, that sometimes I didn't get the larger amount after killing acolyte. Few days ago we figured it out and tested, it was bc of the operator.
  2. This has happened few times now. I am on a mission, spy/exterminate, scanning for Simaris, you name it. Acolyte comes, in few seconds happens this: it "gets sucked underground" (that it's what it looks like), vanishes, stays there taunting for good 10-20 seconds, then dies. It says the departing taunts and that is it. No kill, no steel essence. Waited for another, but when after 10 min didn't appear, I left.
  3. Agreed. It could be so easy and simple to just make them an actual builds that you save and equip as you want. Nothing saves unless you click "save current loadout", or something like that. it would solve all problems and make them actually useful. No point on always trying to remember to equip your "useless loadout" so you can tinker stuff.
  4. I have followed the instructions, but the picture is still somewhat pixelated as small. Does the end result depend on the original size? Like if I make it in 3000x3000, would the image be crispier than if I make the image in 1800x1800? I have tried so many programs, apps, adjustments that I am really out of ideas.
  5. Yeah, that I have come to learn. But the thing is, that when you start using loadouts, you better use only loadouts, bc if you have a setup, and you just wanna level up something, the loadout is ruined if you forget to unequip it... also, fun story from last night. Went in circuit with my gyre loadout, came out with wukong, bc that was the last warframe I got, and the wukong was now habiting my gyre loadout. A tad annoying really. I think this system is super old fashioned and illogical. The most easy would it be to treat loadouts like outfits. You go in and choose the one. You save the ones you want. And the game does not automatically change the set outfits based on your current clothes. This system we have now is confusing and just badly done imo. Like there is no need what so ever to be this way.
  6. Help a brother, will ya. I'm L3 and still haven't got the hang of the loadouts. See, I have a frame, I click the loadouts and I can't just save it. I have to replicate the previous one, but it changes the one I had before to the current. o.o Now, if I leave it at that, and just change the frame, it changes the active one to the one I have equipped now. How do I make this simple and working? Why isn't the system simple? Just click an empty slot and then save the current? Like why go these extra steps and confusion? Hewp!
  7. Please, for the love of Lotus, fix the issues with the host migrations.. It is such a pain to play with randoms, when the host rush to leave and then you are stuck in the forever loading and have to alt tab to end the task losing all the gains. Please. Like why give us new buggy content when the old ones aren't even playable? Host migration issues have been the pain of Zariman from the start and it still continues. It is really annoying and makes my favourite content unbearable. Not all of us have mates to play with but are relying on other ppl in pub matches. They don't give a [redacted] if others will lose everything.
  8. Still in desperate need of help. The image is ready, just needs finishing touches (like are the colours fine for the in game engine) and scaling down without major quality loss. Please don't hesitate to contact me, so we can discuss about the work and your compensation. ^_^
  9. Hello there tenno. We have formed a new clan and are working on building the dojo and conjuring a well done clan emblem. I have crafted a raw image of what we want, but my programs and skills lacks finesse. So we are looking for a graphic designer (self taught of professional) who knows how to make emblems and is willing to help us to make our vision into reality. We are willing to trade your services for platinum and are open to negotiations. Please do not hesitate to contact me, so we can have a chat about the work and what it entails. ^_^
  10. Please, make a marker to acolytes. Specially in spy/hijack missions, or Deimos those little buggers appear where ever and can't be found. Thy prevent another one from spawning and yeah it is super annoying.
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