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Everything posted by (XBOX)Synderion13

  1. Sorry for the slow response. Working like crazy. Alright, not to sound like an A****** but the quest wasn't all that bad difficulty wise. It did have it's moments where it was a pain but even then from everything I've been seeing 2 or 3 goes at it and you're through (general YouTubers as well as my 7 friends that went through it as well) That and the game becoming more difficult as new quests come out is logical difficulty progression. If there's no challenge there's not a lot of reason for players to stay. Matter of fact I wish they would find a way to make a challenge for the Warframe side of things that wasn't just a dps check. "No other quest has done this" okay I fail to see how it's a bad thing that they are changing things. I mean think about it. People already talk about burnout in Warframe....you realize how much more of a problem burnout would be if they kept releasing the same type of quests. I will say I do agree with you on the length of it. I wish they had a way for you to pause the quest in sections to do whatever else. Matter of fact one of the ideas I thought of was them allowing you to back out at the end of each act (they talked about the quest being 3 acts on a devstream a while back) would help make it more digestible. Granted I do disagree with Cutting 80% of the quest...what would there be to play at that point. Even from what you suggested it would effectively be kahl then veso then one long interactive cutscene and then the ballas fight. To each their own I suppose. As for your statement of this being something that DE is doing terrible for the future. The plat sales one I don't see...granted if you said that for duviri then yeah probably. As for the terrible writing. Please explain your reasoning? It's generally hailed as one of their best written story quests. And as for the introduction of the drifter I've already stated why that's not necessarily a bad thing. Hell even further with that...look at duviri which does have you use both drifter and frame. Granted I realize you're not playing anymore anyway so..I guess look on YouTube? But I digress. I get that you don't like new war and that's fine but I am genuinely lost on how you think it's an objectively bad quest. Much less how you think "DE lost the plot here"
  2. Alright..I get it but non-warframe story quests have been a thing since 2016. 3 years after the games release and we just passed 10 (I know you mentioned people have been complaining since war within) but honestly it kinda feels disingenuous to say "it's not Warframe" when it's been a mechanic in the game for 70% of the game's existence at this point. Don't get me wrong you have every right not to like new war and the whole being a drifter thing. I have a few things I didn't like about new war myself...hell given how long it is who doesn't lol.
  3. Okay...not sure what I'd do with it but the freaking Stug needs one. Due to the lack of "rules" for incarnon adapters they could actually make it a decent weapon with one.
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