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Posts posted by (PSN)CODEP

  1. Some Corpus alert survival missions. (not every alert mission will give you Oxium Osprey)

    One time I got 57 Oxiums in 30 min run.

    Those Oxium Ospreys just keeping spawn like crazy.

    I Just keep hearing whistle sound and explosion during mission; more are self destructed than I could kill.

    However, let your teammate know you're farming Oxium.

    Not everyone is welling to stay over 30 min for few thousand credit. (no bonus every 5 min if it is alert survival)

  2. この組み合わせは状態異常確率を105%に増やすわけではありません。

    HELLFIRE 90%=火属性基礎ダメージから+90%

    RIFLE APTITUDE 15%=武器の状態異常確率から+15%(基礎のみ)




  3. The only problem is Shik Tal as he got his shield.

    Either you need weapons with punch through or CC to make him drop his shield.

    Or...use your teammate as bait to make him turn his back on you.

    Other 2 can be handled with run, cover, and shoot.


    Fighting them is OK, but many times I just entered bleeding right after they show up.

    I was with full shield and HP, but when I coated with their aura, I lay on the ground for no reason. 

  4. Maybe DE can make it possible to carry the hostage?

    (Piggyback or princess hold?)

    When carry the hostage you can do all parkour, but can't use any weapon.

    This requires your teammate to cover you while you're having good time with hostage.

    Abilities? I was thinking abilities should be allowed but when I see Hydroid's Undertow

    mmm.......... need to think about it twice.

  5. Will Narrow Minded affect Ripline?

    Narrow Minded will shorten the range.


    When you are in Void and searching for rooms, zipline is good.

    In normal, I like to zip a heavy gunner to make her stop shooting at me.

    When she is trying to get up I do whatever I like on her.

    If you got multiple heavy gunners, better run & dodge or enter Hysteria.

  6. I don't know if there is a regional restriction or not?

    I cannot do post and reply in those foreign language forums.

    I was trying to help to answer questions in those forums, but I couldn't.

    This may be the reason why people in those forums can't get the answer they need.  

  7. heck I'd even prefer Argon Crystals over Forma because AC's aren't used for anything but crafting (Both require farming in Void - Only downside is Argon requires farming the same day you want to craft)

    That's because Argon Crystal is new so not many stuffs use it now.

    However, I believe you will see more coming just like Oxium does.

    I do agree with replacing Forma with some other resources as I'm not the RNG god's favor.

    I have ran 50~60+ Void missions and only got 7 Forma bps while my friend says he need months to make all Forma bp he has into Forma.

  8. Im still stuck at this one to


    i tryed to put off "hold button wall running" or whats it called. but then it dosnt run walls at all

    When turn the option off you need to jump to a wall (press X)

    press X again to initiate wall run.

    press X again to kick the wall.

    It's troublesome but this allows you to aim while running at wall.

    Moreover, you can put your melee weapon's wall attacks to work.

  9.    One thing I enjoyed in Orokin Lab is when building solar rail, I can open shutter to see the rail under construction.

    The shutter opening animation and the scene make me so into the world of Warframe.

    However, I could only open / close the shutter when I'm building a rail.

    And you know, 500K credit and other 1.5K resources are not everyday grocery unless you're in a big clan. 

    I hope DE can make open / close shutter in the Orokin Lab as an option always available.



    Oh...never realize the Warframe Forum is deep like Dark Sector.

    Sorry for posting this in wrong place before and thanks for teleporting this to where it should be.

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