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Posts posted by Maxscart

  1. Oh boy. Wikia has been so useful in basically all my games and Warframe is no exception. Helped from the start to now and the future. It's quite awesome to see it giving even more.

    Anyway, this wouldn't be complete without an entry, so here goes...


    Would prefer a catalyst, if I am to win. Because hey, it's not hard to be swimming in reactors.

  2. Why do you have to delete all warframe builds or remove all mods in the build? Couldn't you just make it private, update/remove slots as according to U15, and let the owner of the builds edit their builds?


    Yup as far as I know, the builds are now private. If you try opening a link with a build though, it won't work, hence "private".

  3. Just wanted to thank you for your hard work and persistence in this. I'm sure it must be quite tough managing it by yourself for such a long time. Extremely useful tool.


    I was thinking though, any plans for an app? Would definitely pay for it, but I'm sure it would take time. Or optimizing it for mobile? Right now, dragging doesn't work on conventional browsers.

  4. Ooh, that ellipse caused quite the suspense. Was eager for this week's update, and it looks like it contains quite a bit! Thanks! Here's redtext for everyone to view...




    Also, something is going on... (FIXED NOW)





  5. 1. Since the mods are now compressed and made to look alike, the screen appears very cluttered. A basic rule of art is to make things easily distinguishable.

    2. The fact that the cards bend and become skewed (as the mouse moves) manages to accomplish __________. Also, if I want to control the scroll bar, sometimes I have to move away from the expanded card, let it compress, then grab the scrollbar. I know of no other mainstream programs where I have to slide the mouse back and forth to do one thing.

    3. The prominently displayed names assumes that people like to memorize and distinguish between hundreds of names as opposed to images. If so, then I'm screwed by myself.


    Ah yes, how could I forget that. Making them so similar, with only 3 colors really distinguishing them, makes it even harder to visualize. Letters can't be looked as a whole like a picture can. If I try to visualize all the mods like I used to be able to with the past UI, I will look at everything pretty much the same, with only a bunch of lines of letters.

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