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  1. One minor suggestion I'd have in regards to the LoS on Tragedy. If an enemy is hit by Dark Verse, flag them as such for the next 10s or so. Any flagged enemies are then excluded from the LoS check on Tragedy, and the flag is then removed from all enemies that were hit with Tragedy.
  2. Question: Are there going to be any adjustments to the fact that Overguard blocks things like Rage and Hunter Adrenaline from working? If you run these as a method of energy management, and you gain Overguard from any source, but most easily from Dante, then this other frame has managed to disrupt your gameplay quite a bit. One fix could be to allow Overguard damage to trigger the above mod effects at reduced effectiveness, since Overguard does not gain benefit from damage reduction effects, and you didn't die of running out of it like you would health.
  3. So here's something that I feel would make a lot of older frames feel better. Let older abilities be able to refresh while already active! Loki Invisibility, Zephyr Turbulence, even Rhino Roar. The ability to refresh these would make the frames "feel" much better to play. As it is, they just feel clunky having to wait out the ability timers while newer frames don't have to do that with their buffs/abilities. Dante? He can refresh his buffs no matter what. Kullervo's 1? Yup, he can refresh that at-will, he's not locked out of it until the timer ticks down. Just letting me refresh stuff without needing to keep my eye glued to my UI would be great.
  4. If I got the chance to rework Snow Globe and only Snow Globe, in addition to the shooting through bit, here's how I'd do it. If no SG present, tapping spawns a small globe that begins expanding, which works similar to Gara's 4, either stopping once it reaches a max range, or you tap the button again to stop it. If inside a SG, tapping simply reinforces its HP as currently. If outside a SG, holding warps the oldest SG to your location, while if inside a SG, holding shatters the current SG with all the effects from currently blasting it with Frost's 1.
  5. So quick question: Is this considered as added to Inaros' base armour (and thus is then also adjusted by mods such as Steel Fiber) or is this a flat bonus added after any +Armour mods?
  6. Two things I feel are worth bringing up. 1) Every frame can become invisible due to effects like Octavia's 3 or Ivara's Cloak Arrow, so having the invisibility customization be available for all frames would be greatly appreciated. 2) I know the QoL list isn't 100% exhaustive of all the updates, but can we get a thought spared for Frost and his poor Snow Globe? Allies are still completely unable to fire from outside of the globe to anything inside of it, which can cause issues. Things like Volt's shields and Gara's glass barrier do not have this issue, so having Frost's Snow Globe (and ally Frost Eximus Snow Globes for that matter) only allow allied projectiles to pass through seems horribly inconsistent and inconvenient. Can this be added on the list for a potential future QoL change?
  7. Awesome, thanks a bunch for checking that!
  8. Is it intended that most of the Sentinels have weaker shields on their Prime versions compared to their normal versions? Shade Prime is the only one it seems that's a universal upgrade, nearly every other one loses some shields, but gains some health and armour.
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