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Posts posted by TheVigilant

  1. Yeah, I thought that too. That's why I said above that Warlords should have the privilege because, the Generals on my clan are my friends that I know them for decades and I'm pretty sure that at least one of them will do that in less than an hour. Even rush the construct if needed.

  2. I think that could be awesome if the clan warlords can select an specific point in a room where everyone spawns. It could be similar to a teleporter decoration but invisible, so we could avoid situations like this:


    It makes me sad that I can't put anything in the floor without getting spawned on the geometry of an object :c

  3. QCu30Bt.jpg

    This is what I think that IPS damage types should be changed in the future DMG 2.5 taking in consideration a lot of thinking and looking everyone previous suggestions.

    If you wanna discuss the subject or add feedback, please comment.

  4. HI! I went today to the relay to turn some Marks for Veil and decided to do check to all sindicates.

    I found out that the maps for the Suda's hologram are missing and shows this placeholder tile texture. Found it a little funny to be honest XD.


  5. 8 hours ago, CY13ERPUNK said:

    ok so im sure this is going to get buried under the masses of QQ 

    but i really never liked carrier or vacuum, from day one it was the 'lazy' sentinel imho [i know it helps some impaired players however FWIW] , and most of us initially made fun of how it looked like a grineer nutsack/gourd ; the only uses vacuum ever had for me when i was ranking up carrier/P was to grab mods that were behind walls that wouldnt open on the void tileset [a clear exploit, but its not my fault that DE's lvl design was bad enough to spawn loot that was otherwise unobtainable]

    but basically this is a thread for people to chime in if they so wish, as to the complete lack of necessity of having vacuum, or universal vacuum, or whatevs

    imho DE flubbed big time when they initially introduced carrier and vacuum to begin with, now we have a huge playerbase that is spoiled rotten =/

    not sure if most other ppl cant see the writing on the walls or what, but DE has been moving away from 'passive' gameplay mechanics for awhile now, and the introduction of the ayatan/stars and resource chunks are just another step in that direction [notice how the carrier sent has a unique precept for shooting/breaking crates? hmm, so its really still going to stay the main sent for >70%] 

    notice that we never hear anyone complain about how opening lockers is such a chore? becuz its always been that way, no one knows any different, and for whatever reason, most cant think outside of the box 

    but becuz so many have been spoiled by 12m vacuum for so long, now anything except innate/passive/universal vacuum at 15+m for frames is just soooo bad and DE hates us and oh noes, NERFS!!! =/

    personally i think DE is really just continuing to dig themselves into a deeper hole with this 'must placate the masses' people-pleaser stuff

    if i was DE, id just come out and say : 'hey guys, we luv u all, but there are some aspects of the game that we arent happy with and we're gonna change some things to make them less passive and require some more input/effort to grab all that sweet sweet loot, but bear with us and while we're doing this, we do want your input on some other potentially interesting things we could do, within reason' BOOM, put your foot down, say that u want vacuum to be no more than 5m or whatevs, maybe let Mag be special/unique and give her 10m vacuum on her bullet jump or whatevs

    not even going to get into the whole : 'all of this has changed nothing, carrierP still best sent by far, now also with ammo mutator, AND kubrows and kavats still left out to rot'

    Feeling you bro. Every single time that I think about vacuum is that it never should existed in he first place.

    The community and any community has and will have,  serious problems when it comes to understand the why of developers decision. The vacuum system only spoiled players in the first place and can't be named better; induces into passive gameplay instead of a more active one.

    DE has been one of he companies that give hope again in gaming industry but, it's own essence that is player interaction has become a flaw since the common folk can't think as a game designer or a normal designer at best, only as a player who only seeks it's own comfort and will not have to agree, only accept what's best for the design plan that the developer has for he game. The game is still beta because this is one of the greatest  game design playground that I've seen and it awesome. 

    And I shouldn't worry about other sentinels right now since there are upcoming changes to balance them out and pets have features teased that it seems that will make it in game like the pack tactics for kubrows. 

  6. 26 minutes ago, FieserMoep said:

    You took that actually serious, that is rather amusing.

    Uhm... well... moving over thingy on floor is now the great skill ceiling, eh?

    Yup it's is. I don't take it really serious but, it's not a small matter also.

    Getting pickups by yourself makes you look more at the environment making you more aware of your surroundings and expands your field of view, it acts at an psychological level you don't really notice it.

    With time your reaction times will increase and you will not die by a random over leveled enemy that you did't saw by going only forward. I've seen this a lot, by new players and veterans.

    Well, I would like to discuss how the brain works and how gaming reflects it all night but, I have a lot work to do.

    Have a good discussion.

  7. 15 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

    Good for you, now stop looking down your frakking nose at those of us who need the auto orb pickups to keep going because we're not quite at god-tier on playing.

    Ohh and I do, my alias it's not just for show. People ask me for builds, tips and even trading prices all the time. Also, I enjoy on giving advice and guide to the novices when I have the time.

    I say that Carrier and it's Vacuum ability hinders player skill development since it does not help you, it does the job for you, you don't learn anything since someone else did the job for you which it's pretty bad.

    The only use of Carrier that I can approve is with Nekros Health Conversion/Despoil build which is an end-game build since it's requirements are quite high.

  8. People are just too scared (for not say lazy) of being out of their confort zone, I have a carrier and it's my least used companion.

    I started with a Dethcube since a veteran friend suggested me to make a sentinel when I was new to the game, he explained me what Carrier does and I said: "Aaaand he does something else than getting pickups for you?? How useless..." And I'm keeping that mentality, I prefer my Dethcube, Diriga, Shade and my Kubrows over the Carrier without even thinking about it, hell, the only reason that I use carrier is when I use Nekros to keep up Health Conversion.

    I only have Carrier P (never made the normal one) in the U18 and I've playing with no issue since Update 10, it's not that hard to go and pick up things by yourself.

    Now, while Universal Vacuum would be useful I don't see it as a priority* and Smeeta skill was straight broken and the nerf don't make it useless, the red crit one is still a powerhouse ability.

    *Changing it means that companions in general must be reviewed not only Carrier, dev focus must be War Within right now.

  9. Devs said that they don't have current plans of nerfing nullies, that lead to think that may be, the fact that the nullies are like they are right now is because of the development of Damage 3.0.

    Imagine it, with the changes to scaling and damage, nullies will be nerfed or even removed and replaced with the combas/scrambus units as they are not needed anymore. 

    One can dream. 

  10. 43 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

    I don't agree with any wholesale re-do/re-vamp/re-imagining of any of the Primes (or any item for that matter but Primes are purchased with cash). 

    Someone liked it enough to purchase it with it's current looks and in the case of Excal and Frost and the gear that came in their packs, the amount was considerable. If changing inconveniences one person with a design they don't like (impossible not to if it's a brand new design) in that case it shouldn't be done. 

    Had I my druthers, I would have new versions of the Older Primes released as Version A, B,C , and etc with entirely different looks.

    For my part, I don't like the coloring regions on Excal Prime since his PBR and have never liked the quality (you could see the paint edges) and the color map options on Frost Prime.

    That said, the newest Tennogen will fix Excal and the last Tennogen options for Frost and hopefully when (please not "if" please DE please) they add the Emperor skin resolves Frost Prime handily.   

    First: The only one who definitely looks good is Excalibur Prime the other two of the trio (Frost and Mag), are very lacking of something that says "this where the originals".

    Second: The only one who was Purchase-Only was Excalibur P as a reward for kickstarting the game, the others can be (or where able to) farmed.

    Third: At the start all of them where cosmetic, now they are upgrades. The new Helmet and a bit of shine paid off at the start since the standards weren't so high as for right now.

    Fourth: As I said previously and expand a bit; The current Initial Prime Trio, share the exact same mesh as the normal ones with a different texture and helmet so, with a skin, all the prime detail is gone. Some would like it, some not.

    Also I proposed an use for the forgotten Auxiliary Slot in Attachments: If a new design of the primes are made (Dev/TennoGen), this slot could be used to host the new mesh as an accessory, so the old and new designs stay and can live together and everyone happy. And Fashion Frame Elites can use Armors and Skins without worrying of limitations.

  11. 1 hour ago, Littleman88 said:

    The initial trio don't need a model upgrade so much as new attachments.  Everyone would do well to notice that the bulk of the "primage" for newer primes is in the meaty bits attached to the base warframe model.  

    Volt has new knee pads and flashier arm bands.  

    Rhino has shoulder pads on top of his base shoulder pads, new hip attachments, and a dial screwed into his back.  

    Nyx has a thick covering with blingage on her thighs and just below her chest (making her smallish boobs look smaller.)  There is also a covering over her back.

    Saryn, believe it or not, has a new... everything.  The base model is still there, but everything that jutted off the base model was "attached" for both versions.

    Ash's arm bands were completely replaced, and they threw on something bulky enough over his hips to hide the fins/spikes.


    So it's not like an actual remodel is necessary for the original trio, just throwing on some bits with metallic textures would suffice.  That would take considerably less time to pull off.


    P.S.  With regards to that little Excal P debate going on earlier - we signed the ToS before paying for Excal P.  DE maintains the right to turn him into a rolling pin if they so desired.

    Attachments or not that means a complete new mesh, it has the base but a new one on top of the current must be made and fuse in one model in order to be displayed in the game. That was a thing that I've learned with doing tennogen stuff, it's not that simple. 

    That or replace the armor slots on the model with a unique armor, but that would be heavily fashion frame unfriendly. 

  12. Yeah the initial Prime Trio could use a model upgrade, in especial Frost P since you take out his helmet and you can´t tell the difference with a normal Frost.

    It could be done two ways witha outcome that everyone could be happy about:

    1) Dev redesign, the Art team redo the models (could take a lot of time) or 2) Let the Tenno Gen Artists Redo the models in a contest like fashion, winner takes a prize and credit in the new design (can be quicker but, maybe not the ideal since it is not dev developed, art style wise).

    The Outcome:

    When the New Meshes are released instead of replacing the current ones, Baro could sell a BP (He brings the every visit like Inaros quest) that allows you to craft the new mesh and equip it ONLY on the Prime variant as an Auxiliary (Like Nekros/Valkyr Mortos/Binds) so it will be Inmortal/Tennogen skin friendly. 

    With this everyone could be happy, the ones who likes the current models and the ones who wants something new, also Lore-friendly since Baro is a Void scavenger.

  13. 8 minutes ago, Kuestenjung said:


    Agreed with your first part but your second part just proves that Mesa has no synergy. If you use all her abiliteis the combined power isn´t higher then if you would use them all separatly.

    But not every frame need synergy like Saryn or even Volt now.



    Yeah, she isn't getting power but she gets survivability and utility with all her skills combined, synergy not necessarily relates to raw power. She gets another kind of power, you can use her skills separately but, together they get enhanced. Shattershield weakness? Melee, solution? Shooting Gallery and vice versa, also you get the gun dmg bonus. Peace Maker inmoble and surrounded? 2 and 3 can soak or avoid the dmg, extra power shot? Ballistic Battery.

    Seems pretty well rounded to me. 3 Could be recastable but, it would be a QoL change nothing drastic nor needed right now.

  14. Mesa is fine as it is, no change needed.

    I'm kinda getting annoyed how people are using the word "rework" every single time  they talk about changing something, "rework" means literally redone everything from 0. Changes and tweaks are when you change how something works but, it is still the same concept. The so called Nekros "rework" are tweaks, the skills are still the same.


    4 hours ago, -CM-Hekovashi said:


    More indeep looks

    " While her abilities aren't weak"

    Exept that they strong, like insanely strong, maybe not the 1st one, but 2-3-4 are just sooo good.

    "I think they should have a bit more synergy like Saryn."

    Exept that saryn skills doesn't synergize, they just don't work on their own, only in set, and that not the think i find enjoying.

    "Right now, all of her abilities feel too isolated to me.They don't work with each other, and each of them tries to do their own unique thing."

    Are you sure? Her 2 doesn't let melee dudes come close to her, her 3 protect her from range damage and her 4 let you kill stuff at range...seems like perfect synergy to me.





    Synergy: the combined power of a group of things when they are working together that is greater than the total power achieved by each working separately.

    Dictionary meaning of synergy for your information dude.

  15. When you recast SotD all your shadows should respawn or get teleported near to you, that would be awesome since, you have to wait that they die to recast new ones near you because they keep fighting in one area and leave you alone.

    Lovin' the changes, Nekros now feels pretty different and I like it.

  16. When you recast SotD all your shadows should respawn or get teleported near to you, that would be awesome since, you have to wait that they die to recast new ones near you because they keep fighting in one area and leave you alone.

    Lovin' the changes, Nekros now feels pretty different and I like it.

  17. Saw the title and replied just what everyone says: NOPE.

    People should start using the search function to look the HUNDREDS of this threads and all with a big NO.

    1st person in this game would be dreadful.

  18. 7 hours ago, F4talFr4me said:


    Gave +1. but i still never saw any use for trip wire and bounce pad thing. pretty useless tbh. the shred/concuss mines i tend to throw them on top of my vortex because it WILL trigger.


    I like the idea of your passive but i still dont like how it requires other people to activate it. very odd. but at least if your companion activated it. it would be better. (even more if the team recharge effected ur pet too).


    My idea was more of a "bastille" style and the more enemys that are around you in X radius you and your team gained Y shield/armor/hp (one of them or all of them) by a tiny % (but anything is better than current passive as it wont activate if you solo).


    Tesla is..meh... i dont get why DE keep making such crappy 1 skills. NYX 1 skill is awesome tho. only 1 skill i actually USE on any of my frames. the thing should arc hard or AoE in a radius with high status/stun chance but low damage. would make them worth using.



    Tripwire it's excellent against infested also hilarious. Something similar to Bounce, somewhat niche but well used can make a difference, also can give lots of fun if you put it in small rooms making a bouncy castle XD.

    I think shield would be the better stat for passive for a team based defensive frame, armor is very unreliable since only would make a difference on tanks and hp would make no sense since he is not a healer. Shield is a stat that every frame has (not counting Inaros) and squishier frames tend to have, that would make them stay or return to the fight quicker.

    About Tesla, the more I read the first option, the more I like it. 50% of electric proc in AoE per charge is a very powerful tool. Also, a suggestion made on reddit said that Tesla swaps places with Shred mine and Shred become a grenade instead of a mine, like enemy units throw.

  19. Hi! Since the changes to Booben's 2 came out I thought that DE will take a look at his other abilities too, like Tesla but, nope. Also, his passive, still don't understand why the armor.

    I gave a little thought and with small changes many abilities can be great and formidable well combined:




    Reinforce: by every nearby Tenno Ally (Tenno Affinity range), Vauban empowers friendly and self shield systems giving 25% improved Shield Recharge Rate and reduced Shield Recharge Delay capping at 75%. When solo, your companion counts for the passive giving one stack.

    Doing the math; Shield Recharge Delay is 3 secs by default and Shield Recharge Rate is 15+5% max shields per sec. 

    At 75% (full squad) we get: Shield Recharge Delay of 0.75 secs and a Shield Recharge Rate of 45,9375 shield per sec, counting normal Vauban Shields at rank 30 (225).





    Works like in the Booben Prime trailer; When landed shocks every single enemy in range (like Diriga's Arc Coil) with a 20/30/40/50%(depending on rank) electric proc chance every charge. The charges would remain the same as the current Tesla and proc chance can't be modded.


    Works exactly like an Arc Trap, shocking constantly one enemy doing 100% electric procs at cast and every 2 secs until runs out (intervals can't be modded).





    Bounce and Trip laser are fine but Shred and Concuss bother me a bit:

    Shred/Concuss mine: have a proximity detection radius of 5 meters, when an enemy enters the range, explodes.

    This is mainly because the proximity ranges of this mines are awful, the enemy must stand literally above the mine to actually trigger it and it's vary unlikely that enemies take contact with them unless you spray the whole place with them and that is a waste of energy. What is the purpose of a mine that will never trigger?


    Given all in thought, Booben would have an useful passive for him and his squad without being border OP, but useful for a little more squad survivability. Also, the changes for Tesla and Minelayer Shred and Concuss mines would grant him more options on how control areas besides Vortex and Bastille having multiple layers of defense also saving some energy. The Combining all his abilities would turn Booben surroundings in very dangerous area for enemies since tends to build Range, Duration and Efficiency. After all, he must be the king of CC.

    Those are my thoughts how Booben can be improved, thanks for reading.


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