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Everything posted by HarissonLA

  1. Razorwing is amazing. That's about it. And that is where her strong sides end. Helminth feature justified using her exclusively for Razorwing by applying buffs, but that still leaves 3 out of 4 abilities of her own remain useless. What's wrong? Everything in design philosophy that takes roots in playing slow-paced D&D RPG like Baldur's Gate 3 (now that it's out and relevant I can safely give that as example), because Warframe is a fast-paced third-person looter-shooter and warframe design philosophy has changed from "useful to the team" in 2013-2015 to "slow-paced role-play" (Titania and Khora fall under, but the latter has more than 1 useful ability) to "self-sufficient jack-of-all-trades" in the latest years. This change in philosophy altered how the game is played, you can be required to choose certain warframe to help the squad OR if there's no help needed or the needs of squad covered by one or two frames, the remaining players can pick whatever, and with selection of 50+ warframes they can pick their favorite. And that's not a bad thing. The bad thing is - Titania is not enjoyable to be picked or be useful, and that needs to change before she plummets into 0.01% use like Hydroid or whatever is the next on the list for rework. Warframe has a theme, their strong side, their contribution to the group and their factor of enjoyment for the player. Titania has a theme - pixie (or moth, or whatever that third skin is), her strong side is Razorwing ability, which contributes kills-per-minute to the group and it's fun to fly around. Enhance all of that! Make it better! Ask players (or your Excalibur Prime club) for feedback, collect the ideas and change it. Two of Titania's abilities are slow-cast small Area of Effect crowd-control, and one that gives various buffs (that barely change anything), all of that works perfectly in D&D setting, but in warframe unless all of that can be scaled to have significant impact in gameplay - none of that matters on a killer-frame who's main strength is killing enemies more efficiently than with other means (weapons) while competing with other killer-frames. Player's enjoyment factor ends as soon as 4th ability - Razorwing - is activated. From that point the enjoyment is in killing enemies and maintaining energy, nothing else of the powers this warframe has matters beyond that. Since I'm not paid to do the design for warframes, consider this a friendly player contribution: Ability "Lantern" - change to "Pixie Dust", change effect to mark enemy and all enemies around it (alternatively - spread around on kill) in 6 / 8 / 12 / 15 m radius (affected by mods) for duration 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 s (affected by mods) decreasing enemy's accuracy by flat -50% (not affected by mods), visually lighting them up with energy color, should have fast cast time. Change Augment mod to add Damage Received from all sources increased by 10% / 20% / 30% / 40% (affected by mods) on all affected enemies. There, an example of design philosophy for warframe to contribute to the group, to be enjoyable for player, to enhance strong side and have a theme. I expect all 3 abilities (Razorwing is perfect, never touch it) to be changed with similar mindset and to be significant or at least somewhat useful in gameplay. Spellbind could have drop rate increased (without CC effect) with augment additionally giving increased/guaranteed drop of energy. Tribute could be just summoning 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 razorflies (affected by mods?) for 8 / 12 / 15 / 20 s duration (affected by mods) that can exist outside of Razorwing state or just add them plus/or replenish dead razorwing's razorflies while having some other independent effect. It's entirely up to creative people in dev team but something has to be changed and more significantly than the last time.
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