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Posts posted by AandOE

  1. I'm hoarding Intrinsic points until R.10 for Command is available, with any extra going towards the other normal paths. Yes, I'd like to put all of my points back to what they were pre-refund, but I've been waitin' for Command R.10 since the path was initially announced way back when! Since the points are all pooled again, might as well, eh?

    R.10 idea: +1 competency rank (for a max of 6!), +1 competency point, Liches can be used anywhere.

  2. Maybe the PKs will have the opposite usage than their Secondary versions. (for what's great) Maybe a super high rate of fire, or a beam type Primary will overshadow the Catch-a-Moooooon-Tomb-Finger? Wouldn't that be neat? Still, as the second planet in line, progression-wise, Venus really shouldn't be having anything high up on the MR list.

  3. Thank you, DE, for creating Scarlet Spear.

    Thank you, DE, for showing us who we are.

    Thank you, DE, for waking us up, giving us the unexpected, the heart wrenching plot, the memories of those we lost, and all of the potential for the future.

    Thank you, DE, for I am crying, having just re-watched some of the cinematics, strengthened my ties to my Warframes, and shown me what it means to truly love a game.

    Thank you, DE.

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  4. I want my Primary Kitgun to shoot Poptart Kavats with exploding rainbow shards, just to lighten up the mood. And then another one can have the bulk of its model be this giant proton pack on one's back, requiring you to hit the alternate fire button to capture every enemy instead of just straight up murderizing them. Then there can be this one gun, which lobs these hand sized Grendel Balls at enemies for capturing, to let me spew them back out at their friends with at least one of four different attacks per use. After that, I'd love to get a Primary Kitgun Board, that lets me just ice skate all over the place (1m attack range!) and then go in for absolutely monstrous attack animations using button mashings worth at least 100 gigatons. And then.... and then!!!!!!

  5. The beginning really sounded like "True Vault Hunter Mode", which got me to read the rest, but #2 and #3 currently do not move me in such a way that I'd want to play it. Just think, TVHM Liches, requiring 5 Parazon nodes, 5x the murmurs, 5 downs, 5x the hp density, while Railjacking to a 1/2 hour Super Sentient Shedu farm located behind a false wall that's only activatable by double jumping with a maxxed Sentient-style skateboard, that's also being guarded by Darth Vad--The Stalker, all of his Acolytes, and all of the game's bosses. Plus nervos. Okay, maybe that's more like "Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode +10", but still! XD

  6. I'd love to see anybody in the dojo, like we do in the Dry Docks. (npc-wise) If this means adding an AI waypoint/action system that requires décor capacity, then so be it. I've even gone as far as giving the dock workers places to rest, take breaks, nap, and so on. Taking a normal tile and converting it to bunks and personal rooms for their required use (e.g. amount of capacity equates naturally to how many npcs can be spawn hosted) could become an incredibly complex dojo function for the player base.

  7. My Trin can offset nearly all effects from drinking contests to the nearest bloke, further reduce the remaining amount by a spectacular amount, and then the operator can dash through her to make her actually invincible. Drinks? Psha.

  8. Remember when Reb first got the augment to walk around in her Nyx-y bubble, and we all geeked out with her at the same time? Pepperidge Farm remembers. XD Anyways, CC 'frames are just as viable as Damage and Healer 'frames, as each one takes a different path towards war.

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