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Posts posted by Exillian

  1. Dear RNG I just need the Braton Prime Barrel to complete my Braton Prime, you have been so kind to me by finally rewarding me with the reaper blade in a T2 Raid and a FP BP in my last T3 Ext, I hope you'll continue to be so kind by giving me and my lackeys a Braton Prime Barrel in our t3 def runs later today.

  2. I started calling it the Grineer Super Soaker on the wiki page.


    This shotgun looks like a double-barreled shotgun, yet has the size of a braton for some reason. Turning it into an automatic peashooter is as logical as making a scythe that launches unicorns with each swing.


    Come on DE. Just turn it into a double barreled shotgun with HUGE damage. 2 shells that deal insane damage each, with good fire rate and a decent reload speed. That would save this shotgun from the hell it is in. I was shown a double barreled shotgun, and I heard Rebecca say ''click click boom''. Why would you turn it into a crappy Boar? Hell, the Boar already lacks punch when compared to the Strun and Hek (its not really designed to be a nuke launcher, either, but rather a DPS monster). This is a Grineer Super Soaker. The kind that grineer soldiers buy for their kids on christmas so they can shoot water at each other, or nerf darts, whatever fits. Im sticking with water.

    We have such shotgun , its huge and has FOUR barrels and does 140 dmg even more with mods.Honestly you guys are just upset over the Sobek because its a iconic double barrel not doing insane dmg and it shoots nerf darts.

  3. +1 on this


    what it should be:



    clip:2 rounds

    reload:1-1.5 seconds

    pellet spread:terrible-average

    damage drop-off: very short range (15-25 meters)

    rate of fire:as fast as you can pull the trigger

    crit rate: i am guessing pretty high


    double barrel shotguns have ALWAYS been depicted as low capacity,low range,and high damage weapons that fit a fun and frantic high risk high reward play-style. This is the complete opposite!


    as off now their are no shotguns that fit this niche and so it would be a tremendously welcome addition to anyone's arsenal especially of those who prefer this extreme method of game-play.


    on i final note i have got a quote from the war-frame staff regarding this shotgun in the dev live-stream 9


    "click click boom!"

      -DE Rebecca

    From the shotguns artistic standpoint,


    I wouldn't really agree to some of this.Because the mag is a drum mag.Holding 2 rounds with the current mag design would not make sense. And yes the dmg is S#&$.


    Remeber the Hek has  FOUR barrels FOUR


    and it deals 140 dmg(not to mention overall alot bigger than the Sob)


    buffing the Sobek's dmg to about 70 or 80 ish would be fine and maybe just maybe lower the clip size to 15.The problem about the new DB shotty is its dmg output per shot.  About shooting 2 rounds per click hmmmmmmm....

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