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  1. Just now, I took a default look of Sevagoth Glaukus + his shoulderpad into Whispers in the walls, and was struck by an absolutely overwhelming amount of bloom, which persisted even editing him in the arsenal on the spot to try to reduce his colors' luminosity. And when I say overwhelming, I mean it: Furthermore, this problem doesn't appear elsewhere in the game, or at least I've checked the Simulacrum, Arsenal, relays, all normal. As you're no doubt going to be interested for tracking this down, Windows 10 64bit Home, using the Direct X12 Beta per the launcher. All my video settings are defaulting to 'High' on an NVidia Geforce 2070. The only thing I can do to get around this blinding amount of bloom is to run a different warframe or skin entirely, or turn bloom off entirely. Even doing that, the arm remains blindingly white, it just isn't overwhelming the whole screen.
  2. Sorry it requires a tag but for some reason doesn't have a sensible tag for a bug that affects a warframe's functionality. In any case, even if your cosmetic A is set appropriately for a different element, when you equip Chroma, even right there in the spawn room and throughout the rest of the mission, he will be set to Heat, ignoring the emissive on your appearance. This is more or less fine if you haven't subsumed over Spectral Scream, you can just fix it after all. However, I use an electric chroma build that I have no intention of swapping elements on under any normal circumstance - even having spectral scream simply introduces the possibility for error from tapping 1 accidentally - but because of this bug, if I want to use Electric Chroma in Duviri it is absolutely required to not have spectral scream subsumed over, else he cannot ever appear. As a trailing note, it is probably worth investigating if Excalibur w/ Chromatic Blade, Equinox, or frames with subsumed Elemental Ward suffer similar problems.
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