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Posts posted by (PSN)deathfrombelow5

  1. 1 minute ago, prometheus2573 said:

    go play XCOM2 and try to download it and even play without putting a credit card.

    You are still not getting it man. This has nothing to do with the initial price of the game. Warframe is built on the premise of getting people in the door for free, and then pushing them toward plat purchases whenever it can. The game is only "free" to try to get people to pay later. Its like a sale where you have to buy 2 items to get a discount. The store isn't being generous, its trying to get you to spend more money on an item than you originally would.


    In the case of Warframe, the devs have a net profit from this model.

  2. 3 minutes ago, prometheus2573 said:

    They could charge for the game and stop being a free to play game too and you might be ok with it but i am sure there are plenty of people who still want this game to be free to play.

    You seem to be under the impression that "Free to play" is some sort of generosity on part of the developers.

    It is actually a business model. They are intending to make more money with this model than with a 60 dollar release. Free to play isn't some sort of gift that leaves devs broke. Please, understand the business model before commenting.

  3. One note- Even though my account name says ps4, I have a pc account by the same name (minus the whole (ps4) thing). Unfortunatley, I can't use the forums with that account for whatever reason.


    I would use the plat for one or two deluxe skins (probably palatine and proto-armor), probably rush one warframe, and get some inventory slots. 


    Thank you for your generosity.

  4. Just now, [DE]Drew said:

    Hmm, you're definitely not in the right group if you're a founder. You should have access automatically if you're a Master or Grand Master. I'll look into it. 

    I'll check your account ASAP. 

    See above. Might be a larger issue. 

    Thanks drew. I appreciate it.

  5. DE seems to have approached archwing as if they were making the game all over again. For example, all "mandatory mods" are heavily nerfed in archwing, the efficiency mod (for example) takes a crapload of cores to get anywhere near streamline. 


    I think this mod is just another example of this. 

  6. Thank you to those who are offering words of encouragement and appreciation. 

    For those of you who are disappointed, I am also disappointed. The anniversary is meant to be a celebration and recognition of the past years together - not 'free loot day' (we give out free weapons to all platforms on the Warframe anniversary, fyi). If you're not interested in the cosmetics, that's fine, but please respect the PS4 community as a whole.


    The two year anniversary is a pretty big deal for me, so anyone who wants to share some stories or just have a Dojo party, send me a message on the forums or in game. I'd love to hear from you. 

    Couldn't have said it better. Not everything should equal free stuff.


    Complaining about this is like complaining about the cake at your friend's birthday party.

  7. I'd say that balancing our potential damage and then reducing the amount of enemies in the field would have a better impact.

    Less enemies= less drops = more brutal RNG at all levels of the game.


    In addition, current enemies have a crapload of health. Take a few mods off your rifle and see how long it takes to kill some of the heavy units (it gets pretty bad). Enemies need to have less damage potential.

  8. How many weapons even hit for the hyperbole damages you spouted? They are talking about alterng damge across the board, just to remedy some annoyance with a few specialty weapons and mandatory mods, of which are mandatory because the main point of a weapon is damage. Apparently your idea of difficulty is also bullet sponges.

    I have to agree with Orange on this. As the game goes right now, the tenno have way to much potential for damage. The problem that stems from that, however, is that Enemies have way to much resistance potential. We need to balance the game, through both reduction in our potential of damage, and in the potential of the enemies to resist our damages. If both don't occur, the game will surffer severely.

  9. Greedy Mag and Peacemaker were bad, bad, bad. You know this as well as I do; the only reason you're upset is because they took away your lovely little farming combo that let you bypass playing the game. Cry me a river.

    And, yes, this does affect other people. It's a PvE game, but it's also CO-OP: I can't enjoy playing with other people when I, with the gear I actually worked for instead of farming for, feels useless against the Peacemaker spammer on top of the pod. It's already hard enough as it is to find a squad in the starchart, now you're saying that whenever I end up with a squad full of steamrollers and their Boltor Primes (Nerf mentality? If there was a nerf mentality they never would have let that gun be like that for a year and a half!) and quit out of frustration I should just suck it up because you love your OP guns! Okay, why not! I might as well just not play the game even though I really, really want to, because I can't enjoy myself in its current state and because I can't say a damn thing about it because 'if u don't liek it dun't play it"!

    I've got a voice just as much as you do in this game. Don't brush it off.

    You are a perfect example of a person who creates this anti nerf mentality. 


    You come into to this thread (which has been remarkably civil until you came in here) insulting people, acting pissed off, and demanding that the game be shaped to your specific vision.


    Your aggressiveness and determination to see everyone play the way you do pisses some people off, frightens others (who think DE will actually listen to you), and invalidates any reason which your argument may have contained.


    Let me give you a few responses to your little rant:

    - I don't know why you are so concerned about the success of others in the game. Just because someone got more kills with their boltor than you did with your braton doesn't mean that they are too effective. Again, balance is ambiguous in this game. Until we have a level cap (where levels stop), very few (if any) things can be OP. Boltor isn't one.


    -"When I, with the gear I actually worked for instead of farming for". I'm not sure what you meant here, but I am going to assume that you are referring to gear you bought with platinum. Just because you bought something with platinum, does not mean you should be the new high power. 


    -"A squad full of steamrollers"- Different people play the game at different paces. If you want to play the game slow, you have to play solo. Other players should not be forced to slow the game down just because you want to play the game at a snail's pace. Again, your playstyle is exactly that, your playstyle. Stop trying to get players to play exactly like you do. 

  10. There are good reasons for people's dislikes of nerfs. I will attempt to convey them, best as I am able.


    1. Balance in this game (right now) is pretty arbitrary. Because we don't have a defined endgame, or a defined enemy power level, it is impossible to say what is OP and what isn't. If this game had a endgame, where enemies stopped leveling, and where our most powerful modded weapons were expected to kill a particular enemy in "x" amount of seconds, it would be way more reasonable to nerf gear. If this system existed, we could actually say an item was too powerful, and we would have evidence to prove it. With the way the game is now, we can't really say what is OP and what isn't. This leads to people becoming defensive over nerfs, because their favorite weapon/ item is being reduced from what they considered reasonable.


    2. Nerfs are not fun in the short run. The thing about having an OP piece of gear, is that it makes you feel happy, and excited that you have found a weapon this powerful. When the weapon is nerfed, you feel disappointed, and long for that previous state. While an OP gun is not fun in the long run, and can lead to boring encounters, in the short run it can be a really fun thing to use. People don't want to lose this feeling, and consequently don't want a nerf.


    3. The Definition of Overpowered held by a lot of the community (including you, Orange) is considered to be too extreme. The problem with many of the "nerf" suggestions you have posted is that they are over the top, and not really aimed at making the game fun in the long run. For example, lets take your scindo prime and sancti tigris thread. In both threads, you argued that these weapons were OP and ruining the game. Problem is, you wanted them reduced to an extreme low point, that engenders neither fun nor interest. In the case of the tigris, you argued that this weapon was over the top, and should have been a side-grade to a (admittedly good) market weapon. This destroys the point of a much higher mr weapon, and the point of having it as high-tier syndacite gear. While this weapon may a little bit too powerful (I personally don't believe this, but lets say what if), it is only accessible to a certain group of people, and needs to be at its current state so that people will sacrifice stuff to the syndacites in order to get to it. Your suggestion to nerf the sancti tigris would have took the fun, intrigue, and appeal out of the weapon.


    My suggestion to this third point: Try to be more reasonable. A lot of the "Nerf" arguments are heavy on balancing the game in the enemy favor (and vice versa). This doesn't really add fun to the game, and makes people very defensive.


    4. Balance can't just apply to us. Right now, enemies have a lot of really cheap tools at their disposal. Calling for nerfs on us, and buffs to them, is ridiculous in the minds of many players. People who are truly in the business on balance would consider all these facts before offering a suggestion, and not just have a knee jerk of "x is OP, DE pls nerf". For example, lets say that you thought exalted blade was op. To fix this, you could suggest reducing enemy abilities to take away our energy, and their ability to have insane amounts of hp and armor. To counter this change, exalted blade would use more energy, do less damage, and be unable to gain energy during the super (to require use of other gear). This creates an actual state of balance, instead of just instituting a rule of OP enemies.


    5. Nerfs are very poorly done in warframe. In warframe, we have a lot of nerfs that just destroy gear. They rarely, if ever, move it into a reasonable area. Instead, they destroy that weapon/frame, in a really bad way. Example of this:
    Acrid. Godly before the nerf, terribad after the nerf. Didn't even get to a reasonable level for several major updates.

    Excal (pre exalted blade, post radial javelin/ radial blind nerf). Again, way too powerful before the nerf, and pretty weak after the nerf. Took a long time for the poster boy to get back into top tier state.

    Launchers- Way too much ammo, way too good ammo economy before the nerf, way too low ammo, terrible ammo economy after the nerf. While launchers are still good gear- It is now preferable to use just about anything else (besides snipers) as a primary, not to mention the fact that ammo pools are now shared between all explosive weapons.

    Vuklok- Hope I don't have to explain this one.


    6. DE takes forever to buff. When something is nerfed, it is reduced heavily. It then takes several major updates before anyone even thinks of buffing the item. How long has the ignis been out? The silva and Aegis? Snipers in General? The list goes on. The fact is, it takes DE far too long to buff, and when A player's item is nerfed, they know it will be invalidated for many months to come, and don't want that to occur.



    Keep in mind I say all this with all due respect and civility.

  11. This "Robin Hood" thing will probably be a minor addition.


    For example, Chroma was supposed to increase luck in accord with the whole "Chinese Dragon" theme. The only thing he actually does, however, is give you 2x credits while effigy is active. Not really that useful, or mandatory for farming. I think a similar thing will happen with this frame.

  12. The problem with warframe on ps4 is the delay with updates.

    De has built a game that is based around constant updates, and have refused to adjust on the ps4 (or xbone, for that matter) for the long delays.

    This situation is worsened by the fact that warframe is a free to play game, which is an irritating and unfamiliar business model to console players. Most people don't want to play a game that constantly wants them to spend money, and constantly delivers stale content that they have seen coming for months.


    At this point, I'm not sure what DE can do to get their console base back. But if they want to get it back, they should move fast, before the AAA heavy hitters start to release regularly.

  13. With the recent changes, Atlas has become a pretty decent frame. His first ability is pretty powerful, His second ability has some useful cover utility, and his third ability is decent crowd control if used while a buddy takes out the crowd.


    His Rumblers, unfortunatley, are not very good. The problems with them are numerous, but come down to some very basic issues.


    Problem Number 1: Rumblers don't do enough-

    The first problem with the rumblers are pretty basic. When I can just clear out a room with Landslide (BTW landslide is fine, no nerf needed), there is absolutely no reason to waste the energy on the shaky ai of the underpowered rumblers. Fixing it is pretty simple. Instead of the weak punch that the rumblers do, give them an earthquake slam that can do some serious damage to groups. If you have to limit the number of projectles that the rumblers can shoot to balance this change, so be it.


    Problem Number 2: Rumblers Don't add to the group, or to the player-

    Nekros' shadows of the dead allows the player to give the group some cover, and can draw aggro away. In addition, with the augment mod, it gives nekros some good damage redouction. Rumblers, on the other hand, do neither of these. There are two possible fixes that might make this ability a bit better:


    Complicated Fix: Pressing 4 a second time while rumblers are up causes them to go to where the player is aiming, and form into two Tectonic walls, linked together. These walls can link with the actual tectonic wall. This will give the Rumblers some protection utility, and give them more usability as a whole. I expect this to not be easy to implement, however, and might be better suited to an augment mod.


    Simple fix: When friendlies are in a 5/10/15 m radius of the rumblers, they gain 100/200/300 extra shields,  75/150/225 (Might be a bit high) armor, and 3/5/7 percent health regen per sec. This will add team utility to rumblers, and value to atlas as a whole.

  14. +1 OP


    Alot of people don't understand this very well, but endless scaling is a huge balance problem.

    When people say "X item is OP", we can't verify the claim. Against a level one, Item x might be op. Against a level 1000, however, it is severly underpowered. For balance to occur, we need to remove endless scaling, and have an actual endgame so we can accuratley measure how powerful we should be. Without this strict cuttoff, we can't ever say anthing is properly balanced.

  15. Hear is the translation in theclinton's thread:

    Void link severed
    Reason foreign carrier detected. Origin unknown. Suspicion tracking signal.

    Reinitiating dipolar connection on novel(?) carrier. Bow in standby for seyenc(?) check and sync.


    Motion compensation complete.

    Selenic lensing locked.

    Somatic control established.

    Margoolis(?) implantation intact.

    EVM status nominal.

    Air platform awaiting sync.


    Naturally, some of these typos and words like "seyenc" could be mistakes on DE's part, but I am otherwise confident in this translation with the exception of "Margoolis" which I could not figure out


    Keep the plat.

  16. I ran into this problem through steam. Some websites require an address to be registered with the card before you can use the card on line. I believe you can register an address to a prepaid card online if it is a visa. If not, you can call the number on the card and they will do it for you.

    Hope this helps.

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