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  1. I've been playing around with the newest melee weapons, and I've found that their special abilities are mostly too weak and/or impractical to be worth actively using over simply using normal melee combos. Azothane: The bonus combo shockwaves deal negligible damage, and provide neither lasting CC or a useful status effect, as the time taken to perform the shockwave animation doesn't feel worth inflicting a single Impact proc with a minor flinch. Change I'd like to see: If the shockwave would inherit the damage mods from the weapon it would be a reliable status infliction tool. Edun: The unique heavy attack override deals fairly reasonable damage if you land a headshot, but the innate status effect is bad (a single Impact proc) and the explosion has neither range nor damage to its name. Comparing the Edun to popular heavy attack weapons such as the Stropha or the Reaper Prime, it simply doesn't add up. Change I'd like to see: Change the guaranteed status proc on direct hit from Impact to Slash, and increase the damage of the explosion. Sampotes and Tenet Exec: The problem I have with these weapons are the same: the slam shockwaves deal too little damage to be worth using. The opportunity cost of sending enemies flying, or being locked in the slam animation if they are resistant/immune to it, simply isn't worth the damage. While there is some synergy with the Shattering Impact mod, 6 flat armour reduction doesn't cut it these days. Change I'd like to see: Increase shockwave damage. Syam: The heavy attack waves are fine damage wise, I simply don't understand why they also inflict a Impact proc on hit. Change I'd like to see: Make the guaranteed status proc Heat instead of Impact Incarnon Furax: I can't speak on this one personally, I didn't choose it this Circuit cycle. However, from what others have said and shown, the heavy slam fool has low range and low damage. Change I'd like to see: Increase the range and damage of the slam pool. Thank you for consideration.
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