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Posts posted by (PSN)ShuhanX

  1. I find your abuse of base stat mods and rejection of the ability to play with the kits of any given warframe offensive, especially after DE went through so much trouble to attempt to make each unique and enjoyable. To the vast majority of players, this was a huge quality of life change that I and many others stand behind.

    This. I can definitely understand why this would affect certain playstyles for a portion of the players. However, I don't think that some have taken into consideration, the liklihood that DE actually wants us to use powers for their game. Consider how much time, effort and resources are expended to produce these powers and to make each Warframe unique. It's likely that they're taking this risk to push players into exploring these powers and because they want to put just as much emphasis on powers as they do gunplay and melee

  2. IIRC DE said that they are making new alternate helmets for all of the Warframes and that the new ones they are making for Ash will most certainly be more Ninja-like. I love his standard helmet, but his other ones aren't my style. A hood would be awesome.

  3. DE really needs to see these, you did a fantastic job. Especially your idea to allow Volt to carry a smaller version of his shield as well as basically all of your suggestions for every other Warframe.

    The only thing I'd add would be to make aimed teleports for Ash produce automatic finishers without the prompt. It's happened a few times to me (likely a glitch) and makes the power feel very smooth. And to make his finisher animations occur faster.

  4. hmm, no not at all, although when 14.5 dropped I believe there were some changes with some of the ports etc... Are you familiar with port forwarding on a router?  Also, when you connect to PSN what does it say your NAT type is? 


    EDIT:  I had alot of problems I had to forward all of my warframe ports after either 14.0 or 14.5  but nothing changed with 14.8.1 for me

    I actually managed to do a trade with someone yesterday right after making this thread without any hiccups. However, it seems like I can't join sessions with one trader in particular. If the individual's NAT type is on the wrong setting, could this be a problem even if mine is one the correct one?

  5. I have only ever seen people refer to the "Unique Warframe" concept when speaking of poly-Tenno a-la LoL. I don't see how it can be applied to mono-tenno. After all Mono-Tenno pretty much accepts the Warframe construction mechanic (and lore as per Mirage) at face value, hence there are Warframe lines, maybe based on a single originator/prototype or maybe not.

    The Unique Warframe concept is what I meant by "Mono-Warframe". I am referring to the poster you were debating with in the previous page, who's stance is that there is only one of each Warframe. One Ember, one Excal, one Mag, one Ash etc. But I suppose the Mono-Warframe theory is synonymous to the Poly-Tenno/Unique Warframe premise, which is probably where the confusion came from.

  6. The entire progression system of the game is not "negligible"

    Solar-System progress, event progress, weapon affinity, equipment, deathmarks, battle pay, quests and even the upcoming syndicates will all be at the account (IMHO single-Tenno) level. We have even had Steve say verbatim "Your player... your Tenno"

    Games that posit multiple characters have multiple progress tracks, Warframe does not. and has absolutely zero discussion of any form of group control (Like LoL and the "summoner")

    As I've said before, we are all speculation however the positions IMHO hinge on two very different things:

    1. Single-Tenno-per-account-using-multiple-warframes hinges on unrevealed lore, everything else easily fits.

    2. One-tenno-per-warframe-many-tenno-per-account hinges on DE being unable to design a game that fits the setting.

    I just don't believe that #2 is likely. And IMHO poly-tenno has way too many lore holes while mono-tenno only has "How do they fit" which has many potential solutions, but none yet discussed in-game.

    I wasn't speaking of the entire progression system, my statements pertain specifically to character selection.

    As for the Mono-Poly subject itself, the problem with this theory is that it isn't just the Tenno themselves that are being discussed here. There is a Mono-Poly Warframe theory that is being debated here, and that is what my first comment is in reference to. I actually agree that there is only one Tenno we control and that unrevealed lore will inevitably explain how we switch between each Warframe. However, the Mono-Warframe theory that suggests there is only one original copy of each Warframe is a concept that I find to be in far more conflict with the lore than the Mono-Tenno theory, which as you said, only faces the obstacle of "How do they fit?". Which can easily be explained by just saying the Void energy allows them to shape-shift their Tenno bodies to fit each Warframe.

  7. still doesnt comply with the Mono-Poly hypothesis. Brimir has his own perception of limited Tennos, doesnt answer the current theories of how many Tennos does a Player control

    Because it's probably just a rudimentary gameplay mechanic that we aren't supposed to put so much thought into. There has to be some kind of leeway allowed for the gameplay elements to exist without throwing the lore into question.

    In the Ninja Gaiden series, we're able to carry around 8+ different weapons, when lore-wise Ryu only uses the Dragon Sword. The lore of games should never be based on negligible gameplay mechanics.

  8. Ash's ninja-ness is now canon. It's unfortunate that he's like the classic stealthy 'smokebomb' kind of ninja in a world where blowing up everyone and everything can actually be considered stealth.

    Yeah, I'd of liked for Ash to of been more of a Ryu Hayabusa styled ninja.

    As for the OP, Kudos my good sir this is a very quality post. I didn't even know there was Orokin words inscribed on various weapons, I just assumed they were designs. I wonder if DE will ever release an official translation for these.

  9. Everything from Alad V's quotes to the entire Prophet trailer support the high probability of there being multitudes of each specific Warframe. The lore already has clearly confirmed the deaths of multiple Tenno/Warframe. A Mirage, an Excalibur, and the several confirmed Warframe used to create Zanuka are all dead. It's not possible for there to only be 20 some Warframe in total.

    "Why, Tenno, what an intriguing Warframe you have. I look forward to adding it to my inventory."

    This statement largely implies that Alad V has a stored inventory of Warframes, suggesting that your Warframe will be a welcomed addition to his collection.

    "Now play nice Tenno, Zanuka is one of you. (Laughs) Actually, come to think of it, Zanuka is many of you."

    He quite blatantly states that he has captured and dismantled many Warframes. This alone makes it impossible for their to only be 20 individual Warframes. The Zanuka's very existence supports the fact Warframes are mass produced. In fact, the Harvester also supports this. The Harvester is clearly a separate entity from the original Zanuka which means there were even more Warframes that were captured and sacrificed. How could there be only 20 Warframes in total, when Zanuka alone is made with the parts of several?

    "Yes, and of course, we've saved the best for last: excellent condition, as you can see. Now keep in mind the core components will be diverted to the Zanuka program. Bidding begins at 3 million. (Pause) Good luck gentlemen. May our ledgers become ocean, [may] our margins see Centauri. In the name of profit, I commit thee... to the Void."

    This is what was said during the Prophet Trailer in reference to the recently captured Mag. There is no way Alad could have developed a sophisticated auction system if that was one of the few Warframes he's auctioned parts off to. It is largely implied that he has been stockpiling Warframe parts to create Zanuka and that clearly was not the first time he's sold warframe parts to potential buyers. He had literally just killed and sold an Excalibur in the opening scene of the trailer.

  10. Those guys give Ash players such a bad name lol. I main Ash, and I never use him that way, I mainly use Teleport and rarely use Bladestorm. The vid was really funny though.

    As for the color scheme though, I don't see a problem with it. They can make it any color they want, it's their build afterall. My Ash is Burgundy, White and Gold with Red tint and Gold energy. Throw some Edo armor on that....sooooooooo sexy.

  11. no you dont... u still only got a max 3% chance that he will spawn you gear has no bearing on if he spawns or not

    And yet he only ever attacks me when I'm leveling weapons. Mind you, I play this game almost daily and have been for several months. It's a little much to just plainly say conclave 100% has no chance of influencing the spawn rate. Until DE confirms or dismisses this, I think it's more logical to keep an open mind. At this point, it is quite impossible to be absolutely certain what the circumstances for Stalker's spawn rate are. Hopefully one day, DE will provide some clarity in this.

  12. I have noticed that this bug has been quite persistent. When using Dual Swords, a single Dagger, or a Glaive finisher executed at the target's back it will inflict zero damage. I haven't tested this for every single weapon type, but it appears to only occur with weapons that have grapple-based finishers. This became especially apparent when I used Ash's Teleport. The animation will perform normally, then the target will immediately turn around unfazed. Also, when doing such a finisher with a Dagger, you appear to glitch to the front of the enemy while still doing the animation (still with no damage).

    There's definitely something wrong when you do a finisher on a level 8 Crewman, with a maxed/potatoed/forma'd Glaive, and he turns right around and continues shooting you lol.

  13. Because Ordis is too stupid to inject the mutt for you, because the cloning device is eons behind Jurassic Park technology, and because DE just had to make it Tamogotchi Warframe.

    I mean honestly. Ordis can remotely send your Archwing to your exact location and basically pilots the Liset himself (he's there waiting for you right when you reach extraction and runs the Liset, but can't put a Kubrow into stasis when he knows it's about to die. Lol

    Now that I think about it, doesn't Ordis dislike Kubrows? I remember him making snarky comments about having a Kubrow on board when you raise your first one.

  14. As I've said before, I don't think they should be craftable and I don't think the price should be lowered (though I may have issues with the boosters), and I'm upgrading my Chaos pack soon, but some people here are posting pretty embarrassing things looking down on "freeloaders" and other people in general. If you only want these awesome stuff to somehow feel superior to others you should do a little bit of introspection, because it's very, very sad.

    I can respect people who want the accessories because they are exclusive, or good looking. I can respect those who just want to give DE money. I can't respect people who think they are better than others because they can pay 50 bucks.

    That was a refreshingly mature post.

  15. We have mouths, just not visible on our helmet. Mirage's quest said that lotus saw her smiling before she died.

    Not to mention Lotus said she hears Mirage laughing, knowing Lotus was lying about the reinforcements. So it seems like we can definitely speak. We just don't for some reason. I wonder what a Tenno's laughter sounds like.

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