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Posts posted by (PSN)ShuhanX

  1. So basically he's what the Stalker should have been?

    He sounds like fun. I'd love to take him on with a melee build (not Smoke Screen spam) Ash. Although it seems like it'd be quite a challenge to Teleport to him based on how fast he seems to be. From what I've been hearing, he's a pretty interesting mini-boss.

    Speaking of which, how does he respond to Teleport's stagger and bleed/slash procs?

  2. you speak wise words sir. i dont think nerfing any frame is really a smart way to move, not with how many other things in this game don't work.and i hate when people refer to anyone as an ash fanboy or a loki fanboys, i mean yea we're fans but if someone started trying to change the frame you love in a drastic way you'd probably go off too! its just the way popularity and support works. but as i said earlier in the thread, there is a way to satisfy both parties in this argument. a while designed augment will do wonders for this whole debate on BS

    I agree. When it comes to your favorite frame and you become very accustomed to playing with them in a very particular way, it can indeed feel a bit threatening when others want the frame changed in a dramatic way. I can understand why others would scream "don't nerf him!!!" reflexively, but I think there are just as many open minded Ash fans such as yourself, that can appreciate changes of they are done properly.

    So you want to increase Ash's damage by staying stealth, creating 2 clones to deal the most effective damage in all the game to a ton of enemies and all of this while you can also dish out a lot of damage with your weapons ...... all of which happens while you are almost untouchable.

    NO! ... this is not a balancing suggestion .... this would make Ash OP ......

    By the way .... I play Ash .... a lot ..... and I don't want it to be OP.

    Not necessarily. Granted, I do think there are a few needed tweaks for the OP's proposal to prevent BS from being insanely op. I think if DE considers making such changes, there is a plethora of things they could do to prevent it from being OP while still maintaining the spirit of this proposed revision. The OP is not the first Tenno to suggest that BS is reworked into something more similar to Hysteria and I think that, being the only other melee-focused Frame that has it's own built-in weapons, it would be a logical revision. Again though, my support of this idea does not necessarily mean I actually want BS to be changed, but rather it means that if DE decided to reimagine BS, I'd like it to be something similar to this.

  3. the most ridiculous thing is that BS fans teleport here,  bladestorm the topic with "no nerf", "git gud", "y u hate bs", and then smokebomb their way out while absolutely no one is asking for a nerf

    Indeed, but I think every Warframe has people like that in their fanbase. BS doesn't need a nerf at all, and Im pretty content with how it functions now, but I wouldn't be opposed to an interesting revision of the skill just for the sake of increasing player immersion. But on the flip side of your statement, many of the BS haters (not directing this at you btw) are the Loki MasterRace players that think Irradiating Disarm is the height of player immersion and balance.

  4. That move is so great, they should give it to another frame. But maybe with a different name.


    Oh wait, they did.



    Right because there's no two Warframes in the game that have powers that function similarly. /sarcasm

    Lol seriously though, although I like BS the way it is, I always thought that BS would be more interesting if it had a similar function as Hysteria. There is plenty DE could do to make it feel different despite their similarities. The ideas presented by the OP sound quite a bit different from Hysteria. Ash is the only other melee Warframe with it's own built in weapons (Mesa is not a "Melee Warframe" so doesn't count), so it wouldn't be far-fetched for BS to be comparable to Hysteria in some way. Not to mention this would make the power far more interactive, which is a big problem with some of the fanbase.

  5. As an Ash main, I actually don't mind the aim required for Teleport. For me personally, it feels more satisfying stringing them together in quick succession. However, that is not to say that I don't think that Teleport should have a free aiming function. Simply have it to where a pinpointed Teleport is required for staggering enemies and setting up finishers, while still having the ability to Teleport wherever you want freely. Although, the issue will quickly arise with free aimed Teleport, as players will abuse it like there's no tomorrow. Perhaps for balance purposes give the non-aimed Teleports a 3 or more second cool-down time between uses with a visible timer, and leave the normal aimed Teleport as is.

    Another issue that really needs to be addressed with Teleport is the fact that stairs are apparently Teleport's worst enemies. Not to mention other odd obstacles that shouldn't affect LoS yet still give you an "Invalid Target" message.

    With Bladestorm, I think it's fine the way it is. As many others have said already, requiring precise aiming gives it at least some balance, considering how powerful the ability already is.

  6. Mercury is at 1.4% with 2 1/2 hours left. We got this. But as Juzam666 said, after Mercury is saved, things will most likely slow down quite a bit. However, Earth is still making good progress, it's already down to 86.8% with 1d 5h 51m left. So who knows, maybe we'll pull through.

  7. But you can still understand that we want to be able to ADS with these guns that also have an Alt-Fire function, right? This is just how some of us are wired, and we really have a hard time working with these otherwise cool weapons that won't let us play with them the way that's comfortable for us.

    Also, again, I hope this has nothing to do with console players and their lack of input options.

    I can assure you it has nothing to do with console input options. Even on a console controller, I am able to make room for Aim and Secondary Fire independently. If you get creative with the layout, you can definitely make it work on console controls.
  8. Should we make sure pluto is safe before focusing on europa?

    I agree. We should hit Pluto first and make certain that Fomorian is down before moving on to Europa. All Tenno focusing on one Fomorian at a time sounds more logical to me as opposed to splitting our focus.

  9. I totally agree. I wish people would expense with the spread sheeting of the game and just enjoy the damn thing. I could care less how much less efficient I am at clearing a room than the dude next to me. I have a blast playing this game using all sorts of weapons. I personally love the bow to death and find everything else quite boring to use.


    I like bows because they are gratifying. Any person can hold a trigger down and spray the room with bullets. Very few can be deadly with a bow. I think bows tend to discourage newer players because they take patience and timing to be effective, but with some practice they can be some of the most fun weapons to use in the game.


    Also red critting for 30-40 THOUSAND damage is a nice thing to see every once and a while.

    Definitely. For me, getting kills with bows feels so much more satisfying than when I'm using rifle weapons. Especially when you get good enough to aim them while you're jumping/sliding/running etc. Bows are just more fun to use for me personally.

  10. SynoidGammacor.png


    Yes it is a pretty good weapon.


    Oh wait... why did I take bow in first place? To waste couple seconds every time a Nullifier shows up? Why don't I just use Synoid Grammacor and not even take primary?

    Yes, but being that such a weapon is basically superior to almost every weapon including non-bows, that makes your point kind of null though. We're talking about Bows compared to other primaries. I do just fine with my max fire-rate Hikou Prime and Speed Holster in the Void against Nullifiers. That's kind of the point of secondaries. Having to switch to your secondary for a couple seconds every now and again isn't really a proper means of supporting the stance that Bows are obsolete merely because of a single enemy. SG is far from the only adequate response to Nullifiers.

  11. I looked into the recent Ember and Nekros changes, and they are not in the cert  build. HOWEVER, because of the nature of the changes, we might be able to hotfixes those in once the build is released (disclaimer: I cannot guarantee an exact time for that to occur). We're hoping to get the build to you as soon as possible, but we're still waiting for some final approvals. Thank you for your patience, everyone. We know you've been waiting a long time, and I can't wait to see you all in the Relays :)

    Thanks for keeping us updated [DE]Drew, really appreciate it. That would certainly be awesome if you guys are able to hotfix those changes in some time after the update. Can't wait to try out the Relays!

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