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Posts posted by (PSN)ShuhanX

  1. Stalker explains it all:



    My favorite thing about Stalker is he even avenges things that are machines. They're not even alive. Lol like what? Who in the heck seeks vengeance for a frikkin robot? Lol

    As for my experiences with RNG...Hikou Prime Pouch....Blind Justice....that's all I'm gonna say....it's literally too painful to go into any more detail

  2. I see no huge issues with the current Bladestorm. Giving it a function similar to Molecular Prime would not really fix any issues nor give it any more interactivity. I don't see it providing any synergy with your team, as there'd be no way for teammates to determine when and where the Bladestorm radius will be set. And the expansion speed is so fast that teammates won't have time to cope.

    I actually like the idea another poster came up with, where Ash summons a number of clones to do Bladestorm the normal way, while Ash himself is free to do as he pleases. Then the surviving targets are gimped and slowed down similar to MP's effect (no one should be able to gingerly walk away from being stabbed) and still suffer from the bleed proc. It'd give Ash some much needed CC and would make it more useful for high level. Only issue would be the "press 4 to win" players spamming it to holy hell. Perhaps give it some sort of cool down with a reasonable time. Either way, taking clones away, or giving it an increasing radial effect is not the answer imo.

  3. I tend to see the New Loka as a bit of a supremacist movement, obsessed with the "Purity" of humanity to the expense of everyone else who does not meet that standard. They support the Perrin Sequence because whilst they are cybernetically-enhanced they are still "Human". They oppose Steel Meridian because they conflict with their narrative that all the Grineer are evil mutants who hate the "pure" humans living in the colonies. They oppose Cephalon Suda because she could very well "defile" their pure humanity and she is the only explicitly non-human Syndicate in operation (She's an AI) and she no longer serves her "rightful" masters. They only support the Perrin Sequence because it's convenient and they are still technically human, just marred with technology, they aren't impure or outright tainted like the Grineer and Tenno. To them the Tenno are useful tools and are tolerated because they pose no threat to the gene pool.


    Hell one of my favorite things about the Syndicates are that they're all deeply flawed and contribute to how bleak this setting is. Steel Meridian despite being the only "good" organization is run by a well-intentioned extremist who I think would happily sacrifice colonies if she thought it would save more lives in the long run. The Perrin Sequence still practice the predatory economic practices of the Corpus & they're peaceful only insofar as they don't encourage open warfare. The Arbitars of Hexis would likely take up the mantle of god-kings of the solar system if given the chance due to their belief that the Tenno are the greatest beings in the galaxy. Cephalon Suda is a rogue AI who may very well dig too deep and unleash some eldritch abomination upon the solar system just to learn what would happen. The Red Veil are basically a group of fanatical zealots who will slaughter those who oppose them. To be a normal human in this setting must suck since even your allies would probably rob from you, kill you, than wipe out all your friends and family in some bid to &!$$ off their enemies by dropping a colony on their base.

    I disagree with your views on the Arbiters of Hexis. They speak nothing of conquest or their superiority to the other factions. They simply wish to improve themselves, and wish for the Tenno to be seen as more than simply instruments of war and destruction. If anything, their goals appear to be the polar opposite of your description. They have not shown any disdain towards other factions, nor do they speak of ruling over them. At most, they come off as Warrior Monks. A group of Nomads, if you will. Individuals who wield great power, but are more concerned with self-enlightenment and knowledge. Everything they say speaks to some desire to improve themselves as Tenno and to become superior to the former selves and previous generations. It's quite a leap to suggest that they wish to impose this superiority upon the system. They seem to stray from the path of violence and aggression.

    I mean, consider what their allegiances with other Syndicates are. They are allied with Cephalon Suda, who specifically is very passionate in the goal to attain knowledge. Even the wiki states that Cephalon Suda abhors destruction. The way of the Arbiters is one of reflection and truth. They are neutral with Perrin Sequence, who also are a somewhat non-violent Syndicate and basically wishes to "share the wealth" and approach things with a business mentality. They are only directly opposed to the Red Veil which is easily the most violent and extreme of the Syndicates. The Veil completely perpetuates the very stereotype and values (Tenno being nothing more than warriors) that the Arbiters are trying to abolish. They represent everything the Arbiters despise. Everything about Hexis shouts non-violence and an opposition of oppression and dominance. I find them to be one of the most neutral Syndicates so far.

    I'd say the only true flaw with the Arbiters is the very thing I am defending. And that is their opposition to direct conflict. Their ambitions don't seem to go beyond their own personal potential. They seem like the type that does not wish to take an active role in changing the system whether it be for better or for worse. With all the power they possess, and will inevitably acquire by learning the "truth" of the Tenno, I get the feeling that they'd only flex that power when they're forced to. Which is kind of ironic, because they're the most powerful faction, but they are unlikely to use that power to really make a difference in the war. Basically, they're the folks that keep to themselves and don't f&$@ with anyone, but are the folks that should not be f#&@ed with lol.

  4. I like your ideas for Excal and Ash. The fact that the current Super Jump causes you to lose your momentum never made sense to me. I'd like for Super Jump (or "Leap") to horizantally thrust you into the air and open targeted enemies up for specialized finishers. Falls more in line with him being a melee focused Warframe.

    I've always imagined Ash having an ult similar to Mesa's. While I like your idea from a conceptual standpoint, I think the only problem is that it would be even slower than the current Bladestorm, which would understandably bring gameplay issues.

    Loki on the other hand, not really a fan of these changes. Loki is already an "easy mode" frame and he practically has zero risk as it is. There should be no such thing as a "no damage warframe". Loki is the last frame that needs any buffs.

  5. As a fellow Ash player, I'd say that it really depends on the player. I'm not particularly fond of spamming Bladstorm or spamming ultimates at all for that matter, however I do enjoy using Ash's powers very frequently. Specifically, his first 3 powers (especially Teleport) with an occasional Bladestorm if I'm getting swarmed. I'd say I'm one of those players that see the weapons as secondary weapons, and prefer to use the Warframe's power primarily. I like to have a reasonable harmony between my powers and my other weapons.

    I wouldn't say I'm "dependent" on them, as I'll still use my other weapons quite a bit. Disruptor Ancients don't really hinder me, since I know how to use my weapons as adequately as my powers. Based on the trailers, I think Warframes are meant to use their powers pretty frequently (although not to the point of spamming them).

    In essence, I think it's really just a matter of finding a good middle ground between the powers and the weapons. I find that totally refraining from using one or the other is limiting the overall potential of a Warframe.

  6. I also got this idea a while ago.


    the same can apply to :


    - Ember => Blaze skin


    - Ash=> Female Ash concept skin


    - Trinity => early Trinity skin


    during their release date! More money to D.E., more choice for the players, I just don't understand why it isn't a thing yet.


    We're not asking for genderswaps! We're asking for other proto alternate skins,D.E. ...

    I literally neeeeeed that female Ash skin. I'd be throwing my money at the screen if that gave us this. IIRC Ash is Steve's favorite Warframe, I'd love for them to give him an alt skin.

    I actually forgot about how Ember looked back in the day, that would be a pretty awesome addition as well. Either way, I'm sure DE won't disappoint us with their anniversary specials.

  7. Immunity would certainly bring about balance issues. Massive ones. However, I think people are putting way too much logic in why resistances wouldn't work, giving modern day examples to support it. We don't have nearly enough lore to either support or reject this idea. DE hasn't provided us with any specific information on how their powers truly function from a scientific standpoint, so at most we can only speculate. I see no issues with Elemental Warframes having resistances the the elements that correspond to them.

    In short:

    Immunities? No.

    Mild resistances? Yes.

  8. How about this, instead? When your Kubrow is finished incubating, it tells you what breed it is, and also gives you an option to inject a "growth suppression hormone" that prevents it from becoming a fully-grown Kubrow. That way, you can choose to keep it as a puppy if it's a breed you don't like.

    I like this idea. This way, people who don't want a puppy Kubrow won't be forced to keep it that size. Or just make it a skin. I mean if you think about it, this isn't the first time there has been puppy sized dogs that are super powerful in fiction.

  9. Psst Typhus

    I dont think that DE is running out of ideas, if anything i think theyre being creative? In a way i feel like a community voted theme would be good but also at the same time it spoils the surprise, whats DE gonna make next???

    I agree. I kind of like the idea of being surprised with DE's creative choices. It's nice that DE likely uses some fan ideas as inspiration, but it'd kind of take the fun out of it if we already knew virtually everything there is to know about a frame before it even has a profile video.

  10. Your hopes are dead man,sorry.. Typhus will happen... :p

    Steve himself gave it a yes.

    You can still choose not to grind for him when he comes,though.It's up to you.


    Hé!? Sorry but did you really look at the comment nr 4 & Typhus thread with your glasses? Or were you ironic?...

    You don't want him. I do. (No one)

    It won't until the release date...It's the first community concept. Everyone even forgot about theGreatZamboni post!

    But you're right : too much hype is always bad.(high hype = high expectations)

    Honestly, the only thing I don't like about Typhus is his Viral theme. I'm kinda hoping that if Typhus does get into the game they change his theme/powerset but keep his design (well the parts that don't include the viral bits, obviously). Idk, for me personally, I just hate the idea of a Samurai being the squishiest Warframe in the game. Being a glass cannon just seems too contradictory of the Samurai theme to me. When I think of a Samurai Warframe, I see it being essentially the Samurai counterpart to Ash, in that you feel very "Samurai" just as you feel very "Ninja" when using Ash. I'd still use him if they kept him the same, but I wouldn't be upset if they changed his powerset.

    Don't flame me for this people, just giving my personal opinion lol.

  11. Escape Mission?

    When Zanuka captures you, you don't die. You wake up in a Corpus base, stripped of all of your weaponry and powers. Think of Mag in that Profit Trailer. You basically wake up in that contraption. You then have to run around the base and reacquire your primary, secondary and melee weapons as well as you powers, which are each in separate sections of the base. Then you fight your way to extraction.

    Sometimes, after gaining all your arsenal back, Lotus will change things up and tell you that this has become an extermination mission. It's a decent change of pace from the other mission types.

  12. I'd like for this to happen. I'll never understand the idea of limiting customization because of lore. It's a gameplay mechanic. Pretty sure there's nothing in the lore about a neon pink Ash with an evil mustache, but that doesn't seem to stop DE from allowing us to use such cosmetics lol. I don't see why Primes should exclusively follow the lore, when nothing else (cosmetic-wise) does. I could understand if people were asking for Warframes to have giant afros and or grass dresses lol, but this is a reasonable change.

    I'm all for more customization, especially with Prime frames and weaponry. The gold looks nice and all, but it kind of sucks that you have to keep the gold no matter what.

  13. I remember the first time I faced him was when I was leveling Loki. He downed me and before he was able to pounce on me, I killed him with my lvl 10 Nukor. Just killed him a week ago while I was leveling a Banshee. He does, however have strength based on Conclave, which would make sense why he is fairly easy when leveling stuff.

    I do a lot of Invasions, so he appears quite often for me. Within a few days of getting mark he'll drop in. Definitely the weakest Assassin/Hunter, but he's the only one I don't mind losing to. The escape mission is pretty fun.

  14. These would be spread out throughout the entire U16


    -Stealth 2.0

    -Movement and Parkour 2.0

    -New Tilesets (swimming and underwater missions)

    -New Ability Augments and reworks of some current Augments

    -Bosses 2.0

    -Gunslinger Warframe

    -Return of charged melee attacks

    -New weapon type (Nunchaku or Dual Nunchaku)

    -Syndicate sepcific units, Tilesets, Nodes and unique missions (logically, every Syndicate has it's own base of operations)

    -New stances for Machetes, Glaives, and Polearms

    -Infested Hunter

    -Liset Docking Station

    -Ash/Volt Prime

    -Kubrow Armor

    -Syndicate Assassins (unique ones)

    -J3 Golem 2.0

    -New Infested units


    -Yumi Bows

    -New Warframe abilities (they don't have to be limited to 4 anymore with the new system)


  15. I honestly doubt they'll completely scrap Super Jump and replace it with something brand new. IIRC they haven't done anything like that since the game went into open beta (I could be wrong on that though). At most, I can see them giving Super Jump some kind of buff or a new (and useful) CC effect to make it more viable. Personally, I'd prefer a legitimately useful Super Jump over Super Charge, even though I love the OP's other ideas.

  16. And then your name will be ended up on local record as just another common missing person report. And not even a trace of getting arrested or anything related as if nothing has ever existed...

    Would the government even have the means to experiment on a Warframe? How would they dissect it? Warframes are made to withstand impacts from weaponry hundreds of times more advanced than anything we currently have. It would probably dissolve long before they figured out how to open it up.

    I don't even see how they could detain someone with a Warframe in the first place lol. Our modern tech and weapons probably wouldn't even faze Warframe shields.

  17. I don't see a problem with shields. The point of this game is that you are supposed to be very agile and swift during combat. Your goal is logically to avoid as much damage as possible by using cover, speed, and agility. Not to mention CC and mobility powers.

    I think it would be a better alternative if DE expanded the maneuverability of our Warframes and gave us some more viable movement-based options. But this game is in a constant state of evolution, so I'm sure they'll get to that eventually.

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