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Everything posted by BansheeAndZephyrMarried

  1. Game modes like Disruption and Cascade give me hope as well. I don't even feel that strongly AOE needs to be nerfed. AOE meta will always be a thing in a game like Warframe. What Disruption and Cascade prove is that having the most basic enemy variety of occasional heavy units/miniboss that cannot be solved by mook wiper AOE does absolute wonders for gameplay flow, because the core gameplay of Warframe is a damn good one when it rewards you for juggling its many parts. It's the kind of variety I wish older endless missions, especially Survival and Interception were blessed with- the lone Acolyte every few minutes in SP isn't nearly enough.
  2. My first hope for Overguard was that it would be something similar to Nox protection- resistance to AOE and melee but much weaker to single target abilities and precision damage. They're a staple heavy unit design in co-op games for a good reason. I still don't understand why invalidating CC was a priority, or why OG isn't being adjusted more frequently when its end effect has been invalidating CC and completely failing to affect the simplistic nuke chase other than reinforcing it even further.
  3. Don't you guys get tired of saying the exact same Karen bullsht for however long Conclave's existed? Doesn't it get boring being this pathetic, helplessly mewling at an irrelevant video game content whenever it crosses your field of view? Instead of learning to ignore it like any reasonable human would have done by now. I wonder what's it like to live with a mind as incurious and kneejerky and egocentric as this. It must be wonderful, in a way. Regarding OP, the best "solution" would still be adding a server browser and letting players choose which servers they want to load into. But Warframe has a lot of trouble with relay or open world instance selections too, so I guess it's something beyond DE's resources or capabilities, somehow.
  4. That doesn't work in solo Cascade, but thanks for letting us know you're just yapping in a roundabout way.
  5. >baby's first 3D platformer "boss" >you don't even die when falling off platform >"pointless difficulty" I'm amazed some of you guys remember how to breathe. What's it like to live like this? Are there any other games you can play besides Warframe? Do you cry about not being able to obtain rewards from "difficult content" in those other games' forums too? I'm so morbidly curious. Just in case you missed it I'm going to write this out for you- a basic platformer boss being "disproportionately difficult compared to the rest of the content" is absolutely not a good sign. That's what newbies thought, sure. People who were used to minmaxing didn't bother putting mods on melee and went in with full or nearly full builds on their frames, since CC trivialized the game back then. Consider a tactical alert like Overtake. You could try to fight the Nullifier horde with half-modded frames and glaives...... or you could acquire good taste, put on a normal Zephyr Turbulence build and obtain that shiny glaive stance while half afk.
  6. Thank you Warframe PVE players for being the absolute bottom of the barrel of PVE shooter playerbase- no matter how much whining I see in Helldivers community I can always come here and see that there are irredeemably whinier babies who cannot handle anything more demanding than a casino.
  7. ngl Silence being the closest thing to our own Nullifier field with so little in-game feedback and information feels extremely crappy. afaik it's the only ability that disables- for example- Archon Nira's healing MOA and nothing in the game will even hint at this. Enemies having abilities and their own behaviors is great. What salts my biscuits is the fact that a lot of these enemy behaviors were added later often in a reaction- rather than with good planning- and for some reason it has to be Banshee paying the price for DE's poor planning AGAIN. I'm not even upset that she's a Warframe sized bandaid to the giant mess that is enemy abilities. I'm mad that it's been going on for this long and Banshee hasn't received the bare minimum attention she really could have used for years. One handed cast on Sonic Boom? A 4th ability that doesn't lock a fragile frame dependent on mobility in place? A reason for her 2 to exist other than overkilling basic trash enemies that would have been overkilled without it? I'll take an augment, I'll take anything. Please do something about Sound Quake.
  8. Are we not playing a video game with space magic and nonsensical amounts of particle effects, whose main appeal includes customization and fashion? Of COURSE aesthetics and theatrics matter- we're piloting shiny magical biosuits that do aerial twirlies every second. Like sir this is a video game easy enough that players can and are encouraged to do things with style. I really don't get how someone can look at what's obviously meant to give these entirely fictional and fantastical sci-fi equipments flavor and genuinely think removing the flavor is any kind of answer. Why have bows, or Opticor, or Penta? Why have guns other than Kuva Nukor at that point?
  9. It's so funny how personally you're taking it. You're not entitled to jack. Not to strangers' handholding kindness nor some old skins you're Karen'ing your little heart out over. You used an overtuned weapon without knowing and got kicked from a server for it. That's understandably upsetting. But just like how you're demanding friendliness from strangers, you could practice that yourself instead of lashing out, labeling anybody who isn't greeting you with customer service as gatekeepers? It would be nice if the ban list was immediately visible, but DE doesn't allow enough characters in the MOTD section. It would be nice if these weapons weren't so grossly overtuned, but DE doesn't do the bare minimum maintenance, not even decreasing some numbers on a spreadsheet. It would be nice if we could browse and choose servers since there ARE North American servers without said ban list, but DE can't be bothered to put in the most basic UI features. If PVE players could direct their grievances at the actual cause instead of lashing out at other players they deem as acceptable punching bags, maybe I wouldn't hold them in such contempt.
  10. I do genuinely pity DE that this is the playerbase they're left with. Not that much since this is still something they inflicted upon themselves, over many years and many steps. But I still pity them.
  11. No?? Also have you seen some of these guns' reload animations and SFX? Reload is what completes these fictional guns as pieces of art. Empty a stock Corinth magazine, reload and tell me it would feel complete without the sounds and reload time. But if you don't like reloading like a normal shooter, there are mods for that.
  12. Just because more braindead things exist doesn't mean DE should stop any attempt to improve balance. Also are we forgetting the mass harassment Pablo received when he dared to express he wasn't happy with how overtuned Saryn was? Every day Warframe players convince me Warframe players deserve less than nothing.
  13. I had accepted that what I want Inaros to be most likely doesn't work well with modern Warframe and probably is completely different from what DE envisions him to be. Back when he was first released I was hopeful for changes to let him be more co-op friendly. He was a pharaoh remembered and revered for helping the helpless. Nothing about what made him memorable- what gave him his in-universe identity as protector king of Mars was really present in his ability set. It makes sense within Warframe's gameplay which lacks traditional tank roles, but if there was any frame DE could have experimented such an idea it should have been him. He should have been weirder and I'm saddened just more CC is what he's getting.
  14. If your "fun" is just chasing big numbers like a headless chicken, why should you be afraid? Even in a more balanced sandbox where 22 secondaries are viable instead of 11, there would still be metas and best in slot gears for you to chase like the mindless moths your type are. There will still be efficiency. There will still be vertical and horizontal progressions, minmaxing and optimization. There will still be negative integer cap damage numbers. Why are you so afraid? Why would a sandbox where Lex is only ten times as bad as Kuva Nukor instead of multiple hundreds of times as bad be so much worse for your experience? Explain why having 90% of the game's gears being garbage is fun for you and why improving that disparity- not even a perfect solution, just steps to improve them- would lessen your fun.
  15. I'm afraid to say I don't see the connection between Lavos and Nezha here, they really don't play anything alike. I don't think their niches overlap to the point of one invalidating the other. Nezha is a solid frame overall though I'd love to see some buffs and/or weird augments for Chakram. Most of these frames I would say don't need a major rework except maybe Banshee, since "reworks" in the past have included replacing an ability wholesale and Banshee definitely needs that with her 4 imo.
  16. As someone with multiple copies of Banshee and Zephyr, Duviri selection has only shown me the copy with highest number of Forma. What happens when both copies of your Acceltra Prime have same number of Forma? Who knows! Gamble away for science!
  17. I'm glad your meager reading comprehension was able to struggle through two (2) short paragraphs. Be proud of yourself, because I sure can't be.
  18. Can you blame DE though? Catering to idiots who just want pretty lights and big numbers on their screens is easy. No pesky game design required- what they want isn't a videogame in the first place. Something was going to part these idiots and their money eventually, it's better their attention is on shallow videogames instead of actual casinos. It is indeed disappointing that many aspects of Warframe as a videogame have to suffer for the sake of tardbucks but I've made my peace with Warframe PVE devolving into daycare center for mUh PoWeR fAnTaSy imbeciles. I already have a place to go when I want to explore and enjoy Warframe's mechanics- the PVE enjoyers who want Warfarme PVE to be an actual videogame, however, have my condolences.
  19. Banshee's been through many nerfs over the years but never received the most basic tweaks she really needed, like changing Sonic Boom to a one-handed action. I'm going to put my Bitter Banshee Main hat on now, so please take everything I say below with a grain of salt. DE's had a bad pattern of memory-holing gears that were, in their days, too OP and forced their hands to nerf and introduce gamewide changes. It's no coincidence that Banshee, Trin and Loki are the most neglected out of the open beta launch roster with the latter two being even worse victims of neglect than my own main. Seriously, Loki and Trinity have received literally nothing but nerfs for several years every time DE's laid their eyes on them- I absolutely dread what halfassed "rework" DE will come up with when they're eventually forced to look at Loki again. tbf I fear the same with Banshee but to a lesser degree. It'd simply take way more effort for DE to fumble a potential Banshee rework than give her the bare minimum, because Banshee doesn't need much more than bare minimum.
  20. Qorvex was probably lucky in that he launched with a bunch of new mods and toys for players to try on him. I would have dismissed Whispers as Radiation: The Radiatening but when the new mods play very well into this new Warframe's strenghts? Turns out my first impression of Qorvex is a lot better than it would have been otherwise and I'm willing to experiment with him after getting the mastery. I've said before I'd give anything for Banshee to have a new 4- a Hydroid style "rework" of various buffs and ability cleanups accompanied with replacing that one AFK ability would be my dream come true. But it's Banshee so I can comfortably ignore the possibility of DE ever noticing her.
  21. Tauforged was a mistake from the beginning. I don't exactly like the idea of Archon shards either, but with every major update DE tries to add more tangible power and grind structure to justify them- my distaste is not specifically about Archon shards but DE's lackluster handling of powercreep in this game. Adding an RNG roulette for straight up better upgrade when they probably couldn't even handle the player responses and power ceiling raised by vanilla Archon shards was downright foolish. Or maybe it was a masterstroke to forever pigeonhole any discussion about Archon shards into people crying about Tauforged shards, instead of people realizing how boring they are as lategame upgrades to chase.
  22. One of my favorite forum sh*tposters of recent memory is back with another banger thread. This time they managed to cook so much popcorn without getting the thread hidden by mods. Keep up the good work. Please talk about how we need vote kick for your next sh*tpost.
  23. Daikyu deserves both Prime and Incarnon. On a slightly related note, DE has explicitly stated before that Aklato and Dual Skana will never be Primed, because of Founder gears. So Aklato and Dual Skana Incarnons should be added and they should be very powerful to make up for their lack of Prime.
  24. I guess so, but founders ARE special accounts in this case. They are more than likely the oldest accounts in the game with old or even glitched items that far predate when DE started taking cross save or cross play feature into consideration. If cross save feature works with founder accounts and their 2012 PC-exclusive codes, then DE has some solid base to believe that it will work with all accounts before they start rolling it out to everyone.
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