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  1. its years old at this point. im talking about the on whrere your warframe / operator just moonwalks around and you cant shoot or do anything. operator at least can be fixed in mission but the warframe one cant. just happened to me in deep archimedia and i had to abort because of it.
  2. The drones still sometimes don't have a waypoint/area marked and the Netracell still does a mission failed when someone with a key leaves. It gets a bit tiresome not beeing able to do like every 3rd netracell.
  3. Can you go back to Warframe's old artstyle? The game is loosing identity..
  4. The whole elemental combination system needs an overhaul. Or how modding works in general. There should be elemental mods that don't combine (easy content DE) and more combined elemental mods (viral, corrosive etc) Also, with the way polarities and build tabs work, on many weapons if you have a full build + riven you need to forma every slot so you can really only have one build. Why there isn't a universal forma for normal slots, I don't get it. Modding kind of sucks right now.
  5. I think Warframe is just overdeveloped at this point. There is little room for progression, turning the game into just collecting the newest shiny toy. Our power level has gotten so bad, that new high-end enemies just get a damage cap, rendering most of your existing progression useless. Most new things are now just weekly which is just extremely monotone and boring. None of the new game modes on the last 2 tilesets are beeing used anywhere else in the game (like for relics) further reinforcing the monotony. The game has turned into a mindless kill-everything-at-120-mph content consumption. Funny because thats what we warned the devs about so many years ago. But back then they at least bothered to nerf things and left room for progression. So yeah, they need to hit us with another major nerf and rebalance patch. Or just make Warframe 2. Game is a bit of a mess anyway. Btw I've been playing for 10 years so I've seen all the S#&$ the game went through. This is less about the game dying and more about it just becoming.. pointless. Story wise too.
  6. I bet it's because the original writers lost interest in Warframe and moved onto Soulframe. Steve has apparently done alot of the original writing of Warframe. I don't know who excatly is to blame for the multiverse stuff but whoever came up with that, put a death mark on the story. And also we still have open plot points of the original writing.
  7. I recall steve saying that it's not so much about database storage and more about the fact every time you open your mod console (and i think some other cases of loading) it would load your entire riven inventory which would give you a huge freeze (and other issues) depending on how many rivens you have.
  8. Game is pretty much unplayable now. Massive input latencs, average fps of 15 and with a lot going on drops to single digit.
  9. Careful. People have been banned in the past using the k-drive affinity glitch when fortuna came out.
  10. Yeah it's criminal that such a great tileset is beeing so underutilized.
  11. None of this will happen as none of this is monetizable.
  12. Good idea. Waiting around for Acolyte to spawn isn't what I'd call fun or engaging so might aswell get rid of it.
  13. Yeah hate that too. Its why I mostly just do solo or invite only now.
  14. I only play SP if possible. But not that much Warframe right now. Charm gives me lots of value though, get more for my time played. For me its not overrated, I know for a fact it makes a huge difference to me.
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