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Posts posted by AsianLyf

  1. 59 minutes ago, DeFragMe said:

    Well, lets assume you are a new player (why ever he needs vauban prime), Thats nothing, thats just a month long each day an hour playtime. i had more trouble with helios/zephyr as the spawnrate of oxiumdrones was way lower and i only got 1-5 oxium per kill.

    and i personally think thats an acveptable time. 1hour each day for a month to get something shiny, the blueprints wont run away afterall. just the oxium drones..


    And afterall thats calculated for solo play without any kind of booster addition.

    If i specificly was drawn to the game because of vauban, then I'd assuming that the person would want it right away, but instead they are faced with either RNGesus or a grind for resources that are rare and hard to grind for.

  2. 46 minutes ago, DeFragMe said:

    Well, i generally got no problem with the ressource requiment. usually if i do some corpus missions for cryotic or keys, i tend to get witin an hour around 100-300 oxium at least. without any booster or nekros or hydroid.

    So i personally see no problem, and i dont think some people know how slow the ressource gaining was bevore they increased it...

    assuming you start with 0 oxium and go by your 300 oxium per hour, in order to get to the current amount needed it would take(total amount of oxium need)/(amount of oxium gained=time needed which would equal spending 23.33 hours just to get to the current resource needed as 7000/300=23.33. But assuming that you aren't as lucky and only get on average 200 oxium per run, it would take you 35 hours or 1 day and 11 hours to get the amount of oxium for 1 frame. 

    Edit:This is assuming the person just plays warframe non stop without breaks

    Edit 2: this is a $&*&*#(%& amount of grinding needed for one part.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Generalsherman said:

    I've run 57 looking for Spira Blades and found 5 of those but no blades. Lately my luck with forma drops has just been terrible. I want more BPs but somehow I can run 7 T3 Sabs and only find 2.

    Man that sucks :/ I just sold mine or I could have given it to you..

  4. 9 minutes ago, (XB1)Zoltan6201 said:

    In defense of D.E., I am sure they are aware of the lack of endgame content.

    It definitely sound like the OP has not participated in Raids.

    Have you tried nightmare missions or nightmare raids at all?  They can be quite challenging.

    There are advanced items that D.E. had introduced.  There are arcanes which can be attached to syndanas and helmets which enhance your warframe.  Focus is a type of enhancement that can be very useful and is fairly customizable.

    There are also Orokin Derelict missions and Tier IV missions.  You need to try to stay in a survival, defense or interception for an hour or longer.  I wouldn't recommend Rhino nor a Rhino Prime.  In fact, I'd recommend any other Warframe.  Try helping your fellow squad members.  Bring a Trinity to heal them or a Nekros to help with the oxygen supply.

    Please keep in mind that Warframe is still in Beta and they are developing more content.

    I really hope they come up with Endgame content like they had in Final Fantasy XI.  Areas with prerequisites to get into the area.  Advanced armor and weapons that were only acquirable in those area and were bound to the character. 

    They should bring back arcane helmets with bonuses for the warframe.

    They should have real armor that affects real resistances and damage, not cosmetic "fashion" items.

    They should add more races in advanced endgame type areas.  Maybe with open areas and timed spawns.

    I don't think they should do real armor as cosmetic stuff already exists unless they make it so its like MMOs where the actual gear is on one slot and cosmetics take up the other slot, so it shows the cosmetics but has the armor stats. But they also need to find a way to implement it so you can grind for the stat armor, or people will complain about it being pay to win, like the Arcane Helms.

  5. 4 minutes ago, (XB1)CitrusTheNile said:

    I am not buying the prime parts for those prices. That is the asking price on Xbox. I wait until I get a deal just like you do. I got my synoid simulor for 25p. 

    I got mine for 15p :c and yeah, I suppose the asking price is indeed ridiculous. (This I agree with you on) 

  6. 1 hour ago, (XB1)CitrusTheNile said:

    I am basing my prices off Xbox prices. It's 50 dollars for 1000 plat and 150 dollars for 3210 plat. Ember is selling for 1100 plat equating the 50 dollar price tag I mentioned. Its around 300-400 just for her BP.

    Man, you must suck at finding deals then, Glaive Prime's set was suppose to be worth over 200 and yet I managed to get mine for 30p within an hour of wanting one....I farmed for both Ember and Frost while they were in the loot tables so I can't say the same for those two. 

  7. :/ I wish I could trade those parts, since I got 2 sets from farming beacons when Baro had them...On the side note can anyone with Brakk link me to their builds...I can't figure out how to effectively mod it.

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