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Posts posted by AsianLyf

  1. 7 hours ago, HCginjo said:

    Making fusion cores tradeable in bulk will result in 100% pay to win game.Since you will be able to max a gold mod throught 1 trade ? ... My self running sorties every day result in having cores that i dont need anymore..I really dont know what you want to max out with all those cores ^^

    I mean, fusion core packs are on sale on the market too, its just cheaper to buy from players, so either way with the existence of leg cores and etc the game is pay to win by your logic. Also you forgot to factor in the fact that modding costs credits, and it takes about 1 million credits to max out a prime mod. If you were rich enough, technically at mastery 2 you could have all the prime mods, as you could trade 90 plat for 30k credits until you have a few million, and trade for the prime mods.

  2. 4 minutes ago, HAYABU5A said:

    we need a key shard / key fragment option

    you break your key into 1/4th, everyone contributes a piece to form a complete key and play the mission

    easy done 

    Woe be the day if someone leaves after the first share, as you now have 3/4th of a key that you can't use solo, and you now need to look for someone with exactly 3/4ths of a key.


  3. On 4/11/2016 at 6:50 AM, Artek94 said:

    You know what's good about fashion? It doesn't need balancing.

    Also people often take stats over the looks even if they hate them which leads to issues between one's fashion and being an OP bastard.

    .Just look at all those Rhinos with Vanfuard Arcane helmet. Do they like the helmet? Maybe. But that's not why they use it.

    You aren't wrong here, I have that Helm as well as Mag's Coil Helm because of the boosts it brings.

  4. 54 minutes ago, Phatose said:

    For one, I'd make sure raids were reasonably accessible.  If I were to want to start raiding today, as a new player or even as a vet who's never run a raid before, the first issue I run into is matchmaking.  A large group is absolutely required to even start a raid, there is no automatic matchmaking available, and the recruiting channel is not friendly to new raiders.  I understand why people don't want to take newbies on raids, but it puts new raiders in a position where they can never actually gain experience in the raid since they can't run it without a group, and can't join a group without experience, and can't gain experience since they can't run the raid.

    ..a bit like the job market, actually.

    From what I've seen on youtube and the like, the problems continue if you get past that problem - the raid is largely about CC and puzzle solving, while the entire rest of the game is about just plain killing meaning it's a poor lead in to raiding, since the skills needed for a raid versus normal play drastically differ.  But that's just an impression, since I've never gotten by the group issue.

    As long as the vets are willing to carry a newbie who listens to what they have to do, the raid regardless of nightmare or normal difficulty, it should be fine for all of them.

    I can vouch for what I'm saying as I did my first normal LoR and Nightmare LoR yesterday, both of which I asked for guidance and if I was allowed to be "New" to the raid, both times the host and the group agreed that it was okay as I was willing to listen. 

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