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Posts posted by AsianLyf

  1. I'd say I agree with you, as this problem becomes very apparent when someone recruits for T3/T4 Survival/defense/Interception, or perhaps something like the gift of lotus yesterday where not having endgame frames/weapons really cause the squad to get screwed over, if they had to revive the said person over and over again until the mission either fails or the mission ends. Another thing is Draco, I forma my weapons and go there to relevel them, but lo and behold the lower masteries with an underleveled/unmodded frame with 3 weapons that aren't 30 and don't understand that they have to at least help cap the towers instead of dying every 30 seconds and pretending that they are helpful at D.  With the ever increasing number of leeches and low mastery players, I find myself often having 50% or more of the total damage dealt in the mission with the other 50% either splitting between two players and the last having 5% or less, or the other guy and I having around 48/48 and the other two dealing the remaining 4%. This is a huge problem when it comes to late game content, and Draco doesn't help the new players in anyway and cause them to rapidly skyrocket in mastery but learning nothing about contribution to the squad. 

    Tl:Dr I agree with OP's views and wish for a better leveling system so low masteries can learn how to play the game instead of leeching Draco and rendering the higher masteries such as mastery 10 as redundant and being treated the same way as a mastery 5.

    Edit: After reading @Heatnix.'s post about how the community and the clan is also a part of the problem, I would agree but at the same time clans don't like to recruit new players as the majority who only beg for prime content and mods, and leeching the research. I am not painting the entire group of newbies with the same brush, but unfortunately due to the influx of new players in my alliance and their behavior, I am forced to come to that conclusion and be extremely picky with the way I recruit. 

    Edit 2: The smaller ghost clans would have to be more picky, as the larger ones only have people for numbers, and most of their research is already done or the main leaders are afk and gone from the game. Kinda like what is happening in my alliance to the larger clans.

  2. 3 hours ago, AM-Bunny said:

    I managed to solo him with stealth Loki. At first I tried to focus on taking out the Grineer soldiers, but they kept spawning so fast, I just gave up. My Spira Prime could damage him slightly faster than he could regenerate, so it took a while to bring him down. I had to use several ammo restores, and one or two energy restores to maintain Invisibility.

    But hey, at least the reward was worth it, right?


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    dAmO1xy.jpgNow I remember why I stopped doing Sorties.


    If the Gorgon does deal damage to stuff in sorties pleaseee tell me the build for that and the Spira :D, since I can't get them to work for me :/

  3. 1. A fix for Ash's Bladestorm so I don't get motion sickness from using him once in a while

    2. All weapons to be viable instead of the current Tonkor/Simular Meta

    3. better scaling for frame abilities


  4. 1 hour ago, ashrah said:

    thing is blities are disabled now on tests...use handsprings that is very good mod

    Abilities are still enabled, its just they nerfed some Loki Cheese thats all

    I just did the rank up test with Frost, but either way it should be easy, just rotate cap and snipe the people hacking your consoles.

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