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Posts posted by Shade_Mist

  1. IT'S ANNOYING to the point I am playing LOKI most of the time. Hey DE I play the way I want. So with this frame I am going to stand around as much as I want.

    AMMO NERF - I use battery weapons now. Hey DE I play the way I want. So I don't have to change weapons like you were trying to force us to.

    You would think at some point they would let us play the way WE want and have fun.

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  2. 10 hours ago, VENDOMINUS said:

    I think I'll stop doing defense, to my regret. Sadly the jade eximus lasers oneshot the defense objectives every game now. After the first time I was the cause of this, I quickly learned not to stay on top of the objective anymore, but at some point someone will just stand there for a few seconds, and the game will be over.

    The simple fix for me at least is to make the laser not damage defense objectives. Instakilling players is fine. It promotes a more active playstyle. Also, if you didn't, do fix them killing warframes, while you're in operator mode.

    It is bad enough the sorties with radiation some people grief by getting radiated and destroying the objective but now all you have to do is stand on the defense object? WOW someone was not thinking when they did this.

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  3. 21 minutes ago, Venus-Venera said:

    true. I still don't know who cast the beam and you have to aim all the way up to kill it? what about aoe weapons with little ammo??? or with mele specs?

    seriously... how can someone be so clueless about their own game...

    There is a little round dot up at the top. If you shoot that it will die eventually. But here is the thing, half the time you can't see the dot as it is above the ceiling on some maps.

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  4. The update should be renamed to "Annoying Green Beam update"!

    You can no longer wait to open a door, capture your target, rez a fellow player or even use volts 4 power without these spawning on you. I am so tired already of these spawning on me out of no where because sometimes you can't even see the critter that spawned them. I am at the point I am just running loki because I am so sick of these green beams all the time. This was the worst idea someone came up with. Ya lets just annoy our player base to no end. I know you can shoot them but don't we have enough to shoot without looking up and shooting these now also?


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