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Posts posted by SHIR0B0N

  1. il y a une heure, SergeantSunshine a dit :

    Unintentional crashing leading to host migrations is one thing, and DE should work to AT LEAST make sure that everyone keeps their rewards, but this is another


    As you brought up, it's amazing that this issue has been happening for almost the entire 5 years Warframe has been active. As the developers, I feel like this would have been one of the first issues they really pressed to fix.

    That's sadly a good representation of most gamers today. I'll go so far as to say most people in today's society. The common mortal is a selfish prick.

  2. Honestly, as a burnt out player, yes it's a good idea. It just has to be varied, sized properly and not always the same old barren fields where you travel to X point and kill/capture/defend Y objective.

    What I'd like to see in Warframe is a specific hub for each planet, which includes your ship somewhere in the map so you don't have to exit the hub to gain access to your foundry or operator, etc... And launch all the nodes from that hub, explore that hub for other certain missions or activities (perhaps like fishing in Cetus). It certainly gives a breath of fresh air instead of staring down the same old hallways or sitting in space in your small ship. Open worlds are very much welcome imho.

  3. I'm starting to think that some Riven's are bugged.

    My challenge is to kill 17 enemies in a row while wall clinging or wall dashing without tripping alarms.

    The challenge sometimes counts kills, but most of the times doesn't start counting or just starts after I've already killed 5 of them. I've had around 50 kills while wall clinging and it didn't count.

    I'm really annoyed by this.

  4. As someone who has mains Oberon since 2014, yes I can tell that he's underwhelming for both healing and cc, but he's still one of the most balanced frames out there. He just doesn't scale well for late-game. He's the best of both worlds, and frankly, if he were able to heal like Trinity, and CC like Saryn for example, there would really be no use for any other frame (at least for me). 

    That being said, you can still make him useful for end-game. It just needs a loooooot of forma, and using the right build.

  5. Well, at this point I still care about Baro visiting us. While I don't expect anything in particular when he comes, I do appreciate that he sometimes bring the occasional surprise, like the aforementioned AkLex P, which I have been waiting for a long time. Or when he brings past event weapons that I missed. Stuff like that.

    As for exclusivity of items, meh. 

    I really wouldn't like it if Baro became purely FashionFrame stuff(Is that what you mean by Prime Enjoyment/Fun?). You got to have different strokes for different folks, you know.

  6. Personally I use them a lot. When modded correctly, they can easily one shot high level enemies, maybe two shots for the 100+ level (headshots required of course). Punch through is not the holy grail of dealing damage. Yes it's useful, but not necessary. I don't use punch through on any of my snipers.

    As for Tigris Prime doing a better job, well, different categories of weapon. Your Tigris won't do a good job for long distances. But it will do better up close. It's what it was made for.

    One of my most hardest hitting weapons is the Snipetron Vandal (thanks to a good Riven mod), and it chews through level 100+ enemies very easily. 

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