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Posts posted by cyrus106

  1. Warframe has become unplayable with my friends as of late. Regardless of if I host or if they host, the minute we encounter an enemy everybody starts lag-teleporting, running in place, attacking in place, etc.

    It's particularly baffling because if I join a public game everything is smooth, no lag.

    This has NEVER happened until U10. What's going on and how do we fix it? 3 of my friends came back to Warframe after I convinced them to try it again, and THIS is their first impression of U10 :(

    note: I have no NAT issues, and no ports on my college internet are blocked

  2. ;) not very; Max citic chance, max critic dmg and most of serration i have. Then firerate maxed mod and Shred maxed; and it sucked corpus thin can &#!.


    armor penetration maxed as well.

    the reason it sucked is you DID mod it horribly. you realize that if you put too many fire rate mods on a high fire rate gun, you actually weaken it (see: twin vipers) because it fires MORE rounds but the game doesn't count all the shots you also need hammer shot, and multishot
  3. Warframe has become unplayable with my friends as of late. Regardless of if I host or if they host, the minute we encounter an enemy everybody starts lag-teleporting, running in place, attacking in place, etc.

    It's particularly baffling because if I join a public game everything is smooth, no lag.

    This has NEVER happened until U10. What's going on and how do we fix it? 3 of my friends came back to Warframe after I convinced them to try it again, and THIS is their first impression of U10 :(

    note: I have no NAT issues, and no ports on my college internet are blocked

  4. Will Phase three still be using Corpus void keys? Me and my two friends farmed 10 keys tonight (We calculated us getting 3 points minimum, which adds up to the 90 points we need to finally reach 100).


    Why am I asking about phase three?


    Because We farmed those keys till 3 in the morning, and are going to bed.


    I will be out tommorow till later that night, and judging by how quickly the top clans grinded through phase one, I'm worried I'll come home and phase three wont even use the damn keys, so we had wasted all our time.


    Can somebody clear this up for me?


    Will we still have 4 or so days to use the keys, or what?

  5. You'll be alright lad. I broke up with a long-time girlfriend about 4 months ago.

    Healing takes time.

    However, I will give my two cents to "my friends are a bunch of hooligans"

    ....perhaps it's time you made some closer friends? Friends are very important because unlike most girlfriends, friends stick by you lad.



  6. I for one, do not like the system how it is currently. One of the biggest headaches I'm having right now is not regarding my own luck, but my friend lone survivor's luck. For example: He's played 200 hours and still hasn't found a split chamber mod. A token system would alleviate this headache because he could trade in say....300 tokens for it hell, 1000 maybe! at least he has something to work towards instead of praying for a 3% roll in a defense mission. 


    I do have something to add about the token system though. We should be able to trade our blueprints in BULK for a small amount of tokens. I literally have hundreds of blueprints and I refuse to sell them because that is a pointless thing to do, considering how easy it is to get credits. Why not give us a use for all these excess blueprints, eh lads? 

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