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Posts posted by cyrus106

  1. I know he isn't but I mean. I want bosses to be difficult ;-; Currently they are only bullet sponges :sad face:

    The Devs have already stated that most bosses are placeholders, and will be redesigned in the future


    I.E. Golem is a great example

  2. 400 hours in all the same places may not work well with the "random" nature of the drop system. Playing outside of your routine may help you get the mods you're looking for. Granted, I'm not telling you to expect thunderbolt or multishots on Mercury, but follow the guidelines on which faction drop what, but play everywhere. While I get most of my mods from a half a dozen places in this game, the best ones were from random alert missions (the 2000cr ones, hint, hint...)

    I hope you find what you're looking for. If not pray to the RNG God. It does no harm and it's worked for me:


    I'm sure in those 400 hours you have stuff that I don't.

    buddy, I've farmed in various locations, I have not just played the same mission over and over


    But I appreciate your advice. I will look into that topic, many thanks

  3. People alredy said this countless times, it needed to be fixed so it was less spamable. Adding energy costs or cooldown was the answer, not taking invulnerability out.

    Ok. but the lad I was responding to clearly asked for it to be changed back to the old iron skin. 

  4. This makes me somewhat uneasy for some reason since Rebecca said "change" instead of restoring....Q _Q


    That word scares me......


    Because the old Rhino was broken. You really think 3+ minutes of invincible iron skin is BALANCED?


    Let me break it down for you.


    Streamline maxed gives you a power cost of about 40


    Flow gives you about 275-300 power max


    Continuity increases the Duration by 3-5 seconds


    ....a team with energy siphon = 2 energy regenerated PER second.


    ...let's see.


    Say I have a rhino, with 300 energy. Just as an example


    Ok I cast Iron skin


    260 energy left, it immediately starts regenerating


    Ok let's say that iron skin lasts....15 seconds.


    15 times 2 is 30, so I'd have regenerated 30 energy.


    I now have 290 energy.


    Let's say I NEVER picked up an orb (and they're everywhere)


    if my math is correct, that is THIRTY casts of invulnerability.


    15 seconds * 4 is equal to a minute


    15 seconds * 30 casts = 450 seconds.


    450 seconds = 7.5 minutes.


    That's 7.5 minutes of invincibility, without touching a single orb.


    You think that's fair? Balanced?

    I know it's fun to feel empowered  but iron skin DESPERATELY needed a rework. If you feel I am wrong, give me a valid point and perhaps I will agree with you, I always welcome second opinions.


    tl;dr: 7.5 minutes of potential invincibility =/= balanced

  5. Thank you for confirming exactly why this thread needs to be a sticky.





    Thank you for giving the helpfull players a thread to point at for those that dont understand the math but want to know about it.




    Topic: RE: why DE hasnt shown/or are more open with the droprate system:


    Simple answer. The system as it is right now is actually fairly decent/good when you compare it to many other RNG systems. This is said both from a closed beta and as a open beta player (very good friend joined as OB player). The "problem" that many seem to "struggle" with is that as Notso mentions, people overvalue the number of runs they are doing.


    Also, what are you (the player) going to be doing the moment you have everything maxed? nothing? yes. Hence, it could quite easily be debated that its in DE's interest to keep the droprates as "random" and as low as "possible"



    YES, i know that the above might seem like "logic" to many people, but for some, its like magic.


    Each player(person) has a different understanding of "how" rng "should" work.


    Sadly, complaining comes before understanding in the dictionary of the internet.



    Complex answer: that is a topic for a different thread (with built in 24/7 moderation)

    Hrm....this topic seems to highly disagree with your statement about mod rarity:


  6. 10% armor piercing... You need to improve that one drastically. Especially for Grineer.

    I disagree highly, 10% armor pierce becomes 60%, which is much higher than you might think. Armor pierce does an extra damage number AND does bonus damage to armored targets. I say instead of buffing mods (which is a horrible idea, they already allow huge damage potential), that they should allow you to start with a few mods. Maybe a serration, hornet strike, and few others. That way you have something to work with. You feel me?

  7. ...I'm sorry but when I've put 400 hours of time into the game, and I still don't have jack-S#&$ alloy-wise (Yeah, I've been on Kiste more than I can count). There is something SERIOUSLY wrong. If I am still struggling to collect enough alloy to build anything, how are new players going to feel? I would agree with you...if they actually made OTHER materials used in foundry. Hell, make it cost like 4000 nano spores or 2000 polymer bundles for (insert weapon here). Mix it up! Don't make all weapons require the same mat, that's just silly.. 4000 spores or 2000 bundles MAY be a lot, but at least you're not farming the SAME planet for ETERNITY because EVERY item needs alloy. You feel me?



    So many lectures going on here, good job good job.

    So basically everyone wants more easy free stuffs.

    C'mon guys nothing is free and easy.


    I'm sorry let me just re-iterate that


    I wrote:


    400 hours


    400 HOURS.


    And you say in reply:

    "So basically everyone wants more easy free stuffs."




    you clearly did not read this topic, you must've skimmed it

  8. I chose to reset my account and I what I am seeing is that the game now has a decent progression path.. Now you have to earn your keep, from start to finish as you in any normal game if you don't want to spend any cash at all.. Even the weapons that you used to be able to outright purchase from the market have been set to BP's.. I like the idea and basically gives more weight to materials, perhaps even paving the way for some kind of player influenced marketplace..


    Rare mods are much more difficult to come by than when the soft launch first started but it succesfully made going out and hunting those more worth while for those coming in fresh.. Now that they are making BP's of warframes rare, everyone is sad, but I think it gives more value to alerts which is why they let you track them even when not logged into the game..


    They are building their game.. It's going to focus on PvE and from what I am already seeing at the early game this time, will not be very quick or easy to just "have every weapon and warframe" at max/max 60/60 with fully ranked rare mods..


    This game has a direction, and I like it.. I know you spent a great deal of cash on it, and are part of the design crew but it is still the game they are building.. They need input, but from others just like you as well as from within their own workplace.. It might not make sense right now, but I say stick with it and "hear them out".. I think we may get to the warm fuzzy center and be like 'Ohhh, now I get why they did that!"

    ...I'm sorry but when I've put 400 hours of time into the game, and I still don't have jack-S#&$ alloy-wise (Yeah, I've been on Kiste more than I can count). There is something SERIOUSLY wrong. If I am still struggling to collect enough alloy to build anything, how are new players going to feel? I would agree with you...if they actually made OTHER materials used in foundry. Hell, make it cost like 4000 nano spores or 2000 polymer bundles for (insert weapon here). Mix it up! Don't make all weapons require the same mat, that's just silly.. 4000 spores or 2000 bundles MAY be a lot, but at least you're not farming the SAME planet for ETERNITY because EVERY item needs alloy. You feel me?

  9. Nothing programmatically generated is ever truly random.  It's just psuedo-random.  We can talk about seeds and methodology if you want, I'm sure there's a Wikipedia article to reference, but every RNG is inherently at best psuedo-random.


    How specifically DE is doing the random generation of their mod drops makes a big difference in how it drops and if/what is wrong.


    I've got lots of common and uncommon mods, but I still get rares now and again.  When U7 first came out, I was getting rares quickly, and consequently I've got all three multishot mods (two for the shotgun).  I feel a bit bad that my good fortune came because of the initial errors in how they generated loot, but not bad enough to give them back. ;)

    Lad, did you read what I was replying to? While I agree with your point, the gent I was responding to stated that "other players" affected my drops, which simply made no sense


    edit: 200th post ^_^

  10. Eh, after playing all the frames, I'd say Volt.


    Electric just isn't all that great. It does decent damage to corpus, but when have you ever struggled to kill corpus? His shield is neat, but you're constantly flanked or moving, so it's better to get behind cover. His speed ability is pretty fun, but again it's just for laughs. 

    While I can't argue with your point, I will still NEVER understand to this day why almost no player notices that Volt's shield is technically an offensive skill as well. How? You may ask......try fighting a boss solo sometime. Fight him without any powers and note how much damage you do per shot. Now, set up electric shield and shoot THROUGH it. Notice your damage is BUFFED. Yes, it makes bullets do MORE damage, this is even more apparent when used on Ancients (oddly enough)

  11. My buddy Link4355 found this amusing glitch, which I have now dubbed the "Tenno Bobsled team"


    Basically if you crouch and then walk in a serpentine (back and forth) manner near the back of the pod, on the long end, you can go inside the cryo pod.










    I don't remember this problem until the most recent update, and I've also noticed the ability to MOVE pods using ancients on infested maps.

  12. My buddy Link4355 found this amusing glitch, which I have now dubbed the "Tenno Bobsled team"


    Basically if you crouch and then walk in a serpentine (back and forth) manner near the back of the pod, on the long end, you can go inside the cryo pod.










    I don't remember this problem until the most recent update, and I've also noticed the ability to MOVE pods using ancients on infested maps.

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