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Posts posted by cyrus106

  1. Oh, I kinda like that one. Don't see many downsides to it. I don't necessarily think there are enough rare mods right now, but I've heard there are many new mods coming out soonish. Perhaps with that? Prices would have to be controlled somehow, too...

    No. If plat becomes tradable we will get a HUGE influx of "gold selling" bots and other crazy S#&$. Plus, players would just make mules to get 50 plat and then trade it.

  2. You know what the sad thing is? My buddy link4355 saved tons of our teammates by switch teleporting them when they were downed, so we could revive them in a safe location. It was an invaluable technique. And now....it doesn't do jack S#&$. Somebody always has to ruin it for everybody else. Could they perhaps change it so that you can ONLY switch with downed teammates?

  3. We already had a topic for this lads:




    For the love of god, give us A TON of things to craft with all these materials(Like decorations for the Dojo or something). If you're going to give me 52,000 nano spores, give me some 5,000 nano spore item to craft! I shouldn't have 20,000+ of all these materials and nothing to use them off, amirite?

  4. The melee combat why oh why do we keep comeing back to the melee combat of the game when there are more presing issues like lack of pvp or some othere things well you passive agressive !@#$ allow me to explain to you why is this aspect of the game so important because it's boring and repetative no combo moves to keep the flow no depth to it and most of all useless at time let me give you an example maybe a new player will go into the game with his sword thinking he will slit up dude with that shiney piece of metal but he will swiftly switch to the gun as opposed ti tge repetetive medocrity that is the melee system wich isnt to say that the gun play is above it all it falls in the same category wich i found quite sad for all the  talk about being a "sword and gun play" kind of game the word part seams to have been knocked over the head and dumped into a basment now i like this game othere wise i wouldnt  take the time to even write the following.


    I've played dark sector and for all it's flaws i still liked it and it had some interesting ideas for example an enemy hit by your glaive would kneel down for a couple of seconds and would be momentarily vulnarable allowing you to come up close break his arm and then cut it off to show him how good of a job hes doing wich strikes me as odd that something similar to is didnt make it into Warframe  clearly enemy do give the impresion of being damaged by your constant button mashing wich i might give one pause to thought that your E key might just give up and die on you in the thick of things they also do that little animation like in dark sector but you cant do anything to them they just wabble a bit and back on theyr feet ready for more no close up dismembermant no stabing in the face and diggin for theyr childhood memory now it's just nothing now its just wacking enemy over and over again same animation same bloody thing over and over again.


    Yeah sure you might tell me about the so called execut moves but the are hardly noticeable and may i remind you that there are only two and one of them isnt even working properly,there is a third one but to exectue such an attack requiers an enemy to be near a wakk wgere yiy cab run on it and do a little lunge attack the chances of the enemy being near such walls and close enough for you to pull of such a stunt wich by the way the range on the lunge isnt great it is one in about !@#$ million yeah sure there is some varaity but it is hardly worth mentioning.


    Combos a million game out there F2P or othere wise have a jaw droping ammount of combo moves to keep the combat interesting and fun remember that fun beafore we slumned down into the darkest pits of repetitivenes Warframe shows us how far we have come and reduced melee combat to one button to RULE THEM ALL in favor of it's brother and partner in crime Mr. Rifle  and Ser Pistol both of wich you will use the most because as i said beafore melee combat in non existent going back to combos take a game like Vindictus it's centered around melee and dose a fine job at that allowing you to learn new moves as you level up wich can also work for Warfram i.e. as your melee weapon levels up it unlocks a new move not saying each level should have a move every 5 levels would do see simple as that each weapon individualy haveing it's owne set of moves swords,dual sword,axes,hammer etc.


    This way you render the weapons that you wieled unique  in the process anothere way to fix this would be to have the melee weapons equiped at all time like you would with the guns make light attacks with the left mouse button and heavy with the right  and then chain them toghether betwean light and heavy plus the weapons owne combo moves would make such a spectacle to watch parts fly around let me just give you and example of a weapons combo Lmb Lmb pause Rmb Lmb Rmb and just unleash hell unpon your enemys thats on example of a combo now i dare you to try to imagine something like this in your head for a second and tell me that it wouldnt be just bad &#!.


    Variate,depth and uniquenes is what would make this game even more fun and greater not shoot with guns limitless waves of enemys it's just boring after a while and if you keep playing then you are just going to settle your self into a routine of repetitivenes wich isnt good for any game bringing out a new weapon isnt helping if they are just diferent models of the ones we were already carrying take this post how ever you like really but i dont see my self playing this game 5 months from now at this point i close here hopeing that this post might get though the trolls,down voters and people that inhale furious amounts of !@#$ that are hopeing for PVP more then anything else and into the eyes of a Dev that he/she might pass this idea on or discared it like the steaming pile of !@#$.


    Hope you liked it.

    I can't agree with you, PvP is unnecessary for the time being.

  5. God this is getting old sitting here with warframe open waiting for randoms to appear for glaive, I think since the patch I see about 3 per day showing up, that's over a 15 hour time-span (a normal day for most people) its getting a little out of hand before 7.9 I would get about 13 randoms per day. was this done just cause glaive was put into the game? i don't know probably, its already a random reward do we really need to make it RNG+RNG? might as well be a 0.01% drop rate on MMO's, Its a throwing weapon + melee, not 'god mode'.....dose not need to be that rare.

    Yes I'm complaining I know, but like most people, I would like to own the weapon, and start lvling it up, Not wait half a year for RNG. totally uncalled for

    You know, while I agree with you, you do realize that since DE is aware of the Glaive controversy, they aren't going to put the alert up for a while. What's the point of putting it up for Plat only if they're just gonna release the alert 2-3 days later? Think bro, think.

  6. Real quick here to fuel the conspiracy, how's this sound?


    "Well, we need to increase Nyx sales, let's have a ton of Nyx mods drop to entice players - plus theres a bundle available for lots of Plat, let's also drop mods that incentivize purchasing that bundle and other high-Plat products."


    Not saying that's happening, but man this pushes the definition of random.

    You could be onto something, however DE doesn't strike me as being grubby.

  7. For the love of god, Rollers do NOT need a nerf.


    -Lower health: No, their health is extremely low,even at high levels

    -Freeze slows them down: Where's the fun in that?

    -Make them do no damage: I have never, EVER been killed by a Roller. And even if we made them do 0 damage, they are still technically "hitting you", so your shields will NOT recharge. This changes nothing.


    Also, relevant:


  8. minus 5 points to my topic but no comment..... lol

    You want a comment?


    Your grammar is very painful. And the concept of "mastery" points makes sense. You, the player, are MASTERING all these different weapons and warframes. Your Master Rank is NOT your "level", it is an indicator of how much you have grown as a player, it feels almost like an achievement. 


    Secondly, I don't think any of us know what in the world you want us to say in response. What's your point? Do you have a better suggestion? Do you like it? Dislike it? DETAILS, my friend. DETAILS

  9. Yeah, the drop rates are just plain stupid at times, I mean you get mind control like there is no tomorrow but them other common mods aren't even nearly as usual than mind control or fireball. This applies to everywhere but what bothers me the most is that melee elemental mods like Molten Impact drops way too rarely, being almost as rare as, well rare mods are and I understand that they are more useful than other mods for melee, this is still so ridiculous that it is not even funny.

    Other than the overly large gap between mod drop rates, I have no other complaint about this game at the moment.

    EDIT: The way it should be is that the rarity class of the mod defines how often you get a mod, because every rarity class has several mods makes sure that the desired drop is not going to drop instantly. Currently it seems more frustrating than fun to try to get some mods because every time you see a mod on the ground you hope for the best but little do you know it will be yet another same mod you have thousands anyways so what is the point in getting them anymore, might as well just sell the worthless mod.

    "Common" drop rate....hrm. Weird how some aren't that common huh?

  10. I believe the problem with joining alerts is that SO MANY people flock to them, that when you try to join a mission the 4th slot is filled JUST as you connect to it, so you're kicked. This could easily be fixed by making a separate "host" button instead of ONLY allowing you to host if there are no available squads

  11. Can we please just...stop with the "BPs aren't dropping" and "I swear they removed (insert rare mod name here) from the game!" Threads? I literally see like 10 of these a day. I understand it's not easy to get them, but they're our only real goal besides mod farming right now. I already proposed a drop rate fix for certain mods(Link here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/33935-suggestion-please-look-into-the-drop-rates-of-certain-mods/), however the BP drop rate is fine. They have not lowered it anymore than they did since they nerfed mod rates.

  12. Are you sure it was Volt and not MAG, they look very much alike?

    Maybe try setting up a new account, maybe you get Volt, too.


    Also, obsessing is bad (and so is the Volt frame), get Excalibur and don't look back.

    how the hell is Volt bad? High utility usage and best anti-corpus frame. Not to mention he's literally faster than loki if used correctly.


    Oh and finally, people keep saying crap like the shield is useless. Hrm....funny, last time I checked, shooting thru it increases your weapon damage. I tested this on Phorid. Without the shield, my max modded gorgon takes out about 75% of phorid's health in a clip. Shooting thru the shield, however, takes out ALL his health in one clip.

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