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Everything posted by Bionicme

  1. Just as the title suggests. This applies mostly to old sword weapons like the Heat Sword, Ether Sword, Pangolin Sword, and others. Their normal slam attacks proc their respective status effect reliably but the heavy does not proc it. Some of these weapons also have this trait listed as a passive in the modding screen while others do not, though i don't have an exhaustive list.
  2. It's just as the title describes, and afaik is bugged with full consistency. Ayatans, hacking consoles, lockers, and i think even revives, all cannot be initiated while in operator form and sprinting. This is very noticeable while using toggle sprint.
  3. I second this. Sometimes enemies will just stop and stare into space while one of them is decoy'd. Often upon cast of decoy the targeted enemy will direction turn its' attention towards you, repeatedly shooting at the place you cast the ability from if stealthed, as mentioned, while other nearby enemies do nothing. If they do successfully attack the decoy, its' effectiveness will usually be a bit hampered by the enemies getting stunned by electric or heat procs and the like, but perhaps that is only fair.
  4. Bump. This bug has existed since the focus rework was introduced, although you can very rarely still get the buff when hitting lifted enemies.
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