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  1. Axi A1- Nikana. Axi N1- Ash Neo N2- Vauban. Neo V1- Nova Meso V2- Nikana. Meso N2- Vauban Lith F2- Vauban. Lith V1- Fragor. Literally just swap the names of the relics of each era. Please.
  2. talked with trade partner, he thinks we couldn't trade because of having a pc-switch linked account. Possibly why error occurred
  3. Tried doing a trade on switch with another switch player, and the error message of cross save mismatch came up. This isn't happening to PC or PS, just my switch account. Cross platform is turned on, the other guy's cross platform was turned on, couldn't trade.
  4. I'm trying to link a twitch account to my switch account so I can get the tennocon drops, but whenever I try to login, it tells me account can't be found and to create an account on console. This message has appeared after trying to log in on both PC and the Switch. Any ideas or is my switch account going to have to miss out on the new prime?
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