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Posts posted by (PSN)Fac3kick3r_lolz

  1. Basically why not have a small 5-10 second cutscene in which the Tenno who landed the final hit on a boss will be shown finishing off the boss. Like kicking Tyl Regor into the electric pit of water or throwing Alad V into the bowels of Jupiter.   While we're still on this subject of bosses. Why not have a boss taunt you as you cut your way through the planet or moon. Said boss could send you a message to your ship when you get half way to his or her boss node and once you unlock their boss node they'll send you a "Bring it ON!" sort of message. I think little things like this could add alot to the Warframe Experience.

  2. I remember reading a book. Even though they weren't the focus of the book. There was people with explosive blood. Replace the explosives with Void Energy and what do ya know you have a Tenno. Void energy is extremely dangerous and toxic.Our Warframe is to us what diatomaceous earth is to Nitroglycerin. Together they make Dynamite...minus the instant gibbing of Tenno


    Of course tis just speculation

  3. What Lotus means by second dream is actually cryogenic sleep. Nothing less nothing more.

    I doubt Stalker will have a major role to play in this. He's a bounty hunter, also nothing less nothing more.

    Read Stalkers codex entry. Since the fall of the Orokin Empire he's been waiting to exact revenge on all of us.
  4. With the Stalker being involved in the quest and with the teaser art DE showed us.

    I think how it will go down is that the Lotus detects a Sentient presence. We get sent to investigate. However Stalker, devoted still to the Old Orokin Empire, investigates too.

    Basically, cut scene between our Tenno and Stalker. Suddenly the Sentients show up and critically injures our Tenno. Now we cut to the teaser trailer of the Stalker and the sentient. What will the Stalker do?

    This is all speculation of course but with U 18 around the corner my thoughts are running wild. What do you think about The Second Dream?

  5. Oy, Morec0. I actually agree with this. In the current state of the game. The only real difference between a Crewman and a Lancer is what they look like and is their weapon hitscan (Edit: That and do they have armor)? Also Hyenas as regular enemies? I remember the Proxy Rebellion Tactical Alert and Hyenas were basically more agile moas with tougher weapons. It was pretty fun to fight and I'd love to see them as regular enemies but keep them in mid to high level content to let new players get used to the game before they get destroyed by a Hyena.

  6. Something like that, I think - been a while since I've seen the movie.

    The outdoor locations hidden in shadows could also provide a GREAT place for Infestation to spawn in all around the players without them seeing it, a lot of locations to help get them swarmed quickly - the kind of thing the Infestation really needs to be effective. 'Cause I'm talkin' like you can't see ANYTHING outside of those lit pathways.

    Just imagine the ancients dragging you into the shadows. Both annoying and scary since you don't know how many infested are in there.
  7. Now there's a thought (fun fact: did you know I spell "thought" as "though" every single time unless I catch myself?)... again I think we run into trouble with trying to make the ice part of it distinct from Europa and Mars... Pluto... wherever that eventually ends up, but it gives us a definite start...

    Maybe we could run with just some kind of misty and dark frozen-rock mess? Like the only lighting outside would come from sparse Corpus lamps/Infested bio-luminescence? The terrain itself could just be a one-note frozen rocky mess (not necessarily snow, just ice over stone) and instead of typical walls the light would just get dimmer and dimmer the further off of the lit path you went, until you eventually hit the no-go zones and get teleported back into the light?

    Can't say I'm a fan of how this might overlap with my Sinope "basically Zerg Hive Cluster" Infested tileset idea for earlier planets, though.

    To summarize. An Aliens vibe? Powerful Infestation that stalks you would be fun and terrifying
  8. It just doesn't feel... fresh enough to me. Just feels like recycling the same old things with a new layer of paint over them. I mean, you can put Infestation on any planet, but that doesn't give it it's own identity.

    The Installations have covered the arctic tundra and caverns.

    The crash sites have covered the arctic wastes and glaciers.

    Trust me, I'm racking my brain trying to figure out something fresh for an Eris terrestrial tileset, but it's just not coming.

    MAYBE some kind of arctic ocean thing, but that'll just piss the realism peeps off with how the heck there's water on Eris. Remember Uranus?

    how about duel enviroments? Warm jungle/infestation inside building s but on the outside its just a mess of ice and methane
  9. I'd rather seen Infestation-overtaken Grineer sites first.

    Though, personally, I wouldn't really have any issue with NOT getting Eris as a planet tileset. How many more Ice tilesets do we need? What more is there with the theme that can be explored?

    Oy, Morec0. How about complexes that are covered with the derelict vines and plant growth combined with infested growth but on the outside is a sunless dark frozen wasteland

    Offtopic: So are you always ready to discuss lore and other things 24/7? I've seen you respond from midnight to the middle of the day

  10. Eris is larger than Pluto but also fairly similar to pluto. Its a frozen plant with methane and argon and ice.

    Since the Corpus lost control of Eris to the infestation, It could be a huge breeding ground for the infestation and since nothings really there to contest them It could be home to the most dangerous infested.

    Eris could be an entryway to the derelict so imagine frozen, abandoned corpus buildings built around orokin ruins that was taken by the infestation. Anyways that would be my idea of what Eris would look like. So what do you think?

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