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Posts posted by Siq6Six

  1. So I've got 1234hrs clocked thru steam, So at least that long of controller-based game play (not counting pre-steam gametime). Seems every so often DE (or apparently STEAM) breaks my configs and that's usually when I take a 60 day-6mo long hiatus. Last night everything was working fine. This morning I Jump on and my look sensitivity is out of control. My control configs aren't where I set them, nor are they matching whats actually ON the config screen. After many resets, game restarts & PC restarts, I realize at this point Steam is forcing some controller crap in the background & notice 'Big Picture' is enabled even tho I don't go thru that to play games. Searched, filtered google for "This Week" and found this thread.

    As Mokatro says above, disable Steams new Forced Big Picture. This solved all my problems. Back to my casual controller gameplay!

    To the OPs complaint, I haven't had any issues with using controller-only inputs. I do have my settings set to 'auto detect' for controller/mouse as well as auto detect for the interface. Mostly because if I want to use chat its just easier to type it out rather than having to be in menus, then LT to pull the chat focus up. It does get wonky if you switch between the two while WITHIN settings menus. I usually have to back all the way out, then go back in w/ one or the other..

  2. Put a heavy limit on how often an account can send messages to global & other players on low mastery accounts. Then give it more weight based on accounts ignoring it. A line or two in global within x seconds, a max per x minute(s). One private message per x minute(s). Responses from the recipient can bypass the limit for further responses to that recipient + 1 new recipient. A second timer will trigger to send a msg to a third party unless a response is received from the second. Linking PM restrictions like this should allow a fair amount of communication for new players to allow squading up, clan inquiries and trading while still keeping spammers locked down.

    Keeping clan/squad chat open so actual new players can still ask questions. I'd also suggest a bypass. X amount of dollars spent. Maybe $80? Prime Access or similar level purchase. I can't imagine spammers sinking that kind of $$ to advertise for a few minutes?

  3. Looks like your typical Xbox experience to me :D little "thuglyfe" try hards.

    Screw that "remove their names" crap. People act like this because they're protected from shame. They're "anonymous" on the Internet - no fear of being slapped like the punks they are if they said that to somebodies face. Even worse their Gamertag is protected even because this "no shaming" policy.

  4. Limbo is pretty awesome. I enjoy playing the frame, and have quite a bit since I got it. Can do some serious work if you utilize the phasing, instead of crying about it. I got a feeling these people who complain about constantly getting trolled are doing something to draw attention. Sure there are those who do it purely to be jerks, but those are the same who did it w Loki, Valkyrie, Vaub, etc. it's not like suddenly the new frame is making players harass each other.

    I can tell you coming at it from the other side of the "story" that one guy full well deserved it and more, after following me around trying to kill crap before I could at the start of a survival. Once I determined we were heading for the same corridor I did a 180 in the opposite direction, got into a new tile and guess who's there rushing to get the kills... I was ranking up a freshly forma'd weapon. After him clearing a few more rooms I started unleashing cataclysm. Dude starts telling me to "eff off with that void sh". "Screw you" "eff you", etc. God forbid I use the Warframes abilities to kill stuff? He just didn't like the stuff was dead before he had a chance to spam his 4. I went on my way, away from the group, just doin it up. He'd cruise into the area I was in, run into the cataclysm area "eff yooouuuuuuu!!!!!!" So ya, I banished him a couple times after that. I got tired of being verbally assaulted. Gave him a real reason to cry.

    Another time was in Mob D. Dude being a hallway hero, off in the distance, screwin the spawn & the group from XP. Went out there, banished him, ran back to the term. Commented about the terminal needing protection, XP, blah blah.... Ran out & banished him again.

    There's usually more to the story then people let on and I sure hope DE doesn't make changes to appease the vocal minority.

  5. Lol. While I can say I've shared your feelings to the legitimacy of some free-loader arguments, I have to disagree. This is the internet so people feel they can post things, unfiltered & anonymously, without fear of repercussion. Further, this being a F2P game, they aren't even concerned w losing their $60 over a banned CD key activation.

    However, there are plenty who have yet to contribute financially, yet can contribute with helpful suggestions, bug reports or even artwork. Also consider this: if one plays this game purely "free". Farms tons of rare, prime loots or Kub imprints, then trade it. These items go for plats. Somebody bought those plats. Whether directly or indirectly, that "freeloaders" efforts fueled another's motivation for buying plats.

  6. Customization which alters your frames appearance to an extent is awesome. Helmets, armor, syandana's. Good stuff. Customization into stupidity, such as some TF style hats - no way. Absolutely do not want to see that. get some color pallets & repainted your frame. You Can be different. Takes some creativity but it's doable. Or you can go with a paint job that may be more common. The day I hop in a mission & see a Rhino in a safari hat with a giant douchy mustache is likely the last day I log into Warframe.

  7. I bound melee-block to left trigger, then channeling to right trigger. You have to confirm, then go back into bindings and re-bind Fire to your right trigger. For a few patches there after U14 hit I had to rebind my stuff every time I launched WF because they'd get reset to default. So glad that no longer happens :)

    Oh and since they changed Select to toggling the map overlay/mini map I bound Mark to directional up.

  8. Thats not even true. I've been in more missions than I'd like with people activating the capsules too soon, who were NOT new players. Even after you mention "Hey, its too early to activate" they continue. I'm ok if we activate 50-60% even, when the mobs keep gettin stuck in their spawn rooms and the ranks are too thin.


    I had some guy do this to me once, luckily we were past the point of scarce spawns and I was Nekros so I forced him to go to the 1 hour mark. He was very displeased. 

     Too bad that doesn't work anymore unless they're the only one who wants to leave. If its just you & them, the timer starts tickin. If your in a group, seems like there is always another guy who runs to extraction to start the timer regardless of how well the mission is going... I try to take it for what it is, a bunch of dumbasses, and not get worked up over it. Let the mission complete, leave squad, find a new one.

  9. It'd be nice if "ignoring" somebody did in fact guarantee you don't play with them in the future. They AFK, act a fool, Whatever. Your choice. Your not "banning" them from the game or playing any more. They just can't join matches with you anymore. The more crap they pull, more people will ignore them and fewer players they'll be able to annoy. Problem fixes itself - and is an answer for more than AFK situations.

  10. It's not like it's hard to participate, even with new frames. Just being AFK the entire mission is BS. That's when I bring my Loki w Switch Teleport and focus on them.

    Right after kubrows showed up, I was farming up some eggs. We found one at the end of the mission and marked it.... 3 of us stuck together, no problem. The 4th, playing a Volt (I mention this because Speed) says "wait for me please". So we waited.. Thinking he's just in the tile behind us moving slow. After all it was the Last set of dens before extraction. 2 minutes later he comes running up. I didn't think about it until after the mission ended but then it dawned on me. Dude sat at the start the entire time while we did all the work. While we killed everything and luckily found that egg. If we didn't find it? He'd have sat right there while extraction timer counted down. Wasting every bodies time because he couldn't be bothered to run the mission.

    I hope that DE finds a way to deal with these types.

  11. If it doesn't have full support, or not intended to, why not use a keyboard and mouse? I see every now again someone playing a computer game with a controller but idk why they do it.

    The support is largely there. The gameplay is fine. Just menu is missing some things. Some games are just better on a controller. When I started playing this with a controller, I found I enjoyed it much more. DE has stated they plan on enhancing the controller functionality for us as well.

  12. Oh those alloy plates. The days when farming rubedo and alloy plates are all in the past now...

    So I started building energy resupply plates. I used a boat load of them while leveling up a few frames @ Kappa. Rather than running around like a chicken w it's head cutoff like all these hallway Hero's. I'd just hang out @ the terminal & drop a resupply. Worked out great. First time I ever found myself needing to find nano spores tho :D

    Anyways - consumables are a good resource dump. So is being part of a giant clan & contributing your resources. So is building everything to rank up for mastery. The prices are high but they should be. You should feel encouraged to play, not buy everything.

  13. While it's possible to solo, it's not exactly what the game is about. Warframe has always been geared towards Team Based gameplay. Sure, the options are there but that's not their focus. It's there to appease those who have poor connections or like doing things the hard way (tho admittedly some "team mates" make the mission harder than necessary).

    Straight off the website

    Warframe is a cooperative free-to-play online action game set in an evolving sci-fi world. Join your friends in player-vs-enemy raids across the solar system and master the power of the Warframes. Stand alone or fight together against enemies that threaten your world.


    Stop being an introvert! Join a clan! Make friends! :)

  14. Because it could also act as an account reset. If a PS4 player who didn't have a PC account wanted to, they could make a PC account and roll back their account and have all the platinum they ever spent refunded... including platinum they used in trades or dojo building. It's incredibly easy to exploit, and had it remained there would likely be a lot of players doing this veritable reset, which would in turn severely damage the economy (due to an influx of platinum that'd been traded to people who don't reset).


    The reason it was so short and not a permanent option is the same reason why the PC won't be allowed to do another reset.

    There's always some douchebag gaming the system screwing good things for everybody else. I remember even the PC resets were a big deal for a lot of people back then... Didn't quite get why it was removed but abuse thru trading makes sense..

    PS4 transfers weren't available for long at all. That sucks the OP got the raw end of the deal here...

  15. Screw that clan hosting part. Only a band aide anyway. Do I think somebody should willy nilly join our clan, get the BP's and bail? Nah. You don't contribute, you only want to take... I'd say a hold on new recruits being able to join and grab is fine. Maybe 1-day per mastery rank req of the item. If you contribute to the building of said item, hold is bypassed.

    Don't like being part of a clan you say? That's your decision. Live with the consequences.

  16. Personally I don't have a problem with the founders gear becoming available again, even if it's in some other form.

    I do. It's exclusive to founders and was stated very clearly. Not to forget the Founder's program ran much much longer than planned. Even being extended into open beta when I signed up, it was supposed to end a month or two later...

    Before prime & Forma were a thing I felt the Excal Prime was a cool & diff frame. After Frost Prime arrived I thought "oh they did another one! This ones even cooler!" Then I gave it all more thought. I do feel that they should have given us some other, different, cool stuff. That way non founders would not be locked from filling their "Prime-frame" closets.

    I've thought "What if they simply created an Excal Prime 2.0?" A totally different skin, basically. Would I be upset? Nope. Still got my exclusive skin (that's really all it is now w Forma). Really, that's the only solution I can think of for people now. Gets them off their welfare frame. They get an Excal "Prime" frame that has an extra polarity and drains energy from the party balls.

    It will never be enough tho. I can tell you that much. They'll get their EP 2.0, then they'll start crying about Braton Vandals. They weren't there to buy it. It's not fair. It ruins the game. It killed their parents in a drunk-driving accident when they were 12. Their life is ruined. WWIII is DE's fault, all because there is something no longer obtainable - and they missed it.

  17. They do need to stop slapping "Exclusive" on so many things. "Limited" gets the job & leaves them up for return. I'd love to get the Titan prime - just to have it, but wasn't spending $140. Also those prime-access syandana's. Would love to get those as well - individually. Simply can't justify $60 for a fancy cape.

    However. As they say exclusive, they should remain exclusive.

  18. Thought it was fine before as well, but there were so many complaining about not having the names of the planets.. Cause ya know, they're always changing colors and are never in the same place so it's impossible to remember....... Oh.... wait. ....

    Doesn't matter what DE does. People will complain. When all are pleased, they'll find something else to complain about. "DE y u no charge a sub 4 dis game!? Iz 2 cheep!!"

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