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Posts posted by (PSN)SlyFox5679

  1. 17 hours ago, Tesla_Reloaded said:

    What was you doing in that time? The data save happens when certain actions performed, not just over time intervals. It is possible to cause data save manually - at least by checking the map, doing a mission or going to a Tenno Relay and back to the orbiter.

    i don't remember this was now a couple nights ago.

    i usually just close the app after doing whatever on my orbiter.

  2. 22 hours ago, Tesla_Reloaded said:

    It's not a bug, it's just your poor understanding of how and when the game saves the progress.

    You see, no game can save progress all the time, even Warframe. That's why Warframe is using a checkpoint system. This system means that your progress is saved at certain moments, when you preform certain actions. There's no clear indication where it's happening, but one of such "checkpoints" is when you return from a mission back to your Orbiter, for example.

    But you, by quitting the game right after modding your gear, didn't reach any of the save checkpoints. Thus your progression (all the modding you've done) wasn't saved. You just gave the game no time to save it, that's all.

    Next time you do something - don't leave the game right after it. Ideally it'd be better to do a single short mission to make sure the progress is saved. But just entering the solar map could be enough.

    I finished modding everything and logged off about 5-10mins later, so it wasn't right away that i closed the game and i was still on my orbiter.

    it would be nice if there was a manual save feature just to prevent this.

    11 hours ago, Hobie-wan said:

    Did you exit properly or just have the console shut down the game? If so, I can see what Tesla said being true. On PC one would have to do ALT-F4 instead of quitting properly to manage to skip past a sync unless there were big internet hiccups going on.

    I closed the AP on my PS5 5-10mins later after modding 

    so logging back in an hour or so later to see everything empty was not what i expected.

  3. all my mods were removed from Sevagoth prime, shadow and claws, as well as my epitaph prime and Nautilus prime and verglas prime

    this happened an hour after i logged off after i finished putting all mods on.

    WTF ? why hasn't this bug been fixed it's been around forever and this still randomly happens to me when it really shouldn't.

  4. I had my own thoughts on Nyx and really thought for a change Nyx theme of being "Psychic" should really be better.

    maybe change mind control for an ability like telekinesis so maybe throwing objects with your mind or the enemies.

    maybe pyrokinesis could be fun using your mind to make enemies burns into flames. 

    these could easily be new augments as well.

    Nyx psychic bolts i like using but these days it could be changed into a big AOE and be better instead of bolts that hit x amount of enemies, i mean its like what 6 targets and 9 with augment ?  instead change that to a 360 degree AOE that strips defenses from anyone within say 20 meters and can be increased with range mods.

    you could even change Chaos to maybe defense strip instead so everyone gets armor/shield stripped under the affects of chaos or make this an augment 

    Absorb i kinda thought it's about time they change the augment to give you 100% movement while it's active so you can run and jump but maybe not bullet jump unless you turn it off. 

  5. Phage



    Proboscis Cernos


    we could use some more unique melee/secondary weapons 

    if they gave lets say the stug an overhaul sora like the nukor to what the kuva nukor got or cycron with being a much improved changing beam secondary that would be huge and maybe make the alt fire like how the original stug shot but much stronger and more deadly or give it an akstug so two guns and twice the damage/fire rate, not that i'm a fan of the stug at all but look what an incarnon did to the ceramic dagger that thing is just mean in its incarnon form so beefing up the stug with like an akstug or turn it into a infested beam weapon would be cool.


  6. I really want a Rubix cube skin for Dethcube sentinel 

    wooden wagon wheel skin for Octavia rollerball or something equally funny


  7. I haven't linked my account yet because i'm confused and worried i will screw up and delete it so i'm leaving it unlinked.

    i'm on PSN and wanted to link it to PC but i only really play on PSN.  the problem is i can't trade with some of my clan members who have linked their accounts but i haven't and DE should fix this so linking doesn't have to mandatory for trading with anyone at least in the same clan because it's honestly been stressing me out not being able to trade and i really think DE could've made this linking system easier then what they implemented for the users to have to do ourselves risking our own accounts if we F up.

  8. is primary blight/frostbite/whatever the electric arcane is called.  are these arcanes better or worse then say using primary merciless ?

    i totally forgot these existed because of how many arcanes i own and maxed out and was going through my list and saw i had one of each of these.

    i was online earlier looking at my builds and thinking of grinding out these elemental arcanes and was gonna do builds around them since the meta has changed so much with modding the i can actually do something different for a change with pure elements as part of my builds.

    this would especially be easy with weapons that have built in toxin/cold/electric like kuva/tenet weapons and most of mine fall under toxin and i think one or two electric kuva weapons and a bunch of tenets have toxin and radiation.

  9. 6 hours ago, johnno23 said:

    Google result copy paste. it seems the only hiccup is choosing the correct account to keep as the primary so as you have all your resources plat etc i suppose keeping that as primary is best and play on a PC and have access to your items. if the PC account does not give you access you can just delete that one and still have all you resorces etc etc on the PS and then look for more info. I only use the PC version on Steam so sorry i can not offer more help.

    • Linking: Ideal for those with a main account, this lets you designate one as your primary. Its progress, items, and most purchases become accessible on any linked platform (e.g., Switch, PC, Xbox). Remember, linking is a permanent decision.
    • Merging:  Create a powerful unified account by merging multiple eligible ones. Your chosen Primary Account keeps its progress while resources, cosmetics, etc., from other accounts are added. Account merging is ONLY available for accounts made before November 24th, 2023.

    So merging window is closed then

  10. I wanna be able to use my PSN account for all systems if possible.  Anyway I can't trade with my friend in my clan because of her mismatched information with her merging her main PSN and PC account together. So I order for me to trade with her I read I gotta do the same thing, is this correct?.

  11. Grave decorations for different religions would be great added into the game instead of just the pile of stones and such that we have to work with.

    I built a memorial site in a clan's dojo years ago to remember some friends and i did the best i could with the decorations that the game has and then it got harder to work on the memorial site when my step father passed away in early 2020 from ALS so i added a grave in game for him and then my older brother passed from huntington's disease late 2022 so also added him so i wanted to add a Cross for each grave but can't seem to find those in game since my family. 


  12. The chase for these Lich type enemies to me is the fun part and the weapons having different elements on random weapons, incarnons tends to be set and forget you haven't been able to do much with those besides have a build up meter with a overpowered attack that has to be recharged after it gets used up.


    the five  forma thing was annoying as hell that is a downside to all lich/sister weapons but i did like farming those weapons a lot more then grinding for relics and prime parts over and over again because at the end you beat the lich/sister and get the completed weapon with no build time just the weapon.


    I've hunted i think over 150-160 liches/sisters now and have gotten a lot of ephemera's and have been selling them for plat so i can't complain.

    at this point i don't care what the next versions are called if they are narmer or infested i just want new lich/sister/infested/RIVALs to hunt damnit !

  13. every time people comment in a stream about the same thing in mass amounts DE on stream do not comment on that topic at all for some reason.

    is it because that's what they are currently working on and its hush-hush or they are not working on it ? 

    like every stream i'm in like a ton of people post about Infested Liches and nobody at DE comments about it at all.

    I'm just really confused how so many years have gone by since we had kuva liches and sisters released and DE never mentioned anything about it.

    honestly hunting these things has been one of the most fun things to do but i've gotten bored of the current ones.

    • Like 4
  14. so the steel path exists for hard fights and people still don't think thats end game enough when enemies can go up to level cap ?

    I think people like that need to go play other games like soulsborne stuff and leave my poor warframe alone its got enough of an identity crisis going on with everything else in this game as it is.

    every week I do circuit with my clan mates and fight steel path so i kill stuff that goes pretty high and get my rewards and i don't complain about wanting more end game stuff people need to chill out.


    one thing i don't want in this game is Raids that is one big headache. sure it's considered end game content but it's also a pain in the ass if you have a clan that not everyone is active all the time like mine and then you gotta pull in random people and show them how to do the raid fights for that one evening and if they suck well you just wasted time teaching someone how to do it for nothing.   my clan is a total of about 8 people but only 5 or 6 are active but all on different schedules and maybe 3-4 of us get on once in awhile at the same time. so really  raiding would suck for a clan like mine and i imagine for other small clans too.

    • Like 1
  15. one underline thing with Nyx's obsorb should be changed and thats pulling in energy weapons from teammates and friendly fire this leads to Nyx players losing all energy and forcing them to abort obsorb early in order to release the energy otherwise they go to zero pretty quick.   I've been on both ends of this in the past now granted I haven't played my nxy in like the past 6 months to a year i don't know if its ever been changed. and when i play her i use her psychic bolts a lot for armor strip and chaos for aoe stun but obsorb mostly to walk around and tank Liches or sister fights lol.  

    I kinda think they could change Nyx theme kit I mean if its a psychic based frame then add more options maybe Pyrokinesis, Telekinesis, these could be new augments for nyx if anything I never liked mind control. hell the pyrokinesis could be an augment for psychic bolts they strip armor and do heat damage to the target maybe ? doesn't have to be broken just has to be an improvement to the kit.   

    Telekinesis- you could make this an augment for chaos to target enemies and lift and throw them at other enemies...yes i said it pick that grineer up and yeet them at the other guy with your mind !. 

  16. 3 hours ago, Loza03 said:

    Have you completed the Entrati and Necramech syndicate progression? There's lore available in the Necramech Syndicate room, clockwise from the bottom from 7:00 (with the door behind you). It'll clue you in that, yes, these Requiems do have significance, and the proper order of the Poem.

    Yes. I completed everything but i guess i must've missed the hint for the poems, thanks for the tips.

  17. what bugs me about the kuva lich words is a clan member of mine had an idea that the words have some kind of poem connecting from each word you place in the right order.

    but the more i thought about it the more i got confused because each lich i killed/converted the order was different mostly.

    i really wish DE would give us a hint on if the sentences on each word meant something significant or not.

  18. this whole riven system is weird and throws everything out of wack.

    some of my rivens have all positives on them for good weapons but nobody will buy them because they don't have a negative because its makes the positives stronger which is kinda dumb. so if i have a riven with crit chance and damage alone its trash compared to crit chance,dmg and  -something thats stupid. having no negative should make it more worth while to use.  

    rivens shouldn't even exist for the already strong weapons, rivens should've been for the weapons don't need improvement that could be used more not the 1% that are already strong. 

    i have rivens for rubico crit chance & damage nobody will buy because of no negative 

    i have riven for hek with 3 positives nobody wants because no negative 

    but i have rivens that have 2 positives and a negative nobody will buy because they aren't high enough stats aren't the right stats or not a top tier weapon 

    seriously WTF is wrong with the community. so only weapons like nukor, bramma bubonic and a few others people wants rivens for with god rolls and they want them CHEAP as well. this is frustrating as a whole and DE should reevaluate rivens and fix this problem at its core.

    i kinda thought when rivens first came out they would be a good alternative or additive to builds so they could fill in a mod slot.

    i'd honestly prefer if they removed things like crit chance, crit dmg and other things and instead put more focus on elemental damage so you have say your 60/60 mods, 90 element mods and rivens with whatever combination of elements so if i had a riven with eletric & toxin i'd have a really strong corrosive build to wipe out steel path grineer PDQ

  19. 45 minutes ago, (XB1)DarkForceLegend said:

    Fair enough...

    I do know in the last devstream that they talked about armor. Although it seemed it was directed more towards enemy armor, but it could be a potential rework across the board. 

    I agree that alot of the older frames could in fact use some touch ups. I like to call it the need to modernize due to all the new stuff they have learned over the years. The new warframes have synergies with in their kits that make them feel whole. Older frames, while they do still have their place, that shean is gone and out dated in a lot of regards.

    I don't know if I quite understand what your saying about the energy problem. I am aware that if your in a long endless mission that some abilities can become worthless because of leeches and the like. Me personally, I tend to stay away from frames that have channeling abilities or have a high energy demand when fighting certain factions. It's tough to go against corpus if your relying on abilities for survival being that you could get ripped out at any time if your not careful.


    energy problem to me is the channeling and overall cost of abilities. we have a good amount of duration mods to pick from but not many mods like streamline to reduce cost aside from fleeting expertise which is kinda terrible if your frame needs duration and no other mods i've seen reduce cost besides those two. i suppose i just come across too many magnetic proc's since i run into energy problems often enough for this to even come up as part of my topic lol.

  20. 8 minutes ago, (XB1)DarkForceLegend said:

    I'll be honest, I didn't read your entire post... shame on me, but Nekros!? He is probably in at least the top 10 most tanky frames if you build him right. Dare I say, I feel your struggling with a lack of knowledge of what's possible. My advice to you would be find a frame you like the most and work on that one frame. When you work on a frame and take it to a point that your happy with the results, it helps clarify what's possible and will help you down the road when you move on to other frames.

    While your working on a frame and you come to a crossroad of "hey, my frame needs more energy" then go look it up in the Warframe wiki for all the different ways to manage energy. Hell, just type in energy into the search and see what pops up. The point is, you are you. While we all can give suggestions and such, but in the end it has to be you that creates your own builds. That's why copying builds from others is hit or miss. What works for one person may not work for another.

    Hope this helps, most of all have fun!

    well the fact that i'm MR28 and i've been playing on PS4 since 2014 says something lol.

    i've put a lot of effort into what is possible to do with some frames but i still feel like there should be improvements to old frames or make new ones with certain focus points. 

    does DE ever intend to "Balance" this game at all or fix armor scaling because no matter what either we are overpowered or the enemies are.

    DE could do something about abilities that drain energy overtime and more so to ones that drain it harder and faster when active longer since these are the types of frames that may not last long on endless missions. 

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