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Posts posted by (PSN)SlyFox5679

  1. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)thegarada said:

    I think there are enough WF with AOE abilities. AOE abilities are not meant to one shot level 100 mobs. Frames armor goes into a bigger discussion about frames survivability. It is no secret, some frames can maintain almost 2 order of magnitude survivability over others. Adding a bit of armor would not solve that. 

    it won't solve it however having low armor on a warframe really sucks being just about one shot in high level missions.

    this is also why i mentioned improving abilities to remove armor from enemies so i'm not just using my guns to strip armor and there are other sources that have a wider range to do this if people would speak up about improving abilities of existing warframes that can do this. having better methods on removing armor/shields means easier to kill not really one shotting since the enemies can still be a threat to you even if armor is removed.  hell just throwing it out there but my kavat with sharpened claws mod removed my liches armor completely yesterday.

    I can say i've probably spent more time playing the older frames then the newer ones.  such as i'd take my frost prime for a defense over my gara since it seems like its harder to pop a bubble then it is to break parts of a glass wall.

    i kinda think DE is just churning out warframes and not looking at the big picture in end game where these new warframes could fit in a group. and ability synergy could be improved and scaling.

    guass & grendel are two examples of warframes that i don't know if i'd see them being used in any major end game stuff like arby's sorties kuva related missions


  2. I've noticed a lot of warframes lack a good AOE ability for high level play and the ones that do are usually at the top of the pile that have good scaling and the only ones that comes to mind would be saryn & mesa.  I play a pretty good amount of warframes but i notice when i play with groups a severe lack of originality with mostly saryn being used and instead of nerf saryn why not beef up other warframes that have established AOE abilities ?. 

    some of my favorites besides saryn are frost,mag,nova, rhino,volt, oberon ect but these all have some form of scaling issue that need some augment mod to make it work better when the augments would just as well be incorporated into the ability itself and lower the ability strength requirements for some warframes to strip/remove/reduce armor.  one example of this could be mag since its polorize can remove armor with high power strength but it needs high duration for this abilities range so modding space is iffy at best to get high strength to affect enemy armor.

    another thing i have an issue with is why the bad armor numbers for most warframes they go from anywhere from 50-150. 150 isn't too bad but 50 & 65 is just terrible starting armor for any warframe and the ones have this much are really squishy caster warframes that don't really get enough love as it is. what some caster warframes get is bad reworks or non at all and are stuck as a utility frame focusing around one ability.  just a couple examples of these issues is nekros with 65 armor and has no offensive attacks really and if you call soul punch a damaging attack at all it has no real damage same for terrify at this point in time terrify is more of the useless side. now if it did damage of some kind for every enemy running in fear would be a new AOE with good scaling damage would make this interesting.

    suggested frames that need reworks

    nekros soul punch & terrify to something more damaging 

    mag armor stripping change required strength to be duration, crush animation needs to be faster and wider

    saryn remove scaling spore damage and change to shooting spores for damage

    frost first two abilities need an update,



    buff warframes with AOE abilities,

    buff base armor of warframes,

    buff armor stripping/removal/reduction from abilities

    ,incorporate augments into warframe abilities.

  3. 1 minute ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    it's confirmed that the next major updates this year will involve bringing the Corpus into Railjack; we get more Lore on how the Corpus was founded (we know they were around during the Orokin Era) and we'll be dealing with their Capital Ships. we will also likely see Corpus Liches, or whatever equivalent. the next Nightwave is also going to be Corpus Themed, and we still have one more Orb Mother to be revealed, which means more Fortuna updates.

    don't worry, before the year is out you'll be sick of seeing Crewmen, we all will lol.


    good to hear as it stands i think i've killed more grineer the cancer lol

  4. 2 minutes ago, kapn655321 said:

    These things come in waves.. and sadly there's no possible way to develop as fast as we can totally immerse ourselves in and complete content. They do plan on making corpus style railjack and Lich, just gonna' be a little while still. Keep in mind, we didn't have Fortuna style corpus for about 6 years or so, but as far as I'm concerned they're hitting a good stride with evolving the concepts they've learned over 10 years of development. At least now, we know that it's on their to-do list.

    good to know that DE is putting in the effort to try and flesh out other factions. 

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, kapn655321 said:

    Fortuna was within the last year. In the grand scheme of things, they just got a serious come-up. Fortuna is rough unless you're equipped with the right stuff for them specifically.

    That's true i just felt like its lacking for corpus content where the grineer have way more related stuff to do including the liches and railjack.

    but then we should have some sentient content coming up with new war whenever that is coming out.

  6. While playing i was noticing the lack of new content involving corpus faction.  this should be something DE could address and give us a new high level anything to do fighting corpus.

    the last notable thing corpus was involved in would be Fortuna and some disruption. but they have not been involved in a mainline story quest in awhile if ever.

    I can't remember given i completed all the story quests so long ago lol. maybe DE could also do somethig about corpus tech weapons and make them relevant again.

    it gets mind numbing when all i'm really fighting is grineer. 

  7. They need to make BP's squad wide if one person picks it up EVERYONE gets it. now this is causing problems with players since if you play with randoms and get a commander on a mission someone will hop out and kill it without saying a word to the rest of the team so they get the kill and BP and to hell with the rest of the team. this has happened over and over again this sort of greed is stupid and should be punished by a vote to kick option in which that player loses all they gained in the mission. why should i as the pilot let this S#&$ slide they ninja kill a commander get the BP everyone needs and finish a mission. this crap happened to me and a friend we did a few missions with randoms and 2/3 missions randoms would hop out kill commander even after we say DON'T do it until thats the last part of the mission so we all get the BP at the end. on top of this a random doing this would say "its fine nothing dropped" meaning they killed commander anyway after being told not to just to say its fine nothing dropped pissed me and my friend off so much that we aborted mission and set it to friends only and did it the 3rd time with just two of us and got a BP to drop and we were happy. 

  8. I started playing railjack i was stupidly dumping resources into salvages weapons and ship parts and then hours later or days i'd find better ones like starting on MK1 anything and then i'd get an MK2 or MK3.  I'd  start building those and if at all possible it would be great to refund all resources from non finished salvage projects so they can be used on better ones without selling the finished items since we get maybe 50% of the 100% we put into anything build which to me is really stupid since some of us take all day to farm materials for one thing to be build so getting 100% resources back from selling/scrapping something after its been built would be much better.

    Weapon Blueprints Quellor & Pennant, these don't drop often on console and aren't squad wide when picked up this needs to be fixed so if one player goes to kill a commander and they pick up the blueprint EVERYONE gets it so there isn't arguing about who goes to kill a commander. I had to listen to this yesterday i joined a group of randoms on RJ and one got off the RJ and killed the commander and said nothing about doing it and then said nothing dropped and this triggered the other guys yelling over open mics about the one guy who should've waited for EVERYONE to get on the galleon to possibly get the drop.   the fact that the blueprints only go to whoever picks them up and not to the whole squad creates a massive problem.  since if the blueprints only have a 5% drop chance per kill and not everyone can get off the RJ because of what they are doing to make sure it survives again it creates a massive problem.



  9. I'd love to play my MR27 account thats on PS4 on PC & Switch so i have both and would hate to start over however i'm not sure how they would carry over clans since i'm the clan leader of my PS4 clan and again would hate to start my clan over since i've dumped tons of resources & plat into it

  10. 11 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    DE clarified this in a stream:

    Unlike the other Exilus mods that only add small stats to the frame, and sometimes don't affect the abilities at all, nearly all Augments change how the base Ability functions.

    Any mod that changes, adds or band-aids an actual function of the ability, such as changing how the damage works, changing its range, etc. All of that counts as a full mod, and takes up a full mod slot.

    Even the ones that help out rubbish abilities, like Mesa's Ballistic Barrage, the Augment adds status to the shot as well as damage, and that would be powerful if the base ability wasn't so bad. That counts, even if you wouldn't normally put it in a build.

    The Augments that do not do any of that, the ones that only add base movement to a Warframe or change how an ability itself moves (Octavia's conductor actually stops the roller moving and places it like a regular deployable) go in the Exilus.

    You can see the trend; Valkyr's Hysterical Assault, causes her to move to a new enemy when targeted, but doesn't affect any other stat of the ability or add anything else to Hysteria itself. Nova's Escape Velocity adds movement speed to Nova after using Warp, it does not affect the stats of the ability or add anything to it. Mesa's Waltz allows her to move while in Peacemaker, but again doesn't change any of the stats or add any other function. And Conductor simply places the Resonator roller at a location of her choosing instead of letting it free-roam, adding nothing else to the ability.

    Meanwhile, augments that do add movement but don't go in the Exilus are ones like Assimilate, where Nyx can walk slowly while in Absorb, but it also changes the base stats, like adjusting the size of the Absorb bubble while preventing Allies from increasing the damage manually, and then allows extra functions, such as using her weapons while it's active. It changes the ability itself, therefore it costs a full mod slot.

    Do you see the difference?

    Now, if you were to concentrate on fixing all the Abilities first, making each Augment worth using as it is, then sure, you might have an argument to allow more of them, or all of them, into the Exilus. Or if you changed all the Augments so that they didn't actually change what the base ability does, but gave you better movement options while using them? Again, sure, that would allow them all to go in the Exilus.

    But until Augments themselves, or specifically the Abilities they affect, are all useful picks in a mission... I don't think the ruling on what goes in the Exilus and what doesn't is going to change.

    Ok i get what your saying, i must've missed the stream that they talked about this.


    • Like 1
  11. I noticed a couple augments can be placed into the exilus slot but no other warframe augments and was wondering why DE hasn't just made this an option for ALL warframe augments to be placed into the exilus slot ?

    this slot should really have access to any warframe augment mod.

    it's not as if allowing all warframe augments to be place in the exilus slot would destroy frame builds or anything it would just be another good option.

    i'd say most of my frame builds use either power drift or cunning drift since extra power or range is a big help but having another option for just using an augment mod would open up new build ideas for players.

    • Like 8
  12. Just now, Wrum said:

    following the host would be good

    Yeah it would if that was a thing but its not and the NPC running around just adds absolute chaos to Arbitrations that nobody would really want.

    had two Arbs today back to back defenses and both failed because the NPC died and i couldn't keep it under a frost bubble because the rest of the party moved around too much but my other idea was working until host migration. my other idea was stealth arrow from my ivara on the target but thats a pain in the ass to keep up having to hit a moving target with an arrow ever 20 seconds or so.

  13. 6 minutes ago, Zelmen said:

    If the NPC had any logic it would be better. The fact it walks around like a lost puppy it was makes it terrible. If 4 players can learn to stand together in frost's bubble, the AI should do the same. If they make it like the specters in that you can tell it to stay or follow would make a world of a difference.

    maybe the NPC should follow the host and in most missions with clan mates i'm the host and i usually play frost so it would be a hell of a lot easier.

  14. the tenno that runs around and we have to keep alive is a really annoying mission type for Arbitrations and I don't believe anyone enjoys having to chase this guy around trying to keep him alive for the entire mission and Arbs to me are hard enough without this type of mission type and i think most players prefer to defend a stationary pod.

  15. 2 minutes ago, Xzorn said:


    Nidus is a hard frame to do quick missions with. The augment kinda works for that but also doesn't.

    You technically only need 16 stacks to function and the augment reinforces his campy nature but also gives him quicker stacks. It makes him more mobile I guess but if you're in a survival or something it won't matter much. If you're doing some stop and go stuff if should help but that's where one could argue you don't need 100 stacks anyways.

    I spend way more forma than needed most the time myself. I don't want to make it sound like you wasted time. It's just how Nidus functions he's a god regardless under lvl 200. Pop a link and you're good to go. Nothing is going to kill him with Link up and weapons do enough damage on quick missions he doesn't need to stomp much.

    I ran my sorties today using my umbral nidus build and had no problems.

    I don't stay moving 100% of the time sometimes i gotta stand still and help CC/damage groups that my clan mates are having trouble with as well 16 stacks are fine mostly but i like to feel like a god so getting to 100 stacks is usually my plan in long missions lol.

    yeah i get what your saying however the most time i've spent in a survival for example is 1hr maybe 1hr30min, i am a vet at the game on console for what its worth and my clan is not exactly the hardcore types that wanna spend hours upon hours in one mission they are more about put an hour in and get out and move to something else.

    on a side note my clan mate used umbra mods on inaros and got nearly 8k hp which is godly hp for any frame and i thought i could do something with nidus but i suppose that could be just a dream lol. FYI i used my umbral forma on my saryn prime 😛


  16. 5 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

    Why use his augment? Nidus is one of those frames that grows as needed. There's not much reason to increase stack gains.

    I don't use Umbra on Nidus cuz well... they don't fit right. He's one of the few who can use all three as well making it more difficult.

    For a quick comparison using Adaptation will give you more survival than all three set mods together.

    The rest is a bit of preference mixed with late level experience. Most will want to go Guardian x2 for highest eHP possible but relying on Hunters / Rage for energy gains can become problematic, esp with Leech Eximus. I find it's not really possible with Blind Rage unless you also use Primed Flow. Technically at highest end of Nidus performance he also doesn't use gun damage, he uses guns for status so his Virulence can do that mighty 180k per stomp damage. Weapon Arcanes are pointless as a result.

    It all depends how you're playing. I can tell you at high end Nidus doesn't fit right trying to use Umbras and at low end it hardly matters. Personally I use an Energize set and a Grace or Guardian set. The Energy leech is almost constant past lvl 200, esp with Grineer so you need those procs along with Primed Flow to keep stomping. Nidus also has a decent amount of CC and distraction so I find it's better to rely on myself and my own kill rate rather than hoping enemies hit me hard enough.

    So in other words i just wasted some formas and time to make a good build to play with. well S#&$.

    I figured with augment faster stack building helps survivability incase enemy kills me and knocks off some stacks

  17. 1 minute ago, Datam4ss said:

    Would use Adaptation in your Vazarin Slot over Power Drift, TBH. But in that case I would rather build some efficiency instead of energy pool as your returns from getting shot decrease for an equivalent level. Doesn't really matter though.

    For Arcanes I would personally recommend Grace or Avenger.

    I would use grace if i had it lol 

    i haven't farmed eidolons in awhile 

    swapping power drift out for adaptation i go from 196 to 181 strength

    the energy cost isn't too much of a problem but with a big enough pool its easy and i can energy dash so constant uptime on regening energy

    my other build No photo description available.

  18. I find that some new and old frames suck after some reworks and to me are just unplayable vs other frames 

     Ember this frame could use a total rework and i don't think world on fire is going to work one way or another and maybe DE should just make a new ability that has good damage scaling without loss of range and increased energy cost.    an idea to change WoF would be make it a AoE attack like hydroids barrage except it would be flaming meteors that hit the ground leave a scorch mark on the ground that burns anything that walks into it and if enemies get hit directly take large amount of damage on impact and damage over time and panic/stun or it could reduce enemies armor like frost avalanche & oberon reckoning.

    Accelerant change to where casting speed buff works on allies as well. 

    Change fire blast to a defensive ability, when using fire blast it could have a stun/damage over time/knockback where enemies can't walk/run in or past the fire blast.

    fireball should have a trail of fire when activated and add a homing effect so it will go after enemies you target and maybe go through walls like barriers but not thick structures 

    add augment to ember like chromatic blade so energy color or secondary energy color adds element on top of the innate fire effect.


    honestly elemental warframes like Ember,Frost,Volt should all be immune or heal or gain some form of buff/healing from being affected by their own elements


    Ash bladestorm i just don't know about it, i played ash prime last week for a few missions and having to basically highlight all enemies and activate it seems kinda meh especially when other players mow down the highlighted targets before you could hit your 4 again. I know bladestorm was maybe too easy originally but then again this rework just seems tougher to use in groups.


    Nyx  the latest rework just doesn't seem like high level worthy and abilities that make you slow or stationary kinda suck so obsorb could use a change like the augment used for obsorb give obsorb that affect and give it normal movement speed and the same energy drain rate as Valkyr's hysteria and keep the damage to energy drain as well so its not as if nyx is invincible and runs the same risk as valkyr just in a different way and nyx can release obsorb at any point and release the built up damage like normal.

    Valkyr could use a rework, ripline & paralysis to me never seemed like very useful abilities and warcry could be changed or just add in warcry effect to hysteria so when you turn your hysteria you get the attack speed boost and add in the augment that lets you jump on enemies as a alt fire button you can use and maybe let you alt fire jump to more enemies near by say within 10-20 meters.

    Trinity replace link with something better, this ability people were using as a nuke and otherwise seems like a crutch,maybe give trinity a damage ability like how oberon has renewal for healing,hallowed ground for damge/buffing, I don't see Trinity often in missions and i wonder if its because of its lack of damage abilities.


    overall i think most frames need scaling damage output so they aren't just trash clearing frames

  19. 1 minute ago, sharkstrangler said:

    I know where you're coming from, but the game shouldn't be any easier than it already is. Of course it may be annoying to farm orokin cells, but it's not hard.

    Of course it may be frustrating to fail a Mastery Test, but you can practice it as many times as you want, and get to know it like your imaginary girlfriend.

    Yeah it sucks that it takes a whole day to build catalysts, formas, and reactors, but these are items that are essential to the core of the game, and I think deserve such a high build time for how helpful they are. (Additionally you can buy them for very small amounts of platinum, especially for formas, where a 3 pack costs only 35p.)

    maybe so but this is more or less stuff that people could say is quality of life changes for the game.

    i mean i've been playing five years on PS4 and i have made tons of formas and stuff and if i could've made more per day either buy shorter wait times or having multiple would've gone a long way. the weapons that are in clan labs for example you need one or two formas to build those weapons and for new players that are in clans that is a real pain to go through having to build one forma every 24hrs.


    the mastery test retry to quality should be an option for anyone and if you don't wanna retry and go back to practicing you should do that but i'd rather keep trying the real test until i get it done instead of waiting 24hrs. because i continue to go at things until i get them completed and i'm sure there are plenty of players that do the same.


    on a side not how long have you actually been playing this game ?

  20. 1 minute ago, sharkstrangler said:

    I don't see any of these being necessary for the game in any way except to make it easier for you. Big no from me.

    it would make things easier for a lot of players not just myself.

    try to think of the long term playing, these are things that benefit everyone.

  21. 1,make resources tradable. DE could make this another option with trading, for example i have nearly 550 orokin cells i'm not doing anything with and i'd rather trade some of them to clan mates that could benefit from them and same goes for any other resource i've piled up over my time of playing the game. 

    2. let players attempt qualifying mastery test as much as they want instead of having to wait 24hrs for another attempt at it.

    a player can practice all they want and still fail the real test for whatever reason so just drop the 24hr wait so either we can try it again or make the wait much shorter because honestly failing the test is punishment enough why make the players that fail wait a whole day to try again ?

    3. reduce build times for stuff like formas,catalysts,reactors ect reduce the time down to 10-14hrs instead of 24hrs or let us make multiple at the same time.

    the warframe and weapon build times are more or less fine its not like you are going to make the same frame or weapons over and over again like formas.



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  22. the wait really is garbage, i just practiced my MR27 test like 4 times and figured out a way to get it done with loki prime and titania but when i went to do the real thing with titania i got destroyed once and lost all the points i flew around and grabbed because i had to turn off my 4 to drop the points in and then was stuck waiting for points to respawn because of one death and i can't redo the real test until tomorrow night 😕 I WANT A DAMN DO OVER !!!!

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