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Posts posted by (PSN)SlyFox5679

  1. 6 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    My other half of the statement mentions a point where they said "#*!% it", or someone from the dev team could just hate the cold or they may have some logic we could not comprehend. 

    you could be right but it still sucks to forma any gun to squeeze on a 90% cold mod lol

  2. 20 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    Mod polarity was supposed to make sense sue to each attribute being for a school, survival, damage, utility, healing etc. At some point they just said "#*!% it" and things are as they are now (and to be fair weapons should have damage mods while Warframes can have more than that) 

    A health siphon kitty was mentioned so fingers crossed for that. 

    Probably?maybe? there is one happening for jupiter, so it may happen in a few years. 

    The Kdrive races give more standing than they did in the very beginning. 

    Your pet would rather die than be in your presence. 

    so if thats true about mod polarities how do you explain cold damage mod 90% is vazarin for example where as the other three 90% mods are naramon ?

  3. 6 minutes ago, DarkRuler2500 said:

    Would you rather wished that your thread remained entirely unanswered?
    None of these information that you asked for are stated already so there is no knowledge.
    And Devs dont leak stuff in the forums... they leak stuff in streams.

    if anything i would think my last two questions would be easy to answer since they are more or less existing issues vs the first few that are just things i was wondering and thought i'd ask.


  4. why is there a lack of useful mods for vazarin  polarity for primary & secondary weapons as well naramon for beast only has one mod

    will we get new kavat breeds or even a infested kavat ?

    will there ever be a update/tile change for the void or derelict ?

    have the k-drive races been fixed so we can get more standing now or no ?

    why doesn't my pet revive with me when i revive ?

  5. I regularly use a kavat for missions and i'd love to know if there is any chance of a pet update to add new breeds of kavats including a infested kavat as well as new fur patterns including rare patterns kind of like kubrow lotus & abilities.

    I find it a little weird that the kubrows have had five breeds and a infested version as well but kavats only have two breeds.

    I imagine a pet update is probably pretty far down on the to do list but i'd just like to know if anything is going to be done for pets anytime soon.

  6. well my clan is maybe what you're looking for 🙂

    my PSN SlyFox5679 i'm the leader of Undying Freedom and we are a small clan but we get S#&$ done

    most players in the clan are older players so you and your friend would fit and and are more then welcome to join us

    hit me up over the weekend here and i'll shoot you an invite.

  7. On 2018-12-19 at 3:16 AM, Tellakey said:

    The Profit-Taker fight, as any high-level mission, belies the game's biggest flaw: horde-shooting. Where other games call for calculated movement, an ebb and flow between defense and offense, and just generally using your smarts, Warframe is a mess reliant on statistics. The bigger your number the longer you persist, skills be damned.

    This both mitigates the sense of satisfaction a player earns for overcoming a hurdle like the Profit-Taker, at least in my case, and significantly relegates the pool of viable Warframes at high-level missions to a handful. Vauban's being the least played Warframe nails this on the head - players can't use strategy, it is useless in this game. Players only use big numbers - frames like Saryn, Nidus, Mesa, Volt for offense, frames like Rhino, Limbo, Nyx, Inaros for defense. A niche frame built around tactics creates an impediment in a game where booms and bwaaazzz are where it's at, and even these prove fragile in missions where enemies can 1-shot your entire shield and health pools absent a buff.

    The horde in 'horde-shooter' is also an impediment to progress. One cannot feasibly hope to handle a throng of mobs all shooting at you 360, all while setting up traps, hampering your abilities, draining your shields, health and energy. The only way one may last in such conditions entails a spasm of disjointed hopping around while shooting randomly with AoE weapons, spamming your stronger ability. The Profit-Taker is a perfect showcase of this phenomenon.

    The combat system is fundamentally flawed. DE, you must move away from horde-shooting into calculated, smart combat a la Mass Effect. Take inspirations from the likes of Dark Souls, For Honor, Monster Hunter - games that demand the player to think - and forego the Diablos and Skyrims of the gaming industry. No, I am not saying become those games - that would be ridiculous - I am saying learn from them.

    Melee 3.0, on the surface, appears to be a step in the right direction. Gone are the mindless combos locking you into an inflexible state. Now you can choose which exact maneuver to employ. Clap clap, more of this, less of damage mods.

    I love this game and want it to evolve. It pains me to see all of your creativity bogged down by a flawed foundation.

    Best of luck.


    I think some frames need reworks or updates to their kits to be more viable vauban is one such frame. it was good for handling almost everything and then corpus bubbles became a thing when i use vauban even now i never use it vs corpus its usually infested and maybe grineer since neither have bubbles to pop before using CC.

    Mass Effect was a good game overall and the cover shooting was good but at the rapid pace everything comes at you in warframe cover shooting mechanics wouldn't work.

    however i did use more the space magic characters more then heavy gun users.

    the mechanics with enemies hitting your shield and health so easy makes me think of Borderlands 2 since the higher you go on that game the harder it is to survive but different kinda mechanics in that game too made it great.

    Melee 3.0 should be interesting but i'm not a big melee player but maybe i will after that update.

    maybe DE could look at focusing on more CC and less big damage. one of the spiders you fight has a ton of defenses armor,shields,overshields ect i had the wrong loadout on my primary and this thing was a pain to kill solo but still managed because i had a secondary and melee that had the right ones. now i don't know how the spider boss fight will be since i'm on console. 

    raids as a whole in a game like this could be tricky to work with because of the fast paced nature of the game and the players and raids tend to be long and involve lots of teamwork and thinking to get through and i spent years on World of Warcraft and some of the fights were brutal and weren't over in say 1-2 minutes like this games boss fights. I'm used to boss fights that would take 10-30 minutes depends on the group makeup and battle plans.

    Monster Hunter World i frequently play you actually need to do a bit of research and grind out the gear and know how to fight the monsters, i have a bunch of different set loadouts for almost anything i can think of and all give different results. now if DE were to go a bit in the MH route then we'd be hunting big creatures that won't go down easy with our elements,status effects and tactics in mind and the more players the bigger the health pool of the target. i would welcome a monster hunter game in warframe universe. 

  8. 29 minutes ago, -SDM-NerevarCM said:

    CC still is a thing. If the enemy can't move, its easier to kill. And CC scales better than damage. Doesn't matter the enemy level, enemies will stay CC'ed while damage falls off at higher levels.

    But now you have CC and Damage with armor strip to kill enemies. Both are viable.

    Before, damage wasn't viable at all. Before, CC was broken. We had frames that could immobilize the entire map and even recent spawned enemies. CC was just a button to turn off AI.

    Nullifiers are A LOT easier to deal with now. Combas too. They became another useless fodder in the enemies roster. You see, you kill and move on. At least before, they were a challenge.

    The problem are the excavators not the infested.


    If you scale down enemies and players in the same degree, then you will change nothing.


    Yeah i suppose overall my post was a waste of time and brain power to even think calling this stuff out would help lol.

    I just got done playing a 1hr kuva survival, I was loki prime to kinda see if loki's kit even matters much anymore and it still does an amazing job.

    the rest of the team was mag prime,saryn prime, mesa prime. so nothing survived very long and what did was either getting its guns jammed by mesa or having no guns at all from loki. nobody went down or died at all either which is surprising but then again skilled players aren't that hard to find.

    I suppose i've noticed a lot more damaging frames being used over crowd control over the years and less CC which is what got my undies in a twist here.

    I still believe the balance is an issue that should be addressed and someone should tweak it.


  9. I'm not sure if this was ever either one touched or addressed but i remember when crowd control was a thing almost more then having the strongest guns or abilities and i miss those days but i do like critting something and the target is just gone in one or two hits as well.  I've seen a number of things that have been mentioned in the past that DE could maybe fix. like armor scaling on grineer unit's gets out of control after awhile. corpus nullifiers and any version of shields being used by the rest can get insane pretty quick when you have 2-3 or more all coming towards you with big ass bubbles that are just a pain to pop. and the last time infested were a pain to me was last week running a pluto dark sector excavation where me and a group of randoms had gotten to 25 digs done and then everything fell apart with deal with so many overpowered infested that would one shot excavators.  Now i'm really wondering if DE likes the game being unbalanced or they don't know how to balance things I honestly don't know but i've been playing this game since release on PS4 and i do run a small clan and the people that have stayed with me while i run it are great players and even they find the balance to be more then a bit off at times.  I personally miss the early days where crowd control was king and frames like vauban,loki and other more CC focused frames had a place in a squad.

    which kinda brings me to a side issue of sorts, why hasn't vauban's kit been reworked or damage scaled up at all ? or even changed since the grenades aren't that useful and vortex damage should scale and maybe changed from magnetic to something that would actually work better on invested & grineer since vortex only matters vs corpus. I mentioned vauban because i used to enjoy using this frame and even bought a couple tennogen skins for it but the frames kit makes it outdated to use now mostly.

    I'm sure someone commenting will ask me how i'd fix the balance or something along those lines and to that person i'd say i'd have no friggin idea how to begin besides maybe scale it all back some to a degree from enemies armor,shields and damage and do the same to the players so instead of us doing however much damage say if we do 100k worth of damage now scale it down to 50-75k or however you do the math of this game the point is balanced gameplay should have a spot in the mechanics.

    my top 3 frames when i started the game in early 2014 were excalibur,nova & rhino when my clan was started and nowadays end of 2018 frost,mag,(Fortuna contrent) sarym rhino,oberon for most other content.

  10. 1 hour ago, AndouRaiton said:

    I don't know if there are specific rules but there are normally 2 "styles" of WF youtubers; the serious type that gives builds and does reviews on weapons and frames, the other is the sh!tposter, which normally make memes and stuff and stuff in the game. Being 1 type doesn't mean you can't be the other, so it's totally up to you how you go about it.

    oh ok i'm the leader of my clan and i'm pretty much the guy teaching my clan how to improve on modding frames,weapons and tactics but i probably need to learn more myself and i try to be funny while i'm at it.  I need to probably learn basics of recording,loading videos up and editing since i know little to nothing about any of that. but everyone that knows me thinks i'd be good as a youtuber and probably make good money but dunno if it would be enough to support someone like me.

  11. 4 minutes ago, TheResult said:

    Looking at the patch notes; using the Ostron mining tool means you won't be able to find gems when mining in Fortuna, and using the Ostron fishing spear means you'll damage the fish when you use it in Fortuna (which I assume means fewer rewards/standing.) I'd definitely save my resource booster until after I buy the Fortuna variants with Standing.

    ok so i'll be grinding for new tools then gotcha !

  12. We are looking for some new blood to add to our roster, we are a rank 10 shadow clan, all research is complete and up to date with exception of dojo colors

    I am the clan leader and am willing to help whoever joins and i will either expand your mind or make your head explode whichever comes first...

    PM SlyFox5679 if you want a clan invite

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