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Posts posted by (PSN)SlyFox5679

  1. Personally I think retiring stuff for fresh up the drop tables is silly. Instead of reduce the trash rates and normalize  bit the normal stuffs and let able to grind all in game stuffs.


    Always come new players so why punish them not to get stuffs what have in longer time players.


    I kinda think they should move some prime stuff to some other towers or make some new towers for new prime stuff so whoever doesn't have the older prime stuff can get it anytime they want.

  2. Isn't the Phage considered a shotgun and, coincidentally, given the shotgun buff? I ask in earnest because I have only ever used the Phage for, maybe, a day before giving it up for something else so I don't know if it received some sort of buff.

     yep its a shotgun class weapon

    Two things I want to see: focus fix & today


    They might eventually come around to making Vauban Prime, and what's the problem with Phage? I was under the impression that Phage is a powerful and unique weapon.


    there is always room for improvements/upgrades on weapons

  3. Vauban Prime & Phage 2.0 


    the dev's have been going down the line making primes of warframes and i'm sure a lot of players would love a vauban prime as much as i would.


    Phage i've been using for a long time since its release, love the weapon and think it deserves an upgrade.


    the only thing i'm not sure of is if phage would be something like a prime but not by name since its not orokin.

  4. Which build page are you looking at? If you are looking at the build in-game?  Or are you looking build page at warframe-builder.com?

    If you're looking at the build on the website, do you have these check-boxes checked off (see pic below, circled in red)?


    You'll notice that in the pic above, I do not have the CRITICAL/PELLET or the DAMAGE VS CORPUS boxes checked, but in the original pics and links I did have them checked. With those boxes un-checked, you can see that the damage numbers are pretty close to what you are saying--essentially, those are the damage numbers before you take into account the damage from crits or the bonus damage vs the Corpus faction from the Cleanse Corpus bane mod.

    In my original reply, I had those boxes checked so that you could see how much damage you were getting--crits included--because you were using Primed Ravage to increase your crit damage multiplier to 4.0, and I wanted you to be able to compare that to my build with only the base 2.0 crit damage multiplier and with the extra damage from the bane mod.

    In-game, however, those things (crit damage and bane damage) are not calculated into what you see in the arsenal, so you really don't see how much more damage you are getting (or are not getting, as the case may be) by having those in your build... as such, the result is that you end up seeing numbers like what you described in the arsenal--numbers which are not looking at the whole picture.



    the website is the warframe builder i was talking about sorry for not being more clear.

    with the build http://warframe-builder.com/Primary_Weapons/Builder/Phage/t_30_30302222_170-0-5-171-1-5-172-3-5-175-2-5-178-5-5-190-6-5-482-4-10-546-7-5_170-6-171-11-175-6-172-9-482-7-178-8-190-5-546-6/en/2-0-42/0


    i'm looking at 

    2316.6 toxin

    4633.2 magnetic

    2574 viral

    this is in game atm so what your telling me is the cleanse mods do increase my damage vs the corpus and others since i have cleanse mods on all 3 builds but it just doesn't show at all.

  5. Your builds look pretty strong, and I'd expect would lay waste to most any enemies throughout the star chart.  I'm gathering you want to eek out every bit of possible damage potential, though, so here's my 2 coppers...


    While I'd make a couple changes to all the builds, I'll focus on your "C" build (vs Corpus) since that's the one you indicated you were uncertain about.


    Based on the builds you described, here's what I came up with on warframe-builder.com...


    Your Corpus build:




    In addition to just the basic damage info that we can see alongside the build, I also included the damage details; you can see how the different damage types affect the different aspects of Corpus enemies you'll face.




    Here is the way I'd build the Phage vs Corpus:




    Comparing the details between our builds, there are a few things you'll notice:


    • Instead of going "all-in" with only Magnetic damage, I went with both Magnetic and Toxin.  The reason for this is that Toxin damage ignores shields, and that damage is applied immediately to the enemy's health.  As soon as the health is gone the enemy dies, even if it still has shields remaining.
    • I don't use Primed Ravage.  Since the Phage only has a 10% base Crit Chance, crit damage is not going to be contributing a lot to your damage output, even if you increase the damage multiplier from 2x to 4x.  Instead, I opted to go with Cleanse Corpus, which boosts all damage by 30% against Corpus all the time, which is much more reliable.
    • Instead of a 4th element mod, I opted to go with Seeking Fury.  This helps with increasing the reload speed (which isn't that much of an issue, but hey, faster is faster) but most importantly it gives the weapon punch-through.  Since the Phage is a limited range weapon, you want to be able to kill as many enemies within range as you can; punch-through enables you to hit multiple enemies at the same time with your beam (which effectively doubles, triples, etc, the effective damage output depending on how many enemies are getting hit simultaneously) as well as enemies behind cover.


    Hopefully this is helpful/useful for you.  If so, and if you'd like me to go over what changes I'd make to the Grineer and Infested builds, I'd be happy to do that--just let me know.



    i'm game for any improvements on the builds, i just try to crank up my damage as much as possible.

    although since i use nova prime & hydroid most of the time in towers not much survives against me :-P



    i have totally different numbers with this build 

    4633.2 magnetic

    2574 viral 

    2316.6 toxin


    is this correct because on the build page its different

  6. Not sure if I'd go for Primed Ravage on the Phage. Its base critical chance is pretty low, paired with the fire rate of 1.0 rounds/sec it won't be hitting crits very often.


    It can often be worth modding for corrosive/blast vs. Infested - whilst gas is good against the lighter units, it's the corrosive damage that hits the Ancients and other big daddies extra hard, and once the difficulty starts ramping up it's those guys you need to take down fast. The blast damage also deals extra damage vs. Ancients, and if you have good status chance on your weapon, the blast proc will knock stuff on its feet, which is perfect for slowing down mobs.


    I've only got three forma on my Phage but for Infested I went with a blast/corrosive status build, with some punch-through added via Seeking Fury (currently not enough capacity for Seeking Force).


    It's been a while since I've used this weapon, but for a Grineer build, you could try cold/corrosive combined with the innate viral. The radiation is nice vs. the heavy units, but you'll generally encounter ferrite armour more frequently, so corrosive may be more effective. The cold damage still does bonus damage against alloy armour (Bombards/Napalms etc.).


    Corpus build looks pretty nice, perhaps could work some toxin damage in there too, as that will bypass enemy shields and damage their health directly.


    maybe i'll try some of these changes and drop primed ravage, it didn't make much sense to use it but i wanted to because i don't have any other shotguns really but i'm going to change that getting the syndicate hek shotgun or was it the tigris that was a shotgun ? pft anyway i'll get one of them lol.

  7. I have managed to crank up the damage on my Config A & B to about the same but C is a bit of a problem
    and i'm not sure if combustion beam would help at all with overall damage since everything tends to die anyway and i removed shotgun mutation for more damage since i used my powers as well so if i run out of ammo at all its not a big deal and was trying to figure out if adding more crit chance would help or hinder.
    could also use a bit of help working in corrosive to the builds too.

    6 forma's 
    2x -
    6x v

    A-Infested build
    3009.6 viral
    9028.8 gas
    24% status chance
    contagious spread 90% toxin
    incendiary coat 90% fire 
    toxic barrage 60% toxin/status chance
    blaze 60 fire/extra damage
    primed point blank 165% 
    primed ravage 100% crit damage
    vicious spread 90% damage/60%spread
    hell's chamber 120% multishot

    B-Grineer build
    3009.6 viral
    9028.8 radiation
    24% status chance
    charged shell 90% electric
    incendiary coat 90% fire
    vicious spread 90% damage/60 spread
    scattered inferno 60% fire/status chance
    blaze 60 fire/extra damage
    hell's chamber 120% multishot
    primed point blank 165% damage
    primed ravage 100% crit damage

    magnetic 7722
    viral 2574
    frigid blast 60% cold/status 
    shell shock 60 electric/status
    charged shell 90% electric
    chilling grasp 90% cold
    hell's chamber 120% multishot
    vicious spread 90% damage/60 spread
    primed point blank 165% damage
    primed ravage 100% crit damage





  8. i see your points, i should've really said something about maybe this being an option for mastery tests say 10+ ? 

    every test after 10 has been a pain to me to the point i sit with a full meter for a month or more before i really wanna bother with the tests and recently i started trying my luck and have had no real luck on this one and found out i can use my mesa's ability to shoot everything around but my downfall is the wall running portions to get to the higher platforms and my timing on jumping and moving aorund is just total trash.


    this is all what led me to the topic of paying to pass tests because i'm good at a number of things on this game but agility type tests are tricky.

  9. i've failed my rank 13 test i don't know how many times and i'm pissed and i'd love to find another option to passing these things maybe paying platinum to auto pass these tests but i'm sure some may agree or more disagree because these show a challenge to some players and the right to have the high mastery rank and all but i find it just an annoyance and i really just wanna get past these tests.

  10. i say nay but i'll try it anyway can't hate something i haven't tried :-P

    part of me saying no is because of the numb nuts one of my clan members wants to bring who were removed from our clan not too long ago.


    this update is almost at the same time as GTAV heists which i hear will be 4-man raids for the most part which i'm interested in as well.

  11. Well in that case, I guess this system could work. But still, DE is going to have to make this worthwhile and actually bring something to the table. I already do see a few problems with this system now that I actually think about it. One problem is, will it be based off on the mod ranks or Warframe rank? Think of it this way, if as you say, shock through a snowglobe will cause a magnetic AoE, will the effect/damage be based on mod ranks/strength, Warframe rank, or will it just have its own separate system?


    As much as this system sounds great and useful on paper, there are a few factors that need to be taken into consideration. As it stands, I don't see how DE could pull this off, unless somebody has a viable system/mechanic for this. Also, how would this system synergize with 4 random Warframes? The link that SlyFox5679 posted and the idea in that other topic only seems to work with a few given Warframes. This means that if you want to pull this system off in a match, you are going to have to bring specific Warframes. What if players don't want to use Frost, Saryn, Volt, or Ember? What if the players decide to use Rhino, Loki, Mirage, and Trinity? How would these Warframes' effects/skills synergize with each other? Either DE is going to have to create a new damage/effects or some special secondary Aura/Augment mod slot or create a secondary mod system to work alongside the mod customization system we have right now. By this I mean that we are going to have two upgrade systems, one for the Warframe itself and a second system for the special effects.


    Or better yet, we can have a tech tree system implemented as well so that as you rank up your Warframe, you get to select special skill sets/perks that can synergize with specific frames. But this might make us a bit too overpowered and make the overall damage/customization system way too complex and situational since even more factors will have to be taken into consideration.










    given we are talking about frame combo's the damage output would be based around the rank of the power since frames don't really use powers as far as i've seen anymore.


    i haven't thought all the way through on this idea as far as non element frames but i'd also figure if your frame doesn't work with the elements then any weapons with elemental mods would be a good substitute. 


    having two systems i don't see being too hard for DE to come up with since they have done good work so far

    one for the frames and another for the special effects could be done.


    hell look at the warframes,weapons and all the mods to use that is one hell of a deep system as it stands

    but to me when i see a game with multiple elements i see it should involve combinations of those elements


    such as i haven't seen too many games that you can hit an enemy with lighting that is standing in water or anything of that sort.

    i've seen this in one or two games that i can think of and in this case "Infamous" series would be good one to point out

    and the sequel had the use of electric,fire & ice but i don't remember combo's of the elements really.


    I'd also think a new kind of tech tree would add some more depth to the games already interesting system.


    I can honestly say this is one of the best games out that is in the F2P catagory 


  12. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/139124-elemental-frame-combinations-in-damage-20/


    this link is exactly what i was looking for, since i wanted to start a topic about this very thing and on top of that.

    i wanted to mention that water & air should be included in the frame elements and should have mods for water and air

    water frame=hydroid air frame=zephier 


    i'd throw into the mix hydroid & volts powers since water conducts electric and that undertoe and shock or overload would fry a lot of enemies trapped in undertoe.


    another idea could different element combo's for powers like zephers tornado's with much stronger damage since they are elements from powers and not mods.


    i think rhino is supposed to be earth element but doesn't seem to have a noticable attack like other elements

    i suppose rhino stomp is still an attack but not something that seems like it would contribute to any combo's.


    could see a combo with hydroid & saryn making a toxic water element of some kind.



  13. I noticed i don't get inbox messages anymore after killing a boss or doing enough operations before a stalker or G3 attack.  last night i was soloing ODD and a stalker killed me pulled me right off a tower and bam i was dead.


    is it just me or are stalkers more overpowered then they used to be ?.


    the G3 attacked when i did about 7/10 operation missions i was going for two sets of 5 when they attacked thankfully i wasn't alone that time and we beat the piss out of em'.

  14. Hi, i'm new to the forums.


    i was talking to a clan mate and came up with some suggestions for the game although i dunno where to post it or anything but anyway here goes.


    was going to suggest 1 & 2 hand mace weapons like a ball mace and stuff but just noticed i think the game has mace type weapons.


    tenno shield off-hand, two moves with this your basic block and shield bash would be great for those tenno's that like to fight like a warrior good with any 1-handed weapon,a third option would be captain america shield toss move it would bounce off of objects and enemies would be bad &#! !.

    these shields could come in a few styles

    buckler, tower, and some elemental based shield i'm thinking at least.



    on screen counter for how many enemies you can affect in any ability of your frame.


    introduce flying invested creatures with bat style wings or something else cool looking.


    add water,air,earth elements to the elemental mod list since we have hydroid - water frame, zephir- air frame, not sure if rhino is a earth type frame but would be another idea if it isn't.


    could give rhino a projectile move with something like rhino stomp but this stomp would make a chunk of the ground fly up and rhino punch or kick it toward enemies.

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