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Posts posted by Currystador

  1. So I just got back into the game recently after not playing for about a year, and I got a new 144hz monitor and a gtx 1060 and i7 950 (Yea I know its old, but it doesn't bottleneck the gpu too much, I can play games like The Witcher 3, PUBG, Ghost Recon Wildlands... all intensive games at atleast 60fps)

    So in theory, it can run the game at atleast 120 on everything maxed. Problem is, the game doesn't give me an option to go higher than 59hz on fullscreen, and I don't know how to change this. Also the intro cut scene to the game tutorial is very stuttery, (like 1 frame every 10 seconds) and it's impossible to get passed it.

    Edit: Now I got it unlocked to 144hz, but now when I try going on fullscreen it just freezes the game.

    Edit 2: So now I just can't get passed this stupid cutscene with vor. Everytime I get on the game, it just freezes but the game still plays behind me.

    Edit 3: I overclocked my CPU from 3.0 to 3.8GHz and still same problem is happening.

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

  2. yeah no.

    PvP should STAY with the PvP area.

    it's not funny, it's not fun, and in practice it'd end up with either "who shoots first" or "who's the OP one?"


    Keep your crappy PvP OUT of our PvE game. you wanna invade people? go play Dark Souls. Warframe is for Co-Op


    seriously needs to be a vote DOWN button for all these fracking "Moar PvP" topics

    this is the kind of S#&$ attitude that keeps the PVP in the game from growing and getting polished.

  3. So basically all you need to do to make a game have a huge jump in playerbase is to get this guy to stream your game,

    Like holy, you dont know how many people I've seen with MR0.

    Idk, I thought it was pretty funny, but what do you guys think?




    he's still doing it right now, and has for a while


    and apparently now hes technically made a wtf is again on this game

  4. Lol. (no pun intended)

    They're completely different games, and league is a farrrrrrrr more competitive game.

    Counter strike for example is competitive, and is also one of the most played games in the world.

    Basically, competitive games, will imediately get you some points, but they also need to be fun ( which lol players obviously think is fun)

    The only similarities is that they're both f2p.

    Btw, i also hate league, but Im not afraid to state the facts.

    League isnt popular just because of its f2p system.

    If they made you pay for it, I would bet 100000% that it would be almost just as popular

  5. From what we've seen so far the latest iteration of Parkour 2.0 is nowhere near as fast as coptering. Coptering being gone will make the game unplayably slow for anybody who's long bored of the repetitive corridors the game takes place in.

    if you get bored of the repetitive corridors, then what are you playing? You're just getting from point A to point B and getting a reward, and doing point A to point B again to get another reward.

  6. Love the idea should be an augment mod so that people who like the bow the way it is can keep it that way. Someone suggested this but the damage should be split up between each arrow kind of like how shotguns work. Would make sense given it's high base damage. Lord imagin thunderbolt with that, that'd be awesome.

    no. why have an augment? I dont know anyone who in their right minds would ever prefer 1 arrow over 3. And if the arrows damage was decreased, then the drawback time wouldn't make sense. (and the 'lore'? of the bow wouldn't make sense) But making an augment is a bad idea because that for 1 takes away a mod slot, and 2, why not have the bow have a unique twist from all the other ones?

  7. don't really think it'll be worth it, I mean we have like 10+ auto rifles, they all fire 'shots', and they're all basically the same mechanics-wise 

    plus I doubt it's possible, I mean it's a 'long bow', really hard to hand, and the accuracy would be terrible, and if it'll fire 3 arrows then ammo consumption is gonna be really bad. what if there only 1 enemy? and I don't understand why you can fire 3 arrows like this ' X X X ' while crouching O.o 

    Its not whether its possible or not. This is a game, we can make things up.

    And if theres one enemy, you just kill them however you want.

    The ogris or other weapons that are meant for aoe, can't you say the same? What do you do if there is 1 enemy. You either use your bow, or you use melee, or whatever you want to do.

    And ammo consumption can then be one of its downfalls too..


    And the reason it fires horizontally while crouched is because the bow is held like that...

    When you're standing its held vertically, when you're crouching its horizontal

  8. But not in the way multishot works. 3 arrows as in you litterally place 3 arrows on the bow. 

    And when you are firing it normaly (aka standing, the arrows will go vertical. like

    (X is arrow)






    And when you are firing it while crouching, the arrows will go


    X  X  X


    That way it will have a real unique mechanic to bows...

    Of course, if this is too OP then adjustments can be made, but yah.

  9. Not really sure what you mean by that.


    They have to eat, and they have no income other than what they make from this game.

    no cause the fact that people say "DE needs to eat" is like they're barely getting food on the plate.

    If the excuse was DE needs to get money, thats fine, cause thats totaly true

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