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Everything posted by PainTako

  1. DE doesn't care about balance. Any attempt by DE to "balance the game" is a farce since they almost never touch things that have been in the game for too long be it weak or strong. The only thing they care about is if too many people use the warframe/weapon/combo, or a large portion of people are complaining about the setup. It's their usual shtick. Either complain as much as you can now, and hope they revert some of the nerfs due to outcry. Or Dante will be trash until his prime comes out, maybe not ever. Who remembers Revenant on release when everyone thought Danse Macabre was a funny ability that fell off pretty hard, and DE nerfed it anyways since a lot of people were using it in Hydron. Who remember Ember's old World on Fire which was only good on starchart, but since it killed enemies "too quickly" it was gutted. Who remembers that Gauss can do all of this in starchart and even faster and still hasn't been nerfed when it's his subsumed ability. Or what about Saryn, or how Octavia can infinitely kill enemies while being fully immune to damage and her entire team can be by teabagging the ground near her. What about Mesa who is nigh unkillable while killing nearly everything in her sightline. Dante is only better than Gauss since his damage scales better (but barely), but he isn't better than the other three. Yet none of them are going to be touched. Saryn isn't going to get LoS nerf. Yeah, it's a small balance adjustment. Sure DE, sure. Revert Dante's unjustified nerfs or balance the other frames. Don't do a half-ass job like you always do.
  2. The changes to Dante are honestly really big. An entire removal of a mechanic on one of his verses, LoS change, and a 60% efficacy reduction for overguard generation. As with other major changes/reworks to gear there is typically a forma refund via an Arsenal Refund. Can we get this if you're going to dumpster the new frame because one guy complained.
  3. Really frustrating this is still happening.
  4. I can't help but feel like this is a little too much of a nerf. Roar affects allies, has 5 more seconds, affects abilities, and makes DoTs stronger. Eclipse needs an augment to affect allies. I'd suggest a softer nerf, if you feel 150% from helminth is too much, why not 75% or 100%? As it stands there is no reason to subsume Eclipse as I think almost everyone would be picking Eclipse exclusively for the damage buff, which roar would be better, or the DR. Not both.
  5. We both know for years now players have been able to easily do level cap content, if you have forgotten a clan you were in required people to rank up to do runs with 4 players where enemies reached levels in the thousands. Also on the topic of damage attenuation even since they introduced it iirc back when they added liches, they have continued adding power creep. It also took them quite a while to "fix" archon attenuation, after all it was found pretty quickly how to nearly one shot them. DE will never be able to make hard content when we have shield gating abuse, mesmer skin, iron skin/warding halo, invisibility, and countless other problems of balance. DE isn't going to fix balance, and honestly I think they've had far too long to show they can. Their latest solution was a dps cap this time. And while you could drop your fps to single digits to more or less avoid it, I doubt it was intentional and I doubt DE won't be looking into fixing it for their next boss adjacent foe they want to add that should be a "challenge". And obviously this also includes immunity to abilities, oh and will no longer blind to invisible players because Octavia could cheese the murmur boss with little effort. Warframe has, and will only ever be hard if you choose not to abuse blatantly op mechanics. And honestly, at this point the only reason I think they do this stuff is for pubs. So "newer" players feel like they're contributing since the boss isn't dead by the time it spawns in.
  6. Except trials back then died out with a whimper, no one cared. None except the what, 10% of the community we were back then? The typical player still thought raids were an incredibly toxic environment from select few horror stories from a few outliers in recruit chat. Or surmised that from recruit chat requirements. Hell most didn't even know they were a thing, why care if it gets removed? Even though we both know there was an entire discord server dedicated to helping people learn and do raids with a strict rule that there would be no experience requirement, and basically no gear requirement aside from "You have to mod your stuff". They killed raids because they didn't want to upkeep them anymore. Regardless of what we want to believe, they did break all the time. Just look at the Meatball bug in JV. How earth rework made LoR entirely broken for stage 1, and somehow all the pads in tram phase 2 were gone. Or when batteries randomly starting charging at a much faster speed. Or what about the random rock that blocked the entire vay hek arena entrance. Or the... I understand what you mean though, I just wish DE would actually care about balance and not just once every few years after consistently adding powercreep. Shards, weapon arcanes, galvanized mods, helminth, arcanes that add stats, incarnon weapons, and so on. It just continues to show they really don't care until things get too high in usage, which is often showing what the core problem is. Nourish is so good because energy is still an issue, while energize fixes this not everyone wants to buy/farm 21 energizes. And DE has taken 6 years to help with energize (Hydrolyst release date to arcane dissolution). While powercreep has made Eidolons easier, their bugs are still numerous. And let's not forget the Plague Star hotfix that helped the event bounties at night be easier by reducing all natural spawns like Voms, making it more annoying to do eidolons without spawn manipulation. All the way back in 2017. AoE was meta because Warframe is a horde shooter and single target weapons will never be good unless the AoE options do no damage, or can't be used. Unless you have a way to make enemies chain damage such as pulling in enemies for punch through, collective curse, or chaining. Wonder why all the incarnon weapons have chaining, AoE, or dummy thicc projectiles that pierce entities. It makes their actual balance decisions even more annoying since they hardly care until one specific thing is "too used". But I'm preaching to the choir at this point. Or will be called a hater. So w/e.
  7. And even though this has happened several times, it's disappointing each time. I assumed they would nerf Eclipse. I'm surprised that they even buffed the value of it to 350% after it now applies to base damage. I'm also assuming the "improvements" to netracells will be laughable. That doesn't mean we shouldn't voice our grievances nor does it mean we should simply accept it as is. Although I think we both know how addicted to this game some people can be and choose not to quit. That, or some simply don't care.
  8. They stated twice they would not touch mirage in the option most players voted for. Once by omission and once explicitly. They specifically wanted to know what the community wanted, and what we voted for was to keep the ability as it but make it more reliable with a potential nerf to only helminth. Regardless of personal view, or thoughts on balance, what DE did was lie. They did not simply state "we can make it more reliable with potential changes to the ability" (Which would be misleading but still correct), it was explicitly with no nerfs to mirage. Which also by extension means no nerf to how the ability works, unless they only make it apply to when the ability is helminthed. This is also when they presented another option to keep it working as it has been, just fix the issues with it not working correctly based on lighting. Do you think people would vote the same if they were instead told the can have it be: The same as it is, just fix the issues Make it a toggle, but change the final damage mult into a base damage mult. With potential value changes. Rework the ability entirely This is an even bigger nerf to Mirage when you consider she can use eclipse augment so her 4 mirrors (2 if shooting a gun) also gain eclipse's damage mult.
  9. As per this thread, DE proposed three ideas and a catch all on how to adjust eclipse, they are as follows: To summarize, the first option would be keeping eclipse as it was intended, just having DE take more effort to restore it to the original design of the ability. Which is lighting based. This presumably would take further time to come out, but they suggested it and as such would be willing to do so. The second option is a more reliable method, presuming this would be a toggle. With this there would be a caveat, this would result in a possible further nerf to Eclipse when used in the helminth system. Such a nerf would be strength, duration, or "other factors". The final option is an entire redesign of the ability. I believe most people know that we as a community voted for the second option. And DE has showcased the changes in Devstream 177. To give a recap DE stated that they would be nerfing Eclipse's DR from 95% to 90%, while the damage buff has changed how it works. It use to be a 200% total damage multiplier, but now it will be a 350% base damage multiplier. As per the option DE proposed, this was "We can change Eclipse to work more reliably, but may need to reduce its effectiveness when used as a Helminth ability by reducing its power, duration, or other factors.". This was written by DE as an option, it's explicit wording is to state that it would only be a nerf to helminth users, if at all, but would stay the same for Mirage. This is not we voted for, but this is not what we got. They are reducing the DR by 5%, while I understand this is a minor change DE intentionally said they'd might be nerfing the ability for helminth users, and mirage would remain unaffected by any nerfs. They are completely changing the damage ability however, even if the % increase is higher, since it is a base damage increase instead of a total damage increase it's a nerf. To give an example: Let's take Acceltra Prime for an example. It has 44 base damage, 34% crit chance, 3x crit multiplier. We will mod it with Serration (+165% damage), Cryo Rounds (+90% cold), Infected Clip (+90% Toxin), Point Strike (+150% critical chance), Vital Sense (+120% critical damage). For Mirage we will be taking a build that is targeting 278% strength for both examples. Old Eclipse has a base strength of 200% damage increase, with 278% strength this totals to 556% damage increase. It is a final damage multiplier. Acceltra will have 116.6 base damage, with 209.9 viral damage. It will have an 85% chance to crit for 6.6x damage. On a normal hit we will deal a mixture of 326.5 damage, and 2,154.9 mixed damage on a crit. Eclipse will increase this to 1,815.34 mixed damage on a normal hit, and 11,981.244 mixed damage on a crit. New Eclipse is a base strength of 350% damage increase, with 278% strength this totals to 973% damage increase. This is a base damage multiplier. As such we have to adjust Acceltra's damage numbers, the new damage of Acceltra is 545.16, with 981.29 viral damage. This is a total of 1,526.45 mixed damage on a normal hit, and 10,074.56 mixed damage on a crit. This is a nerf to Eclipse, and the community was lead to believe Eclipse would stay the same functionally, but possibly be nerfed more for Helminth then it was already. DE nerfing Eclipse not only is disingenuous but also an objective lie. As when they gave us these options in the megathread they stated: I would urge DE to uphold what they first suggested and revert Eclipse's values numbers and revert the damage multiplier changes. With this they should do as they stated which would possibly nerf it for Helminth. I would also urge players reading this to hold DE to their word.
  10. I mean I guess this is the best case scenario if you guys for whatever reason are backpeddling so hard on making them additional weekly acts. At least now you're not punishing people. Should've been like this since that start if you weren't going to make them additional.
  11. So the additional permanent acts that was touted as a boon for all players even ones catching up is actually a system intended to screw over players trying to catch up? Wasn't the whole point of nightwave to be an easily accessible battle pass that you could do over the course of it's runtime while skipping acts you didn't want to do, or finish up near the end?
  12. While doing a pub run I killed the teralyst, during the capture animation it just despawned and failed the bounty. https://streamable.com/bu4176
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