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Everything posted by CapinHands

  1. and like many events before when they end, the trophy is awarded. So I have to ask since no trophy has been awarded with the ending of the event. "where's the beef" or was this just another "DE failed to communicate to players" that the rewards would be issued at a later date. which this event seems to have more than it's share of.
  2. "Turning in during all of those weeks qualifies you for gold." A gold what? Reb said it was a Entrati lab room during the WITW release. Surely the laurel was not the lone reward. Don't they usually reward the dojo with a trophy to show how the members came together for said event, hence the reasoning for terms such as Silver and Gold placing. the truth is nobody really knows because the communications for this event have been spotty and "revamped" a number of times for whatever reason. just need to keep the players and those 42k+ dojo owners informed. After all those are the people that got their members to run 14 million missions. but i'm sure some White Knight will come along and say i'm wrong and DE was right the whole time.
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